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==CivMC's SamBonusG==
When '''[[CivMC''']] started up, '''[[SamBonusG''']] intended on settling in '''[[Mount Augusta''']], as that's where most of his friends from '''[[Mount September''']] would be winding up. However, due to a wave of political instability after the controversial election of '''[[ComradeNick''']] as governor, Sam, as well as the majority of the so-called "Septembrian Elite", left '''[[Mount Augusta''']] and scattered around the map. Sam wound up settling in '''[[Lambat''']], and immediately opened an obsidian shop and horse stable. After assisting with road construction and economy building, he was brought into the government of '''[[Lambat''']] by President '''[[Kaprediem''']] as the Minister of Commerce, which is a role he continues to fill to this day.
==Significant Events on CivClassic 2.0==


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