Mechanics and Plugins (CivMC): Difference between revisions

me when I edit the wiki
(add sah info, without any formatting, will format later)
(me when I edit the wiki)
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=== Bound armor ===
=== Nether portals ===
=== Lodestone elevators ===
=== Fixes and, exploit prevention, disabled features, etc ===
*AntiStasisChamber - disables ender pearl stasis chamber by limiting ender pearl duration
==== AntiFastBreak ====
*AttrHider - hides item attributes from other players so CIT texture packs only work on your own
==== AntiStasisChamber ====
*AutoRespawn - respawns the player after a set period of not pressing the respawn button so they can't continue to observe after dying
==== AttrHider ====
*BeeKeeping - replaces some mob spawns with bees
==== AutoRespawn =====
*BuffSpanker - disables certain buffs and debuffs
==== BeeKeeping ====
*disableIronFarms - disables iron golem farms
==== BuffSpanker ====
==== *disableEnderCrystalDamage =====- makes end crystals do no damage
==== GoldBlockElevators ====
*canEquipBanners - allow players to equip a banners on their heads by punching the ground with a banner
actually lodestones
*preventPearlGlitching - prevent going through blocks with ender pearls, also prevents ender pearls from landing at times
==== disableIronFarms ====
==== disableEnderCrystalDamage =====
==== canEquipBanners ====
==== preventPearlGlitching ====
==== disableGapples ====
what does this hack even do
===== PortalSpawnModifier ====
- noooot sure if false here means it disable spawns or is vanilla
they're outright disabled
==== *ShipOutOfLuck ====- no ice boat
*enderChestUse - disables accessing enderchests
no ice boat
*grindstoneUse - disables accessing grindstones
enderChestUse: false
*chorusFruitTeleportation - disables teleporting with chorus fruits
grindstoneUse: false
*stopBedBombingInHellBiomes - stops exploding beds in the nether
chorusFruitTeleportation: false
*stopAnchorBombing - disables exploding respawn anchors in the overworld
stopBedBombingInHellBiomes: true
stopAnchorBombing: true
*chunkLimits - limits these blocks to certain numbers per chunk (should probably be a table but idk how to make one yet)
enabled: true
exceededMessage: '&9Limit (%Limit%) reached for this chunk, you cannot place more of this type of block (%Material%).'
# PISTON: 50 Limiting pistons doesn't actually work, because all the blocks being moved are counted as the piston entities
# STICKY_PISTON: 50 So this just makes it so you can't have flying machines, etc
# MOVING_PISTON: 50 Without actually stopping placement of pistons
# PISTON_HEAD: 50 Adding any of these to this list disallows pistons from pushing them for some reason.
# OBSERVER: 50 Totally killing flying machines, they won't even start.
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*daytimeBed - allows setting spawn in daytime (although it's now a vanilla feature)
enabled*oneToOneNether: true
spawnSetMessage: '&bYour spawn has been set.'
oneToOneNether: true
stopTrapHorses: true
killTrapHorses: true
