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==== The First TNSC Crisis ====
''Main Article: [[TNSC-Acadia Conflict]]''
In late July 2021, the controversial player 'Rainie' [[RainOfPain125]] from [[CivRealms 2.0|CivRealms]] and CivUniverse started playing on CivClassic, choosing to settle close to the north of Acadia with a group of newfriends and establishing 'The No State Commune' <ref>Claims of TNSC: [ link] (reddit post)</ref>. This immediately resulted in an uncomfortable situation as, due to previous drama on CivRealms and CivUniverse, Rainie held bad blood with some prominent Acadians and other civ players, including Cortwade and JuniorTide, whom Rainie considered to be 'violent anti-communists'.<ref>Rainie POV: [ link] (reddit post)</ref>
In late July, Acadia saw a new neighbouring nation; [[The No State Commune]] (TNSC), led by [[RainOfPain125]], also known as ''Rainie''. Due to past tensions between Rainie and several Acadians from earlier servers, mistrust led to a series of hostile events/accusations, leading an Acadian military operation to disable TNSC’s bunker on July 28, in order to prevent TNSC from becoming a potential security threat. The operation caused a failed impeachment attempt against Minister of Defense Egi due to unauthorized use of force. The fall-out of the operation led Acadian Minister of Interior and Rainie symphatisant [[Zombie_Striker]] to inside Acadia, breaking two diamond tool factories and leaking Senate chats, and to Rainie being temporarily banned after doxxing an Acadian citizen, either intentionally or unintentionally. TNSC was afterwards renamed to Consortium under the new leadership of [[Hawkeye0066]], who managed to establish a good working relation with Acadia for the next two months.
While Acadia initially meant to settle for an uncomfortable peace, a number of issues quickly sprang up. As raidings kept being an issue in Acadia, one of them involved a TNSC member, [[Hawkeye]], who was caught in the act though immediately released after an apology and returning the stolen items. However, not much later, another TNSC member was sentenced for raiding in Icenia, who during his trial declared that Rainie had encouraged him and other TNSC members to raid nearby places to help develop TNSC. Additionally, Rainie was accused of vandalism in the form of propaganda on JuniorTide's house, and was seen mining newfriends' unfinished diamond veins under New Turing, even though Rainie had already been declared PNG in Acadia. More serious concerns about Rainie and TNSC arose with Rainie's suspicious excursions through Acadia, especially the area where Acadia's skybunker was being constructed, and when Acadia learned that TNSC possessed many hundreds of diamonds and many high-value tools just mere days after they started playing on CivClassic, leading to concerns of a possible hostile sponsor. With Acadia soon after accidentally finding an almost finished large bunker-complex under construction in TNSC, the Acadian military elected for a pre-emptive strike on the bunker. On July 28, Egi and JuniorTide attacked the TNSC bunker, confiscating some of its contents, and disabling it by placing reinforced obsidian inside the bunker. This quickly attracted a lot of international attention as Rainie and other TNSC members made intensive use of global chat to accuse Acadia of harassing them and attacking newfriends as well as posting accusations and requests for help against Acadia on the server reddit page. This attention quickly brought a number of non-Acadian players, [[TTastic]], [[Okx]], and [[MrJeremyFisher]], who were possibly out for 500 diamonds bounty on Rainie's pearl by [[MCSPenguin]] due to CivRealms drama. They did not manage to pearl him, and Rainie was only briefly logboxed.<ref>Official Acadian explanation of the first TNSC crisis: [ link] (reddit post)</ref><ref>Explanation of the first TNSC crisis from an Acadian: [ link] (reddit comment)</ref>
Soon after, news broke out in Acadia that Rainie had supposedly been colluding with members of the Workers of Acadia Party (WAP) to set up a scheme where they funded Rainie with diamonds and in return Rainie would send people from his Anarcho-Communism Discord as newfriends to Acadia to sway the Acadian elections in favour of the WAP. One of the key WAP members in this scheme, [[Zombie_Striker]], who was elected Minister of Interior earlier, ended up leaking Senate chats and breaking Acadia's diamond tool factories before quitting CivClassic. Rainie himself was soon after temporarily banned from CivClassic for doxxing an Acadian citizen, though there is some disagreement about whether the doxxing was intentional or not.
==== The Era of Recovery====
[[File:Grand Illustration of Acadian History.png|left|thumb|370x370px|Illustration of Acadian history, made by Shadedoom (Emperor of Columbia)]]The raidings began to subside, and Acadia's strength began to grow with a succesful campaign to get prot for everyone and with the skybunker becoming operational. Activity stabilized for a while, stimulated by a wave of new people joining the server and Acadia. Additionally, Bloofs efforts in international diplomacy began to pay off as Acadia was admitted into the [[UDF]] as an associate member on August 18th, and with the founding of the [[Plus-Minus Concordat]] alliance with Fish, [[Mythril]], the [[City of England]], and soon after the [[Sussex|Ch1pR Empire]] (later renamed to Sussex) joined as well.<ref>Bloof announcing Acadian UDF membership: [ link] (imgur of discord message)</ref><ref>The Creation of the PMC: [ link] (reddit post)</ref> Moreover, the AFK-rail system [[KANI Rail System|KANI]] was expanded into the plus-minus quadrant properly linking Acadia to the rest of the server through AFK-rail, which led to increased interest in the quadrant from the rest of the server.<ref>KANI Update #10: [ link] (reddit post)</ref>
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During Kannon's term, Acadia grew twice in size with a large westward expansion, claiming the land inbetween Acadia and its close ally Columbia to the west which, with East Columbia touching Acadia on its eastern borders, created a full Columbia / Acadia northwest-northeast world border corridor, linking the Columbian main holdings with Asu's vault Rhea in East Columbia with the last to-be completed part of the full ice road connection under construction. This was essentially part of the final answer to the question of how to establish further integration with Columbia, as the political landscape in Acadia would not allow for full integration into a Columbian Federation, with many Acadians disliking the idea of losing the sovereignty they had proudly gained on CivClassic, no longer having liege as they had with Javaya on CivUniverse. The expansion included the former Chanseatic town of Vanhoover, and grass-roots movement emerged under Acadian newfriends to repopulate and restore the town, which had the approval of the Acadian government as it would legitimize Acadia's claim on the larger area.
====The Second TNSC Crisis====
''Main Article: [[TNSC-Acadia Conflict]]''
Around the end of September, Acadia was shocked by the sudden, short reappearance of Rainie, whose ban had apparently been concluded after one month. After Rainie's dissapearance the other members of TNSC had decided to rebrand their nation as Consortium with Hawkeye as their new leader, and relations between Acadia and Consortium were friendly. Hawkeye told Acadia that the TNSC members considered Rainie a dictator and they had effectively overthrown him after the events of the First TNSC Crisis. Hawkeye claimed that, after escaping from his attackers, Rainie was then hunted by his fellow TNSC members, that they eventually had Rainie logboxed, and that they had not been in contact with him afterwards. Choosing to believe Hawkeye, Acadia asked Consortium for the location of the logbox, so that they would be able to pearl him if Rainie ever logged in on his main account again.
However, Hawkeye was not very willing to share the location of the logbox, and he demanded payment of hundreds of diamonds in return. Negotiations proved fruitless and as Acadia wasn't willing to pay people for covering someone they considered to be a doxxer Acadia decided to go looking for the logbox in Consortium themselves. Egi, [[Ferro]], and JuniorTide conducted a search for the logbox on September 23. During this search several Consortium members were temporarily pearled. The search was unsuccesful, and another round of negotiations followed where, eventually, Hawkeye led Acadia to Rainie's supposed logbox. The logbox was guarded almost 24 hours a day for several days by a number of Acadian fighters and PMC allies, mostly Ferro, Tuomasz, [[Asuramaru|Asu]], and [[Ch1pR]], but Rainie never logged in on his main account again, nor would most Consortium members who, by this time, had grown fully inactive. With the attention Rainie's reappearance had amassed on the server a discussion starting to appear around whether the Rainie's ban was sufficiently long enough given the seriousness of doxxing, with the admin team eventually making the unorthodox decision to reach out publically for opinions.<ref>Official statement from Acadia during the second TNSC crisis: [ link] (reddit post)</ref><ref>Admin post - Rainie Ban Details: [ link] (reddit post)</ref>
In late September the earlier conflict with TNSC flared up again after Rainie’s reappearance following the conclusion of his ban. As it became clear that Consortium was harbouring and covering for Rainie, relations deteriorated, leading to a PMC-backed de facto occupation of Consortium as Acadia sought to pearl Rainie. As a result, Rainie stopped playing on CivClassic and Consortium grew inactive.
For many months after the end of CivClassic, a number of things surrounding the TNSC crises remained shrouded in mystery. It was unclear whether Rainie's ban was kept on one month only, or, as Rainie initially claimed on his CivWiki page, that it was extended to three months, which would mean that he would have been banned again not long after his reappearance.<ref>Rainie claiming to have been banned for three months: [ link] (imgur of civwiki comparison)</ref> It was also unclear to what extend he had been active on an alt-account during September/October, which Acadia suspected and he, contradicting his other statement, later claimed he was.<ref>Rainie claiming to have been playing during the 'three-month period': [ link] (imgur of discord message)</ref> Neither was it fully established whether Consortium had actually broken ties with Rainie as Hawkeye claimed, and whether the logbox was real or a fabrication. Rainie himself later on confirmed that Consortium never actually broke ties with him, that the logbox was a fabrication, that the ban was not extended, and that he was playing on an alt-account in Consortium during the last couple days.
====The Final Era and the End of the World====
The PMC alliance had grown with the admissions of [[Kallos]], at the time close to Columbia, and [[Jomsviking Confederation|Jomsviking]]. The alliance soon proved unstable however, when Jomsviking suddenly unilaterally annexed its neighbour and fellow PMC ally City of England during the [[Jomsviking-England Incident]], dissatisfied with their low activity which delayed their admittance into the PMC as England took a few days to cast their vote, and desiring England's plains biome for the agriculture of melons. As Acadia helped City of England with the removal of the banners, signs, and the hostile city bastion Jomsviking had placed in their city, the situation escalated dramatically as heated dicussions, especially between Acadia's newly elected Prime Minister Owain and Kallos' leader Kayla who supported Jomsviking, turned relations sour. While Jomsviking had already decided to back down, the fall-out increased and virtually all PMC members at that point planned to leave the alliance, with Acadia and Fish together moving to the re-established [[United Northern Congress (New)|UNC]] alliance, announced by [[Varkonia]] and Gabon. The PMC alliance was disbanded mere days after the original incident.


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