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{{DISPLAYTITLE:History of Acadia}}
[[File:Acadian Ancestry Chart.png|thumb|266x266px|Chart illustrating Acadia's ancestral history, made by Cortwade]]
This page documents the origin and history of '''[[Acadia]]''' ([[Tahar|Simplified Tahar]]: ''Dorei'Nothlir o Akkadye'') on the servers [[CivUniverse]] (December 27, 2020 - April 22, 2021) and [[CivClassic]] (April 22, 2021 - December 18, 2021). Although Acadian history starts from October 21 2020, Acadia held ancestry from the older nations of [[Norlund]], [[Adina]], [[Moloka]], and [[Javaya]].
'''[[Acadia]],''' officially the '''Federal Republic of Acadia''' ([[Tahar|Simplified Tahar]]: '''''Dorei'Nothlir o Akkadye'''''), was a nation on [[CivUniverse]] (as the 'Dominion of Acadia') and [[CivClassic]]. It was a parliamentary constitutional republic, emphasizing freedom and democracy, mostly catering to a casual playstyle. Acadia held ancestry from [[Adina]], [[Moloka]], [[Javaya]], and [[Norlund]], but was largely a newfriend nation, with a diverse and welcoming community. Acadia was founded prior to the launch of CivUniverse, roughly in October/September 2020, switched from CivUniverse to Civclassic in March 2021, where it existed until the end of the server in December 2021. On CivUniverse, Acadia was a vassal state of Javaya. It had one of the largest populations of the server and was a notable exporter of hand-farmed potatoes. On Civclassic, Acadia was an associate member of the [[UDF]] and a key player in the [[+,-|+,- quadrant]], mostly through having the largest population in the quadrant and through its alliances, especially its close alliances with [[Columbia]], [[Kingdom of Fish|Fish]], and the [[Plus-Minus Concordat|PMC]] alliance.
== CivUniverse ==
FoundedOfficially aroundfounded on October/September 21, 2020, prior to the server launch, the Autonomous Republic of [[Acadia]], sometimes also referred to as 'the dominion of Acadia' was one of the olderoldest nations of [[CivUniverse]].<ref>https://imgur.com/a/ysmnXuO</ref> Undeterred by the risk of shitters and toxicity, [[Cortwade]], the first Prime Minister of Acadia, sought to make a new group on the newly-born server. Quickly after launch Acadians found the continent of Hyperborea and settled their capital city Turing, with help from a few [[Javaya|Javayans]]. Before the day was out Turing featured a factory building and the beginnings of its first large potato farm. In the following month houses were built and the town of Serena was founded as an outpost, and work began on the Acadia Grand Central Station, connecting Turing to Javaya. While activity began to slow down, this was quickly offset by a very successful recruitment initiative, bringing new life and energy into Acadia. The potato farm was expanded, the central station completed, and both Turing and Serena kept growing, most notably with the construction of the Supreme Tribunal in Turing.
[[File:Picture of Old Turing.png|thumb|376x376px|Screenshot of Old Turing from the sea, made by Bloof|left]]
Shortly after the influx Acadia held its first elections, reelecting Cortwade for a second term. In this election Acadia's divise party politics would first emerge. The development of an intra-Acadian rail was a paramount issue during the election, with Progressive-Snow candidates campaigning for the construction of an underground rail, and Solidarity Party candidates campaigning for an overground rail and claiming that the Progressive-Snow candidates were dragging their feet on the issue. While the Acadian Parliament kept discussing and delaying the issue, Interim Minister of Homeland Affairs [[Bloof]], member of the Progressive Snow Party and Javaya's 'fixer' in Acadia, eventually decided to finish the rail on her own. A recording of the very first election debates can be watched [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2z8dbSizMQ&ab_channel=Pandastical here].
With the excitement of a new server sipping away and newfriend activity going down Acadia's population began to shrink in size despite new recruitment initiatives. Nevertheless, Acadia remained on of the most active nations on the server and kept developing. The Lionsgate Stadium was built, as well as a new, larger factory building, and Turing kept expanding with more residential and commercial buildings.
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=== Launch and Early History ===
[https://civwiki.org/wiki/Cortwade Cortwade] established claims for the Federal Republic of Acadia on Civclassic on March 10th, 2021<ref>Claims Of The Republic of Acadia (r/civclassics): https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/m2fuow/claims_of_the_republic_of_acadia/</ref> and the Acadian parliament officially voted in favor of the migration on April 4th.<ref>https://imgur.com/a/f9adlXk (display of April 5th instead of April 4th is due to time zone difference)</ref> The migration finally took place on April 24th22th.<ref>https://imgur.com/a/ZXdm7CV</ref> A key player during this transition was [https://civwiki.org/wiki/Juniortide Juniortide], a player from Javaya who had left CivUniverse earlier already and established himself in [[Icenia]]. A large number of other Javayans joined Acadia as well, though from the Javayans only Juniortide, [[LightningBerk]], and [[Egi]] would remain active in Acadia. The area chosen as the new homeland for Acadia, in the largely empty [[+,-|+,- quadrant]], had previously been part of the [[Chanseatic State]], before it was annexed and eventually unclaimed by [[Mir]]. To the west of the original claims of Acadia lay the old, heavily griefed ruins of [[Holy Tree (CivClassic)|Holy Tree]], and the Chanseatic town of Vanhoover, and many remnants of the past, including swastikas, wehrmacht flag banners, and Chanseatic State banners, were found here. Located in the deep northeast, a mostly undeveloped region of the map, Acadia originally had no close neighbours other than the aesthetic city of [[Gondolin]] to its south and a Mir exclave to its north, and Acadians began to lean into 'frontierism' as a key aspect of their identity.
With a sizable lake island in the middle of Acadia the choice of location for the new capital, New Turing, was easily made, and in a first wave of development a factory building, and a few residential and commercial buildings were quickly build, as well as the Acadian National Arena, and the prominent Square of Perseverance, which would become the heart of Acadian life. However, unlike on CivUniverse, this time Acadia decided to be a federation with internal states and territories, and after the Capitol District with New Turing, the Territory of [[Babbage]] was quickly founded by [[Owain X|OwainX]] with state capital Lovelace, as well as the Territory of Kanava with the eponymous capital city of Kanava, and many more would follow. While much progress was made at the very beginning, further development stalled as people increasingly began to work on their own projects, with one Acadian building a private ore smelter before a communal ore smelter had been established, another working on private xp production, and others working on personal build projects away from New Turing. To a degree the fragmentation was encouraged with the Acadian Constitution granting a voting representative in the Senate, the executive body of the Acadian government, for every group of three or more people with their own State, which was later overturned during [[Kannon]]'s term as Prime Minister. Unfortunately, few settlements outside of New Turing ever became more than personal build projects and those that did never managed to keep activity up for long, which resulted in there being a large number of ghost towns sprawled throughout the previously mostly untouched landscape.
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While Acadia continued it's slow development, the transition from CivUniverse began showing some of the rough edges it had left on the still quite new nation. Layman, who in CivUniverse had been a divise e-lawyer discord politician with debt difficulties murdered another Acadian after a disagreement and had to be pearled and exiled from Acadia. [[Pandastical|Mat]]/Pandastical, another controversial figure due to tensions back in CivUniverse, decided to join Acadia as well, merging his personal Lewis Islands claim with Acadia proper as a territory, but ended up seceding after numerous political disagreements. This however did not end his quarrels with Acadians as there was a disagreement on the exact borders between Acadia and his OMN where Mat mistakenly thought he had included a certain area as a claim in his secession bill which the Acadian Parliament had approved. Furthermore, Mat decided to name his OMN (one man nation) 'the Kingdom of the ''Acadian'' Lewis Islands' despite Acadian protests, and eventually declared all Acadians PNG (Persona Non Gratae) because of Acadia's refusal to recognize this name. Acadia responded by declaring Mat PNG to which Mat then responded by declaring 'war' on Acadia. The situation calmed down soon after but flared up again when Mat introduced his nation's flag, featuring an Acadian flag despite Acadian requests not to do so. Growing impatient, Acadia decided to annex Mat's OMN on June 10th 2021 to put an end to the issue. Mat was shortly pearled and was banished from Acadia for a few months. More divisiveness followed when it was found out that the Prime Minister, Cortwade, had been voting in the Senate, despite the Prime Minister not being granted this discretion by the Constitution, and a nearly successful attempt to impeach Cortwade was made.
More trouble followed soon as Acadia had become interesting enough for raiders, but not developed enough to form a successful defense and deterrence against raiders, and a wave of raidings quickly followed. The raiders were aided by a lack of security-awareness in the general Acadian public. A notable example was the case of Peterdama17, a self-admitted alt-account, who managed to steal around 100 diamonds from an Acadian citizen who had left them in a stone reinforced chest with the doors leading to the chest left open. By far the most infamous alt-raids came from Acadian and Fish citizens Druid and JayTeeR however, who went on an alt-raidings spree on alt-accounts indonesianbeans and GalacticBroom65 after Druid's barely failed candidacy for Acadian Minister of Defense, heated discussions about their design of Fish Vault, and general boredom.<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/ogkq6f/bounty_on_galacticbroom65_and_indonesianbeans/</ref> As they were members of the Acadian military, they had access to Acadian snitches and intel and managed to evade capture for many days, until they were finally pearled by [[Kaloa HG|Kayla]] and [[Asuramaru|Asu]].<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/oi22br/raiders_go_boom/</ref> During this time, the infamous [[SCHIZ0TIER]] spawned in Acadia, where he commited his very first (petty) raids before his later famous HJI raid. As he hid in the deep northeast for a while after his HJI raid, somewhere around Acadia, a large amount of WP-enforcers and bounty hunters crossed through Acadia in their search, bringing more visitors to New Turing than ever throughout Acadia's history.
Unfortunately, the fall-out of Druid and JayTeeR's alt-raids ended up doing considerable damage to Acadia as several Acadians eventually ended up leaving and activity went down. Bloof, who had recently become Acadia's second Prime Minister after Cortwade's retirement after hitting his three term limit and a burnout, had initially set out to improve Acadia's international relations, but, with voice-chat game-afternoons and group projects, saw herself now forced to deal with the increasingly growing problem of inactivity as well. In matters of foreign affairs however, Acadia began to make progress, with Acadia growing closer to [[Columbia]], which had helped out Acadia during Druid and JayTeeR's alt-raid spree and set up a kickback trap featuring as embassy in New Turing. as well as Icenia, due to JuniorTide's efforts.
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=== The Era of Recovery ===
[[File:Grand Illustration of Acadian History.png|left|thumb|370x370px|Illustration of Acadian history, made by Shadedoom (Emperor of Columbia)]]
The raidings began to subside, and Acadia's strength began to grow with a succesful campaign to get prot for everyone and with the skybunker becoming operational. Activity stabilized for a while, stimulated by a wave of new people joining the server and Acadia. Additionally, Bloofs efforts in international diplomacy began to pay off as Acadia was admitted into the [[UDF]] as an associate member, inon goodAugust part18th, thanksand towith the lobbying of Juniortide, who had become Icenia's Secretaryfounding of the Interior,[[Plus-Minus andConcordat]] as Acadia signed an agreementalliance with Fish, [[Mythril]], the [[City of England]], and soon after the [[Sussex|Ch1pR Empire]] (later renamed to Sussex) foundingjoined theas [[Plus-Minus Concordat]] alliancewell.<ref>https://imgur.com/a/s532Aye</ref><ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/p4jwrz/the_creation_of_the_pmc/</ref>
Acadia's new alliances were soon after put to use when a large group of faction players threathened to coup and attack Acadia. In August 2021, a seemingly normal new person to the server, Bolle Josh, spawned in Acadia. He was seen as a potentially promising newfriend as he was very interested in Acadia's political system, and asked many questions about how nations functioned on the server and what conflict between nations roughly looked like. However, when it came to light that he was merely the first of a group of 15-20 factions players, planning on using their numbers to effectively take over the nation through its democracy, he and his friends were banished from Acadia. They left and settled in an ancient abandoned palace in unclaimed territory near the City of England and Columbia, where they created their short-lived nation of Vusitania. They were quickly insided by both military officer [[Kannon]], and [[Tomattan]], who were able to monitor their actions and movements in-game and through their own live-streams; revealing their locations, recording a large number of racist comments, their threats of grief and hostile actions against several nations (including Acadia, City of England, and [[Gabon]]), and reporting them for x-raying which eventually resulted in a few bans. Meanwhile the newly created PMC was kept updated live, and a coalition of PMC members intervened at their place and managed to pearl their entire core group, effectively eliminating all of 'Vusitania'.
Under Bloofs administration Acadia began to mature as a nation, but there was one aspect of Acadia's democracy where the need for improvement could not be ignored. Until so far the ownership of Acadia's strategic namelayer groups had been split throughout a few of its first core players, with the groups in the hands of the Prime Minister transferred after the election. So far this situation had not caused any problems, but as concerns arose around whether this left Acadia waiting for disaster to happen, the position of the High Commissar, later renamed to Ymir, being the head of state and holder of the national namelayer groups, was created to put an end to this situation. Cortwade, founder and first Prime Minister of Acadia was quickly elected Highto Commissar as he ranthe unopposedposition. More political changes were yet to come. As the Javayan Acadians had severely declined in activity the traditional Ashahari People's Party, which had dominated Acadian politics since the very beginnings of CivClassic, began to decline in strenght. Meanwhile, a new party began to rise as the so far marginal National Defense Party and the Visionary Party of Acadia merged into one; the National Visionary Defense Party, seeking broad reforms to Acadia's governmental system. The party immediately gained some political power through a scheme where three members crafted the artifical State of [[Thompson]], earning them a State Senator, a voting representative in the Acadian Senate, as per the Acadian Constitution. Soon after, the October elections were held with Bloof stepping down as Prime Minister after reaching the maximum amount of three terms, and the NVDP ballooned in power, winning all government positions, with now Prime Minister Kannon.
The first reform was abolishing State Senators, so that demographic fragmentation and political power plots would no longer be institutionally encouraged. With the second reform Kannon restructured Acadia's military, making it more independent and hierarchical. The third reform was the Eight Amendment to the constitution, which passed both the National Assembly and the Senate almost unanimously, drastically changing Acadia's governmental system as the National Assembly was completely dissolved and the Senate, comprised of elected ministers, turned into a National Council with full legislative powers. However, popular resistance against the Eight Amendment began to appear as people began to consider the system opressive, likening it to a military junta. Meanwhile, the constitutional reform turned into a constitutional crisis as some of the powers and responsibilities of the National Assembly weren't properly redelegated and the general public heavily resisted the simple solution of a constitutional hotfix delegating those powers and responsibilities to the National Council. As the Eight Amendment became increasingly unpopular and divisive, it was eventually repealed by the National Council by the end of October.
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The PMC alliance had grown with the admissions of [[Kallos]], at the time close to Columbia, and [[Jomsviking Confederation|Jomsviking]]. The alliance soon proved unstable however, when Jomsviking suddenly unilaterally annexed its neighbour and fellow PMC ally City of England during the [[Jomsviking-England Incident]], dissatisfied with their low activity which delayed their admittance into the PMC as England took a few days to cast their vote, and desiring Englands plains biome for the agriculture of melons. As Acadia helped out with the removal of the banners, signs, and the hostile city bastion Jomsviking had placed in the City of England, the situation escalated dramatically as heated dicussions, especially between Acadia's newly elected Prime Minister Owain and Kallos' leader Kayla, supporting Jomsviking, turned relations sour. While Jomsviking had already decided to back down, the fall-out increased and virtually all PMC members at that point planned to leave the alliance, with Acadia and Fish together moving to the re-established [[United Northern Congress (New)|UNC]] alliance, announced by [[Varkonia]] and Gabon. The PMC alliance was disbanded mere days after the original incident.
The initial tensions were worsened when the leader of Jomsviking, [[Cat alunya|Alunya]], who held citizenship in Acadia, was declared POS by Prime Minister Owain, asking her to renounce her citizenship in Acadia in order for the POS to be removed. The Acadian Senate disagreed with this action and Owain briefly resigned, as well as High CommissarYmir Cortwade, as there was a heated discussion around whether the POS was an appropriate tool to use in this situation. Unfortunately, the Acadian Constitution did not allow the government or the National Assembly to remove an individual's citizenship. This was eventually fixed with an amendment, but together with a legal incident during the December elections where it took days for it to be established whether the Ministry of Foreign Affairs actually legally existed and whether an election for the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs was to be held, this highlighted a growing problem with Acadia's legal system. Acadia, no longer a simple newfriend nation, had fully outgrown its original Constitution, and, at the same time, with all its amendments which at times conflicted with each other, the Acadian legal system had become increasingly complex, to the point where there was in practice only one Acadian, [[Aelfred]], who fortunately happend to be the Chief Justice, could somewhat effectively navigate through it. This complexity exacerbated the already existing practice of e-lawyerism in Acadia.
[[File:Render of New Turing, Acadia, 8-12-2021.png|left|thumb|381x381px|Last render of New Turing, 8/12/2021, made by Cortwade]]
In the meantime, New Turing, for the first time, began to thrive as [[Yoahtl|Yoahtlan]] economic presence began to grow in the city and a large newfriend wave increased activity and the need for more residential units. Acadia's population count was on the rise again, reaching 25 in November 2021.<ref>https://imgur.com/a/CsIPWW7 census: + two active Acadians who didnt respond to the census</ref> Many residential units, as well as commercial units, and a new, larger factory and storage building were built by [[TheGreatUniter]] who had recently started playing on CivClassic and joined Acadia. Whereas New Turing never managed to find a convincing, cohesive general aesthetic before, and was limited by the small-scale Acadian architectural norms, Uniter introduced a new architectural style for the city, with taller and more detailed buildings. His style proved immensively succesful as many buildings in Uniter's style began to pop up and genuine excitement about the future of New Turing began to emerge. Rapid development in New Turing kept continuing until the very end of the server, with the government discussing far reaching plans to increase its control over the capital to organize its redevelopment and to find a way around the e-lawyerism and lack of executive tools that made derelicting unused, unaesthetic buildings in the capital near impossible. Center to the redevelopment plan was to remove the western half of the large boulevard reaching down to the quartz Parliament building construction site, as well the largely unfinished quartz Parliament building itself, which after many months of stalled construction had become a symbol of New Turing's previous stagnation.
However, these plans never came to be, as the Acadian government began receiving signals that the server was about to end, and with the incident of [[Pearled Harbor]] following. In the last few days of the server, a number of Acadians attended the 2021 Winter Olympics in [[Rotterdam]], Columbia, with Bloof winning silver medals for Acadia in archery and pvp tournament. With the server finally shutting down on December 18th 2021, Acadia's history on CivClassic came to an end.
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Spleef (NVDP) - 3 (17.65%)
Write-in: Bloof (NAP) - 2 (11.76%)
|'''MetalHusband (NVDP) - 12 (70.59%)'''
Kannon (NVDP) - 4 (23.53%)
Write-in: Egi (APP) - 1 (5.88%)
|'''Spleef (NVDP) - 9 (50.00%)'''
Swabbie (I) - 6 (33.33%)
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Kannon (NVDP) - 2 (11.11%)
WriteInvalid write-in: Invalid - 1 (5.56%)
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Spleef (NVDP) - 5 (25.00)
Write-in: JuniorTide (APP) - 1 (5.00%)
|'''Egi (APP)''' - internally appointed


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