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[[File:First Sign.png|500x500px|thumb|left|Rain's first sign on CivRealms]]
Rain began CivRealms as an ambitious new player. Wantingwanting to build, make friends, organize, and in his words ''“unite the server’s leftists”.'' His goal on the server was try to “ideologically win”,{{Citation onneeded|date=July the2022}} CivRealmsand server. Rain thought that he would need help in organizing. The conclusion wasdecided to build a nation that gathered enough members and resources to defendpresent itself if presented withas a threat by others on the server.
===the Industrial Workers of the World! (IWW) ===
{{Main|Industrial Workers of the World}}
On the January 23<sup>rd</sup>, 2020 Rain established the IWW, an organization of anarchist, socialist, and communist countries on the northern continent of Napistan though the anarchist part is disputed due to later events. Rain chose this area because contesting existing claims would get him killed, and the northern continent of Napistan was largely unclaimed compared to the rest of the world.
On the January 23<sup>rd</sup>, 2020 Rain established the [[Industrial Workers of the World]] (IWW), an organization of anarchist, socialist, and communist countries on the northern continent of Napistan, though the anarchist part is disputed due to later events. Rain chose this area because contesting existing claims would get him killed, andas the northern continent of Napistan was largely unclaimed compared to the rest of the world.
When the IWW was declared on the 23rd of January, Rain had recruited some players to join the server and began to set up communes in the region. The Communes of Tolstoy and Vescau (Later re-branded as Exarchos) were established. At the time, Rain didn’t possess a PC and could only organize. Encouraging players to move up to the northern continent to begin their settlement on the continent.
When the IWW was declared on the 23rd of January, Rain had recruited some players to join the server and began to set up communes in the region., Theand the Communes of Tolstoy and Vescau, which (Laterwas re-brandedlater renamed as Exarchos). were established. At the time, Rain didn’t possess a PC and could only organize. Encouragingencourage players to move up to the northern continent to begin their settlement on the continent.
<!-- Pictures need to be reorganized better -->
[[File:NEWO.png|400x400px|thumb|right|North-East Waterways Organization, which Rain participated in]]
When Rain was again able to play, he moved to Tolstoy,. contributingHe toparticipated mining, andin the excavation of a canal to provide easy travel under the North-East Waterways Organization or (NEWO), a construction group founded by the creator of Tolstoy, Zazorg. Tolstoy started to become the heart of the IWW, the main town that members would stay around and contribute, up until later on with communes such as Bremerhaven.
[[File:AnarchistCommunistAssociation.png|thumb|left|The ACA, an anarcho-communist discord server run by Rain and the potential source of attempted voter stuffing of the IWW Elections.]]
After enough basic organizing had been done andLater, Rain had his PC, he begun a recruitment campaign utilizing a non-Civ Discord the Anarchist Communist Association alongdiscord. Along with Reddit posts, the IWW quickly grew. Duedespite to the recruitment drive, the IWW increased in members becauseaccusations of itspam.{{Citation Manyneeded|date=July would argue that Rain’s recruitment drive was spam in some aspects, such as the fact that the post was reposted to multiple subreddits.2022}}
The IWW was a very loose and disorganized group. as Notmany because members didn’t agree ideologically, but because manydid didn’tnot fully understand the mechanics present on CivRealms. whichThis later lead to the easy bombing of Tolstoy by PartyAnimal. with Rain and EmDubleYou were pearled during the bombing, as Vanax disguised as PartyAnimal. Allies{{who}} came and removed the obsidian and freed Rain and Ems’ pearls., The lasting damage from the raid caused five Tolstoians to quit andbut the city would go into a period of decline.
InGreenland earlythreatened Februarythe afterIWW aif voteit bydid Narwhal_19not leave its surrounding land in the center-south of Napistan on the coast. However, players who ran Greenland quit{{citation needed}} and the IWW extended its claims farther south gaining a carrot farm in the south as a result. However,While this conflicted with farms MCSPenguin hadresulting in the area. After a short bordersmall conflict, thewith claimsfarms wereby adjustedMCSPenguin and Penguinland was created. Despite the negotiations withwere Penguinheld, Rain decided to try clearing Penguin's bastions in the region. After being caught by Penguin he was pearled. Rain claims that he was trying to build a railroad in the area but these claims have been proven to be false by other accounts. He was pearled for griefing said bastioned land for two weeks.
Rain continued to work until he fully understood the RealisticBiomes plugin, now understanding that most of the continent could not grow any crops, he sought to expand the IWW's claims across Napistan to more land that was arable enough to grow carrots.
The IWW decided to use this time to create a new role conduct diplomacy, trade, and organization in the IWW named the "Union Organizer" or UO, a democratically elected position.
Conveniently, Greenland threatened the IWW if it did not leave its surrounding land in the center-south of Napistan on the coast. Only 1-2 days later, the two people who ran Greenland quit the server, but not before giving up their group to a member of the IWW.
Many folks including Rain, Freezor, Ian, Pierre, and Hiduck ran for the new position. Initially, the opposition was divided between Ian,the Feezorlatter and Hiduckthree initially. SimultaneouslyHowever, due to the unfairness of the vote by the Rainites especially as it became evidentwas thatdiscovered Rain was vote-stuffing by means of inviting new and inactive members from ACA to vote in the IWW election. The result of the discovery of Rain’s voter fraud attempts led to the Crab Coup. Despite his attempts at ballot stuffing the election results did come in, Rain had only gotten 20% of the vote compared to the Crab Coalition’s 80%.
At the end of the day Rain did honor the vote and transferred ownership of the IWW. In spite of this he attempted to undermine the new leadership as well as spam shit tier memes. This ended up with him getting banned from the IWW discord. After which he’d end up making a [https://archive.vn/5RMvx long reddit post] which was received negatively by the IWW and the server as a whole.[[File:ProIWWmeme.jpg|500px|thumb|leftright|A meme created by RainOfPain125 to criticize the nations that came out of the Duckapore-IWW schism several months after his ousting.]] {{cleanup rewrite}}
In early February after a vote by Narwhal_19, the IWW extended its claims farther south gaining a carrot farm in the south as a result. However, this conflicted with farms MCSPenguin had in the area. After a short border conflict, the claims were adjusted and Penguinland was created. Despite the negotiations with Penguin, Rain decided to try clearing Penguin's bastions in the region. After being caught by Penguin he was pearled. Rain claims that he was trying to build a railroad in the area but these claims have been proven to be false by other accounts. He was pearled for griefing said bastioned land for two weeks.
After being democratically defeated, Rain was ousted and banned from the IWW after attempting to undermine the new leadership and spamming the IWW discord creating an example of Godwin's Law while doing it. He left Napistan with two supporters. {{who}}
The IWW decided to use this time to create a new role conduct diplomacy, trade, and organization in the IWW named the "Union Organizer" or UO. After a vote, despite Rain being fiercely against the general concept of transferring ownership to someone who could simply destroy or ruin the entire project, it was decided that the position of owner should be democratically elected, which prompted a vote to elect a new Server Organizer.
Many folks including Rain, Freezor, Ian, Pierre, and Hiduck ran for the new position. Initially, the opposition was divided between Ian, Feezor and Hiduck initially. Simultaneously, due to the unfairness of the vote by the Rainites especially as it became evident that Rain was vote-stuffing by means of inviting new and inactive members from ACA to vote in the IWW election. The result of the discovery of Rain’s voter fraud attempts led to the Crab Coup. Despite his attempts at ballot stuffing the election results did come in, Rain had only gotten 20% of the vote compared to the Crab Coalition’s 80%.
At the end of the day Rain did honor the vote and transferred ownership of the IWW. In spite of this he attempted to undermine the new leadership as well as spam shit tier memes. This ended up with him getting banned from the IWW discord. After which he’d end up making a [https://archive.vn/5RMvx long reddit post] which was received negatively by the IWW and the server as a whole.[[File:ProIWWmeme.jpg|500px|thumb|left|A meme created by RainOfPain125 to criticize the nations that came out of the Duckapore-IWW schism several months after his ousting.]]
====Exile from the IWW====
After being democratically defeated, Rain was ousted and banned from the IWW after attempting to undermine the new leadership and spamming the IWW discord creating an example of Godwin's Law while doing it. He left Napistan with two supporters.
===Norlund Controversy===
[[File:AntiNorlundMeme.jpg|500px|thumb|A meme created by RainOfPain125 to criticize the Norlund government at the time. ]]
After leaving Napistan, Rain would end up settling in [[Norlund]]. This was suggested by a user named 1234fireball who suggested to him that he should create a town and petition to become a municipality within Norlund. He would end up founding the Paris Commune hoping that the land he settled in that people would leave him alone. He would also foundand the Black Internationale while in Norlund.<ref>[https://www.reddit.com/r/CivRealms/comments/ga9kly/what_we_proclaim_is_the_right_to_wellbeing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 RainOfPain125 publicly declaring the the Black Internationale on r/CivRealms]</ref>
When the Paris Commune was accepted into the government itself, Rain would immediately face opposition from the majority of Norlund. Because of Rain’s previous actions, most of Norlund would complain to the King of Norlund. The thing is, the king didn’t even look into him. So he just accepted the Paris Commune into the kingdom. He would then proceed to post large quantities of propaganda to the point at which it bordered on spam. As a result relations with citizens of Norlund and the Paris Commune would deteriorate further.
EventuallyWhile Kingthe TerryParis ofCommune Norlundwas couldaccepted nointo longerthe playgovernment CivRealms.itself,{{when}} Rain Aswould aimmediately resultface aopposition referendumfrom wasthe heldmajority inof whichNorlund. ShamelessShamusWhile becamethis thecaused Kingwidespread ofpublic Norlund.outcry, King ATerry fewof daysNorlund laterat the Paristime, Communereacted waswith declaredindifference. nationalWhen territoryKing Terry of Norlund bycould no longer play CivRealms, a ministerreferendum withinwas held in which ShamelessShamus became the NorlishKing Governmentof Norlund. AfterAs a result of an argument and annexation of Paris Commune territory, Shamus pearled Rain. This was seen as a controversial move at the time within Norlund due to Rain being a Norlish citizen and the pearling being an extrajudicial killing.{{citation needed}} It would come to be known as ''"[[Norlund#The King's Crime|"The King's Crime"]].''," This would result in King Shamus being removed from power within Norlund. His defense is that Rain was a threat to Norlund.
Around the same time as the bombing of CivCorp on September 25<sup>th</sup>, 2020, theother remnantscitizens of the Paris Commune decided to fight againstfought Norlund after the government dedicateddesignated the area to Newfriend homes on top of the Paris Commune. Because the area wasn’twas not bastioned the griefing could be executed with ease. The property of countless newfriends and their homes were destroyed as a result of the uprising. With Rain and the Paris Commune finally getting banned from CivRealms.{{why}}
====Involvement in the Paris Uprising====
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