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Sovian politics are inspired by a wide variety of political ideologies around the libertarian-left perspective. This includes Volin's Synthesis anarchism, Nestor Makhno's Free State, Leo Tolstoy's anarchism, Max Stirner's egoism, Kropotkin's bread book and more. Despite the nation being somewhat economically and culturally left wing, many right wing elements are also brought in from libertarians. This synthesis of left wing libertarianism and right wing libertarianism creates a unique culture where both sides are able to put aside their differences and have friendly relations. This pragmatic element of multiple different types of libertarianism/anarchism is what gives Sovia a unique status among the groups on the server, and what splits them from more dogmatic groups such as the IWW. There is a strong stance against actions such as perma pearling, which serve only to dullen the server, remove the homogeneity of cultures and flatten the server into a bland monoculture where everyone who takes action against an invading group is permanently pearled.
{{Infobox political party
| name = [[Communist Party of Sovia]]
| logo = CPoSovia_Logo.png
| abbreviation = CPoS/CPS
| colorcode = #B90608
| headquarters = [[Sovia City]]
| ideology =
* Cybercommunism
* Democratic Centralism
* Marxism-Leninism
* Federalism
|position = Far-Left
Sovians holds many values to the forefront, such as freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom for oppression. The willingness of Sovians to be honest and stick to their values has historically created tension between those who support the traditional idea of Civ servers as ones where ideologies can clash and it's up to the players to decide punishments, and those who would like admins to ban anyone outside their preferred overton window simply for stating a viewpoint without any harassment. Sovia is unique as a nation where one can hold almost any non-authoritarian ideology and feel free to discuss/debate it among their members. Members of Sovia include groups as diverse as socialists, communists, anarcho-primitivists, anarcho-communists, libertarians, theists, atheists and anarcho-capitalists all in pursuit of a common freedom to live their lives away from the tyranny of international power blocs.
There are many political factions within Sovia.
== Military ==
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