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In November of 2022, he was appointed the role of mayor of Lambat City, after the election process did not render any candidates. As mayor, he coordinated an international hockey game with the country of [[Nara|Nara,]] and constructed the [[Great Lazuli Oceanic Bridge]] (GLOB) that connected the country of [[Lambat (CivMC)|Lambat]] to [[CivMarket]] via horse highway. In December of 2022, he ran a campaign to join the Metro Council of [[Lambat (CivMC)|Lambat.]] During this campaign, he founded the [[International Infrastructure Party]], a party that focuses on making travel between nations easy to maneuver and figure out, focusing on creating horse highways and bridges with signs pointing you in the direction of specific countries or cities. After winning the majority vote and joining the council with [[AKJanklin]] and [[Orhint|Orhint,]] the council voted to maintain his position as mayor of Lambat City. He was re-elected to his positions again after changing his party views to that of the newly founded [[New September Coalition]] in the days leading up to the [[January 2023 Lambatan coup d'état|Lambatan Civil War]]. It was here that he shifted his focus to the development of the district of [[New September]].
In June of 2023, SamBonusG voluntarily stepped down from his six-month tenure as top official and mayor of Lambat City, seceding the position to [[AKJanklin]]. He cited his drastic focus shift to [[New September|New SeptemberianSeptembrian]] development, as well as his slowing down into a state of near inactivity due to his oldfriend age, as the reasons for this decision. By July of 2023, he had developed several buildings that became iconic to the Lambat City and [[New September]] skylines. This included aesthetic marvels such as [[Lazuli Tower 2.0]] and the New September Voting Tree, as well as the country's first diamond-ore exchange in the Bank of New September.
==Significant Events on CivClassic 2.0==


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