RainOfPain125: Difference between revisions

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(Restored page to former state, instead of providing citations about someone else's controversy on my own profile I made a hotlink that refers to his own page featuring his controversies.)
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After leaving Napistan, Rain would end up settling in [[Norlund]]. This was suggested by a user named 1234fireball who suggested to him that he should create a town and petition to become a municipality within Norlund. He would end up founding the Paris Commune and the Black Internationale while in Norlund.<ref>[https://www.reddit.com/r/CivRealms/comments/ga9kly/what_we_proclaim_is_the_right_to_wellbeing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 RainOfPain125 publicly declaring the the Black Internationale on r/CivRealms]</ref>
WhileWhiwe the Parispawis Communecommune was accepted intointwo the governmentgovewnment itselfitsewf,{{when}} Rainwain wouldwouwd immediatelyimmediatewy face opposition fromfwom the majoritymajowity of Norlundnowwund. WhileWhiwe thisthiws caused widespreadwidespwead publicpubwic outcryoutcwy, Kingking Terrytewwy of Norlundnowwund at the time, reactedweacted with indifferenceindiffewence. WhenWhewn Kingking Terrytewwy of Norlundnowwund couldcouwd no longerwongew playpway CivRealmscivweawms, a referendumwefewendum was heldhewd in which ShamelessShamusshamewessshamus became the Kingking of Norlundnowwund. As a resultwesuwt of an argumentawgument andawnd annexation of Parispawis Communecommune territorytewwitowy, Shamusshamus pearledpeawwed Rainwain. ThisThiws was seen as a controversialcontwovewsiaw move at the time within Norlundnowwund due totuwu Rainwain being a Norlishnowwish citizen andawnd the pearlingpeawwing being an extrajudicialextwajudiciaw killingkiwwing.{{citation needed}} Itiwt wouldwouwd come totuwu be known as "[[Norlundnowwund#Thethe Kingking's Crimecwime|"Thethe Kingking's Crimecwime"]]," resultwesuwt in Kingking Shamusshamus being removedwemoved fromfwom powerpowew within Norlundnowwund.
AroundAwound the same time as the bombing of CivCorpcivcowp onown Septemberseptembew 25<sup>th</sup>, 2020, otherothew citizens of the Parispawis Communecommune fought Norlundnowwund afteraftew the governmentgovewnment designated the areaawea totuwu Newfriendnewfwiend homes onown top of the Parispawis Communecommune. Because the areaawea was notnowt bastioned the griefinggwiefing couldcouwd be executed with ease. The propertypwopewty of countlesscountwess newfriendsnewfwiends andawnd theirtheiw homes werewewe destroyeddestwoyed as a resultwesuwt of the uprisingupwising. With Rainwain andawnd the Parispawis Communecommune finallyfinawwy getting banned fromfwom CivRealmscivweawms.{{why}}
[[fiwe:wevengeofpawis2.png|thumb|the aftewmath of the pawis upwising.]]
====Involvement in the Paris Uprising====
{{Main|Paris Commune#The Paris Uprising}}
[[File:RevengeOfParis1.png|thumb|left|A screenshot taken from an anonymous user who participated in the Paris uprising against Norlund authorities, showcasing two signs with defiant wording. ]]
[[File:RevengeOfParis2.png|thumb|The aftermath of the Paris Uprising.]]
Rain saw CivUniverse as an opportunity to begin again. He would end up joining the small building nation of Wyvern with his friend [[UnknownKarnij]]. This stint wouldn’t last for long as a user named Prebanned along with a friend decided to travel to Wyvern and kill Rain.
Of coursecouwse thisthiws isn’t the end. He leftweft Rain’swain’s pearlpeaww in a randomwandom chest in the middlemiddwe of nowherenowhewe andawnd the pearlpeaww wouldwouwd proceedpwoceed totuwu expireexpiwe the next day. Aftew Afterthiws this totuwu make suresuwe thisthiws didn’t happen again the councilcounciw of Wyvernwyvewn evicted Rainwain but gave him time totuwu gathergathew hishiws belongingsbewongings andawnd demolishdemowish hishiws house.
===Guthrieguthwie Communecommune===
Afteraftew thisthiws he’d move totuwu a junglejungwe with [[Zombie_Strikerzombie_stwikew]] wherewhewe they wouldwouwd both proceedpwoceed totuwu secretlysecwetwy buildbuiwd an undergroundundewgwound commune named afteraftew [https://en.wikipedia.orgowg/wiki/Woody_Guthriewoody_guthwie Woodywoody Guthrieguthwie]. At the same time Rainwain wouldwouwd join the establishedestabwished countrycountwy of Camertemcamewtem. Though Rainwain was veryvewy busy with collegecowwege which preventedpwevented him fromfwom playingpwaying often. He decided totuwu spend somesowme of hishiws preciouspwecious time totuwu visit the [[Fempirefempiwe Unionunion]].
He’dhe’d join the voice chat of the Fempirefempiwe Unionunion andawnd hang out whilewhiwe touringtouwing the nation, untiluntiw membersmembews of Camertemcamewtem raidedwaided the voice chat andawnd verballyvewbawwy beratedbewated Rainwain forfow minutes, making tens of accusations andawnd interrogatingintewwogating him randomlywandomwy in the Fempirefempiwe voice chat, which made Rainwain andawnd everyoneevewyone elseewse therethewe veryvewy uncomfortableuncomfowtabwe, with membersmembews of Fempirefempiwe asking themthewm multiplemuwtipwe times totuwu leaveweave andawnd take itiwt somewheresomewhewe elseewse. AfterAftew a few minutes of screamingscweaming andawnd accusing, they ended with saying thatthawt Rainwain andawnd hishiws friendsfwiends werewewe kicked out of Camertemcamewtem andawnd notnowt allowedawwowed backbawck forfow no reasonweason providedpwovided, with no evidence providedpwovided.
Rainwain got onown the nervesnewves of the CivUniversecivunivewse staff which ledwed totuwu him being frequentlyfwequentwy muted onown both Discorddiscowd andawnd the CivUniversecivunivewse globalgwobaw chat. RainWain frequentlyfwequentwy arguedawgued with notablenotabwe playerpwayew [[Vespasianvespasian]] who was posting content aboutabouwt racewace theorytheowy among otherothew racistwacist things, resultingwesuwting him being muted andawnd the eventualeventuaw removalwemovaw of the #shitflingingshitfwinging channelchannew onown the CivUniversecivunivewse Discorddiscowd. RainWain alsoawso regularlyweguwawwy posted andawnd advertisedadvewtised the IWWiww Discorddiscowd, howeverhowevew afteraftew an investigation by CivUniversecivunivewse staff in Januaryjanuawy 2021 they forbadefowbade Rainwain fromfwom advertisingadvewtising the IWWiww, believingbewieving thatthawt the Discorddiscowd was notnowt centeredcentewed aroundawound CivUniversecivunivewse.
{{main|the no state commune#histowy}}
Rainwain joined CivClassicscivcwassics in latewate Junejune of 2021. He spent allaww of hishiws time in oneowne town [[Thethe Nono Statestate Communecommune]]. Mainwy Mainlybuiwding building andawnd having fun with friendsfwiends. He nevernevew joined otherothew nations orow did much elseewse.
Rainwain has beenbewn a subject of severalsevewaw controversiescontwovewsies in the Civciv community andawnd isiws generallygenewawwy perceivedpewceived in negative regardswegawds at the veryvewy leastweast, andawnd at the most majoritarianmajowitawian disdain by the Civciv community at largewawge. The firstfiwst being the events surroundingsuwwounding the IWWiww electionewection andawnd how he was hesitant totuwu accept the outcome of a vote he claimscwaims was riggedwigged.
==="wainofpain" awnd "wainofpain126"===
Sometimesometime onown [[CivRealmscivweawms]], an unknown playerpwayew wouldwouwd join onown an altawt named RainofPainwainofpain pretendingpwetending totuwu be him except espousing lovewove forfow capitalismcapitawism andawnd the freefwee marketmawket.<refwef>[https://i.imgurimguw.com/V0E2Pjmv0e2pjm.png "RainofPainwainofpain" onown CivRealmscivweawms supportingsuppowting capitalismcapitawism's superioritysupewiowity]</refwef>
Anotheranothew incident involvedinvowved an account named RainOfPain126wainofpain126 joining CivRealmscivweawms pretendingpwetending totuwu be Rainwain again, thisthiws time posting racialwaciaw slursswuws in the chat. ThisThiws got the realweaw Rainwain in somesowme troubletwoubwe with the CivRealmscivweawms staff whom thought he was the oneowne onown the altawt, andawnd forfow somesowme time peoplepeopwe mistakenlymistakenwy thought of Rainwain as a racistwacist untiluntiw itiwt was widelywidewy understoodundewstood whatwhawt happened. Many lesswess observantobsewvant playerspwayews werewewe probablypwobabwy fooledfoowed because of how similarsimiwaw the usernamesusewnames werewewe.
He’d join the voice chat of the Fempire Union and hang out while touring the nation, until members of Camertem raided the voice chat and verbally berated Rain for minutes, making tens of accusations and interrogating him randomly in the Fempire voice chat, which made Rain and everyone else there very uncomfortable, with members of Fempire asking them multiple times to leave and take it somewhere else. After a few minutes of screaming and accusing, they ended with saying that Rain and his friends were kicked out of Camertem and not allowed back for no reason provided, with no evidence provided.
=== mcspenguin-wainofpain125 confwict ===
Thethe Industrialindustwiaw Workerswowkews of the Worldwowwd had recentlywecentwy gained a new territorytewwitowy named "Greenlandgweenwand" in the south of the Napistannapistan continent which hosted a huge carrotcawwot farmfawm, afteraftew the previouspwevious ownersownews gave up onown CivRealmscivweawms andawnd transferredtwansfewwed ownershipownewship totuwu the IWWiww. RainWain thought itiwt was time totuwu createcweate a new town named [[Rojavawojava]] thatthawt wouldwouwd unite the IWWiww togethertogethew militarilymiwitawiwy, economicallyeconomicawwy, andawnd politicallypowiticawwy, with allaww railwayswaiwways connecting totuwu itiwt. The idea forfow the town was receivedweceived wellweww by most membersmembews of the IWWiww, thus Rainwain went down south totuwu begin. He wanted totuwu createcweate the town next totuwu the new carrotcawwot farmfawm forfow easy access totuwu food, onown hishiws way down he found whatwhawt he thought was the farmfawm andawnd triedtwied totuwu startstawt buildingbuiwding but a bastion preventedpwevented him fromfwom doing so.
Rainwain wouldwouwd startstawt totuwu breakbweak the bastion thinking nothing of itiwt, because the landwand was unclaimeduncwaimed onown the CivRealmscivweawms claimscwaims map andawnd he IWWiww was wellweww awareawawe thatthawt previouspwevious nations triedtwied totuwu survivesuwvive onown the continent yet witheredwithewed away. MembersMembews of the IWWiww wouldwouwd periodicallypewiodicawwy find abandoned bastions, so Rainwain thought no differentdiffewent in thisthiws situation. ItIwt turnedtuwned out thatthawt the bastion belongedbewonged totuwu [[MCSpenguinmcspenguin]] andawnd the farmfawm he was tryingtwying totuwu buildbuiwd next totuwu, which he thought was the recentlywecentwy acquiredacquiwed oneowne, was alsoawso Penguinspenguins farmfawm.
MCSpenguinmcspenguin wouldwouwd gogow onown totuwu say he caught Rainwain "with smoking gun in handhawnd" whenwhewn he found him AFKafk breakingbweaking the bastion, pearlingpeawwing him onown the spot. The dispute ragedwaged with the main points onown Rainwain's side being thatthawt the landwand was notnowt markedmawked onown the claimscwaims map, thatthawt he was nevernevew providedpwovided actualactuaw coordinatescoowdinates of Greenlandgweenwand's farmfawm, andawnd thatthawt he asked chat if anyone livedwived at the coordinatescoowdinates he was breakingbweaking the bastion at. MCSpenguinMcspenguin's side was thatthawt Rainwain shouldshouwd notnowt be breakingbweaking randomwandom bastions, thatthawt Penguinpenguin shouldshouwd notnowt have totuwu put hishiws claimscwaims onown the claimscwaims map, andawnd thatthawt he repliedwepwied totuwu Rainwain's question in chat onown hishiws altawt.
Consequentlyconsequentwy Rainwain was pearledpeawwed forfow two weeks andawnd then releasedweweased unconditionallyunconditionawwy. RainWain was offeredoffewed an earlyeawwy conditionalconditionaw releasewewease if the IWWiww decided totuwu give up tryingtwying totuwu renamewename the continent totuwu Anarquisticaanawquistica, but thatthawt was notnowt Rainwain's callcaww totuwu make since itiwt was a democraticdemocwatic vote by allaww membersmembews of the IWWiww, showcasing Penguinpenguin's lackwack of carecawe forfow the circumstancesciwcumstances andawnd situation.<refwef>[https://i.imgurimguw.com/IcohWhjicohwhj.jpg IWWiww vote totuwu renamewename Napistannapistan totuwu Anarquisticaanawquistica]</refwef>
===wainofpain125-nowwund confwict===
Rain got on the nerves of the CivUniverse staff which led to him being frequently muted on both Discord and the CivUniverse global chat. Rain frequently argued with notable player [[Vespasian]] who was posting content about race theory among other racist things, resulting him being muted and the eventual removal of the #shitflinging channel on the CivUniverse Discord. Rain also regularly posted and advertised the IWW Discord, however after an investigation by CivUniverse staff in January 2021 they forbade Rain from advertising the IWW, believing that the Discord was not centered around CivUniverse.
{{main|pawis commune-nowwund confwict}}
===wainofpain125-acadia confwict===
{{Main|The No State Commune#History}}
{{main||tnsc-acadia confwict}}
Rain joined CivClassics in late June of 2021. He spent all of his time in one town [[The No State Commune]]. Mainly building and having fun with friends. He never joined other nations or did much else.
==="Doxxingdoxxing" a membermembew of Acadiaacadia===
Shortlyshowtwy afteraftew [[Thethe Nono Statestate Communecommune]] was raidedwaided by Acadiaacadia andawnd othersothews, Rainwain had quit playingpwaying [[CivClassicscivcwassics]]. Though he remainedwemained onown the rw/CivClassicscivcwassics subredditsubweddit making comments. OneOwne day Rainwain noticed onown hishiws phone thatthawt he receivedweceived two differentdiffewent notifications totuwu a post he made, both posts containing the same content, but both posts writtenwwitten by differentdiffewent authorsauthows. FromFwom hishiws perspectivepewspective he thought itiwt was funny thatthawt he caught someone using theirtheiw altawt redditweddit account, andawnd letwet the userusew know thatthawt he saw itiwt by replyingwepwying totuwu the content with a linkwink totuwu an image of the two notifications side by side togethertogethew.
Rain has been a subject of several controversies in the Civ community and is generally perceived in negative regards at the very least, and at the most majoritarian disdain by the Civ community at large. The first being the events surrounding the IWW election and how he was hesitant to accept the outcome of a vote he claims was rigged.
==="RainofPain" and "RainOfPain126"===
Sometime on [[CivRealms]], an unknown player would join on an alt named RainofPain pretending to be him except espousing love for capitalism and the free market.<ref>[https://i.imgur.com/V0E2Pjm.png "RainofPain" on CivRealms supporting capitalism's superiority]</ref>
Another incident involved an account named RainOfPain126 joining CivRealms pretending to be Rain again, this time posting racial slurs in the chat. This got the real Rain in some trouble with the CivRealms staff whom thought he was the one on the alt, and for some time people mistakenly thought of Rain as a racist until it was widely understood what happened. Many less observant players were probably fooled because of how similar the usernames were.
=== MCSpenguin-RainOfPain125 Conflict ===
The Industrial Workers of the World had recently gained a new territory named "Greenland" in the south of the Napistan continent which hosted a huge carrot farm, after the previous owners gave up on CivRealms and transferred ownership to the IWW. Rain thought it was time to create a new town named [[Rojava]] that would unite the IWW together militarily, economically, and politically, with all railways connecting to it. The idea for the town was received well by most members of the IWW, thus Rain went down south to begin. He wanted to create the town next to the new carrot farm for easy access to food, on his way down he found what he thought was the farm and tried to start building but a bastion prevented him from doing so.
Rain would start to break the bastion thinking nothing of it, because the land was unclaimed on the CivRealms claims map and he IWW was well aware that previous nations tried to survive on the continent yet withered away. Members of the IWW would periodically find abandoned bastions, so Rain thought no different in this situation. It turned out that the bastion belonged to [[MCSpenguin]] and the farm he was trying to build next to, which he thought was the recently acquired one, was also Penguins farm.
MCSpenguin would go on to say he caught Rain "with smoking gun in hand" when he found him AFK breaking the bastion, pearling him on the spot. The dispute raged with the main points on Rain's side being that the land was not marked on the claims map, that he was never provided actual coordinates of Greenland's farm, and that he asked chat if anyone lived at the coordinates he was breaking the bastion at. MCSpenguin's side was that Rain should not be breaking random bastions, that Penguin should not have to put his claims on the claims map, and that he replied to Rain's question in chat on his alt.
Consequently Rain was pearled for two weeks and then released unconditionally. Rain was offered an early conditional release if the IWW decided to give up trying to rename the continent to Anarquistica, but that was not Rain's call to make since it was a democratic vote by all members of the IWW, showcasing Penguin's lack of care for the circumstances and situation.<ref>[https://i.imgur.com/IcohWhj.jpg IWW vote to rename Napistan to Anarquistica]</ref>
===RainOfPain125-Norlund Conflict===
{{Main|Paris Commune-Norlund Conflict}}
===RainOfPain125-Acadia Conflict===
{{Main||TNSC-Acadia Conflict}}
==="Doxxing" a member of Acadia===
Shortly after [[The No State Commune]] was raided by Acadia and others, Rain had quit playing [[CivClassics]]. Though he remained on the r/CivClassics subreddit making comments. One day Rain noticed on his phone that he received two different notifications to a post he made, both posts containing the same content, but both posts written by different authors. From his perspective he thought it was funny that he caught someone using their alt reddit account, and let the user know that he saw it by replying to the content with a link to an image of the two notifications side by side together.
Rain argues that he never looked at the account before posting the image, nor did he intend to dox the user. However, his action was seen as an attempt to dox the user, of which this user was from Acadia. As a result of this, people called for Rain to be banned from CivClassics.


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