List of Bill Votes in the Imperial Federation: Difference between revisions

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|Suggestion by coolcacha97: each town of IF is required to have a resident board
|The Senate of the IF approves a state visit to the IF by the Princess of Winterbourne
|The Senate of the IF votes to overturn the granting of Khione Senate Representation
|The Senate of the IF votes to grant Senators of Khione a more limited role where they cannot see important government channels/snitches
|The Senate of the IF approves inviting Icarus to the FCC alliance with Pavia and Venne
|The Senate of the IF grants Khione the beach marked by bikmik in the bills discussion page
|The Senate of the IF approves retracting Freeport's overclaim on Leibniz territory and approves the purchase of the islands outlined in the map posted by King_Cupar in the ⁠bills-discussion channel for 128d to be paid for by Spoonce which Leo Simensen will pay back later in order to avoid conflict with leibniz
|The Senate of the IF supports asking Icarus for a bilateral alliance with Icarus on the condition that neither party should make any further alliances without consulting the other.
|The Senate of the IF accepts TI's request that following the reclamation of TI, refortification of TI(with the necessary upgrades to ensure this exile doesn’t happen again), and a tour of IF, the IF might be interested in Temporals assisting with the construction of some basic fortifications in major population centers?
|IF supports granting Khione a small section of FD4 and FD5 as marked on the maps sent by Cupar in the ⁠bills-discussion page at the request of Khione
|The senate of the IF maintains Wilwithonel as High Judge
|The IF bans dual citizenship for the nations of Arnen and Gang Shi
|The Senate of the IF shall arrange a discussion with the leadership of Icarus to consider the possibility of merging with Icarus into a new nation.
|Should the IF require states to have public factories? Many citizens do not have acess to even some of the most basic factories, and they really should by now.
|Should the IF require builds to be at least 95% reinforced? If the majority of votes are yes I will donate a CS of stone to each state.
|The Senate of the IF approves renouncing Sapien's citizenship of the IF following an invasion of Gensokyo
|The Senate of the IF approves renouncing SpeedyJustice's citizenship of the IF following an invasion of Gensokyo
|The Senate of the IF approves regranting Sapien citizenship of IF with an official warning
|The Senate of IF approves announcement on game mechanics of citadel plugin
|The Senate approves all of our borders being snitched by Spoonce and Bstalio.
|The Senate of the IF approves designating Federal District 5 (Thoria) to the state of Oaklee
|The Senate of the IF approves ComradeSankara's constitutional changes to the Judiciary, Senate, and Chancellory. <nowiki></nowiki>
|The senate of the IF supports withdrawal from the Meridiem Compact and UTSS Security Compact, and further supports the expulsion of Venne from the FCC
|The senate supports stripping artray1111's citizenship. He is hurting our PR a lot. He said something like this in global today "Who would win? HC or IF?" and he also was asking about if Spleef has prot. Joke or not this isn't acceptable behavior from our citizens. Before this he has also lied frequently.
|That the Senate of the IF moves to issue artray1111 a final warning to act and speak appropriately in discord and in game. Any further innapropriate behavior will result in the removal of citizenship.
|The senate approves changing the constitution so that the King cannot run for Chancellor
|The senate approves removing Topher (Nara Citizen with no connection to IF) as the ceremonial emperor of the IF
|The constitution will be changed so that the Chancellor, Senior military and king can perform military actions outside of war, including pearl-on-sight orders
|The national anthem is added to the constitution
|A newfriend guide building will be added to Imperia, explaining rules and mechanics of game, IF states, and giving them 8 stacks of stone, iron tools and gold prot armour for completing the guide and joining IF
|A new snitch channel will be created giving citizens access to border snitches
|Senate reserves right to intervene on border disputes between states, and has administrative power over federal lands
|States cannot claim land outside of IF without consent of senate
|A new role on discord for tour guides will be created; tour guides guiding newfriends in IF must tour them to all major states if the newfriend agrees to a country-wide tour. tour guides will be penalised if they only show a newfriend joining the IF to their own state and no-where else
|Military will be reorganised: membership will be determined by military chief of staff; all current military personell will be re-evaluated and removed if they fail to attend training sessions
|Military will be required diamond prot armour, sharpness 5 diamond sword and pots to be a member of the military
|Senate reserves the right to serve dereliction notices to inactive states
|The senate approves changing the constitution so that war can be declared by a two-thirds majority of votes in the senate
|A new snitch channel will be created giving citizens access to border snitchlogs- this will be a law; not part of constitution
|King Cupar is appointed the commander in chief of the military
|Shops supporting public works will be implemented in whichever major cities have a place for them following a brief period of market research.
|Do you approve the current moderation policy: which includes that posts seen to be politically or ideologically inflamatory should be removed where possible.
|The senate of the IF approves transitioning the voting system to a system that is in-game only.
|Should having "f* joe biden" in small text of discord be kickable
|The senate approves turning federal district 1 into a military zone with a skybunker and traps
|The amendment to make access to the border snitch network available to citizens shall be passed as a law instead of a constitutional amendment so that this right can be quickly retracted from all citizens to trusted individuals in the event of a war
|Bill to Establish a National Treasury for the Imperial Federation Article 1: The national treasury of the Imperial Federation shall be established by this bill, and the budget shall be managed by the chancellor and king of the Imperial Federation. Article 2: The funds for the national treasury shall be obtained by the sale of market stalls in the mall or real estate in the capital, and by bots that produce exp, stone, wood, etc. which will be sold in a dedicated building in the mall. Article 3: The budget for the national treasury shall be decided by the chancellor and king, who shall have the authority to allocate funds as they see fit, in accordance with the needs and priorities of the Imperial Federation.The budget will be posted publicly and the senate may make suggestions or create bills to dedicate a portion of the budget to be higher or make new bills that require a certain percentage of the budget to be spent on new public works / projects. Article 4: The king and chancellor will be the only members of the government who have direct access to the treasury and knowledge of where it is stored. The king may decide not to give access to a newly elected chancellor at his discretion but a order from the senate can overrule this.
|The senate of the IF approves allowing those whose main residence is Imperia to vote in Chancellor elections, however they will not have the right to any senate representation.
|The IF Senate supports the ban on Arnen from IF territory
|The Senate of the IF supports declaring war on Arnen.


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