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|Origin of the Faith - Present
|<small>As the First Patriarch of the Orthodox Church, Imperator led the Faith from Infancy. He was responsible directly for the construction of seven of the ten initial Orthodox Churches. By participation in multiple governments of Orthodox countries, he formed a Mutual Defence trust between the Orthodox States, which lasted through CivEx. The last moments of the server, with the reconciliation with the Catholics, wascould widelybe seen as the 1stfirst Goldengolden Ageage of the Faith.</small>
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<small>Later on in his reign he convened the First Ecumenical Council of Adina<ref name=":1" />, which finally codified long-standing tradition of the Churches and grew the Church within CivClassic, participating in Theologytheology dialogues with other religions. His brewery ensured the flow of not-so-holy spirits. His work was spreading the Faith to many shores and entering into facets of politics itself.</small>
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For a while the fledgling Patriarch remained in Frankonia, which expanded to incorporate the neighbouring states of Normandy and the Isle of Gelie, forming Britannia.<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivEx/comments/apld82/announcing_the_formation_of_britannia/</ref> Elections were held and Imperator was elected a Member of Parliament<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivBritannia/comments/avsyrg/election_parliament_member_announcement/</ref>, quickly passing three motions regarding a variety of issues-<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivBritannia/comments/awkh9g/legislation_parliament_passes_new_acts/</ref> and formally establishing the Church in Britannia. Developments in Britannia would slow, though they would eventually centralise into the Capital of Montgomery, utilising the old Norman settlement.
Meanwhile the general feeling was still one of insecurity. The ‘Solarian Incident’, the still ascendant Great Tree religion and the relative infancy of the Faith all contributed to this. The Patrairch’sPatriarch’s world-generated house had also been completely flattened<ref>https://youtu.be/dWDjdYv6sy0</ref>, allegedly in an attack by the [[Republic of Arlington|Arlingtonians]]<ref>https://imgur.com/a/9dVZdYX</ref>. The Patriarch planned to create a Keep of some sorts to both protect his assets and to act as a home for the Faith.
To the North of Antioch in a disputed territory between Antioch and Ancompton was castle ruins. The initial plan was to renovate these and turn them into a Coastal Keep. Ancompton started that the purchase of this land would destabilise fragile relations between the two as it would explicitly be a claim of sovereignty. Despite this there was an attempt to negotiation between parties, with the Antiochan side declining the purchase.
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The Coastal Fort would soon become the centre of Orthodox philanthropy projects, specifically the WFAI<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivEx/comments/ath5da/the_world_food_aid_initiative_wfai/</ref> (World Food Initiative) which provided food grants to fledgling nations and newfriends. The fertile ground of the Kasai Jungle would make the Church a large exporter of Cocoa and Melon products. This charity would later take over other locations, including the Nordrani Wastes Inn<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivEx/comments/axoo4a/reopening_of_the_wastes_inn_ccc/</ref>. Ties to the Nordrani Crown were expanded and their formerly pagan Temple of the Mountains was converted to Orthodoxy.
This gave the Church some prominence now and the Antiochan vassal state of Piedmont officially converted and began work on an Orthodox Cathedral<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivEx/comments/b1z9e9/shots_of_the_church_of_the_archangel_michael_and/</ref>. During this period the decision was made to expand the Faith into Astoria, known for at the time for being a thriving nation- later known for its political strife and turmoil. The result of this would be the PatriachatePatriarchate gaining various political offices and influence in the new Orthodox states of Marche and Diuettis, all splinter states of Astoria. The Church would also begin to walk a very fine balance between support of the embattled monarchy and oligarchic forces.
====Growth in the Political Realm====
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Sharks began to circle and the Empire of Kano fabricated claims on Astoria, once the senate frustratedly voted to be annexed by Kano. The vote was overturned by the monarch when populist Senator Nox, tabled a motion of no-confidence in the monarch. This was vetoed yet again, but now the Senate was paralysed by political disagreement. Meanwhile the Kanoan Empire had not enforced claims, and Diuettis grew stronger from former Astorians. In turn the Astorian state now voted to join the Empire of Diuettis.
The Empire of Diuettis enjoyed a brief, but unsustainable renaissance, its territory spanningreaching fromits sunrisegreatest to sunsetextent. A Cathedral was built early on the site of the planned new Capital<ref>https://out.reddit.com/t3_b2mgi1?url=https%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fa%2FL9q8tcg&token=AQAAZdY2XQ7a4L0l2luOBDmLdJwS7cscLYYR2EDuhkm16V6G6J84&app_name=mweb2x</ref>. The later Patriarchs Clocktower_Echoes and Tukidoki would herald from this location as Bishops.
In a brief but bloody conflict, the allied Britannian King Crusher6581 was temporarily pearled and the Cathedral desecrated (quickly repaired). ImperatorMendes, now Exterior Consul of Diuettis hosted a summit at Norlund<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivEx/comments/b84urm/historical_photos_of_the_norlund_summit/</ref>, to settle the true state of claims. Kano did not attend and due to low activity the partitions suggested never took place and Astoria remained de facto Diuettan. This event would later lead to the formation of the United Factions alliance<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CivEx/comments/ba6rss/announcing_the_united_factions/</ref>, encompassing mostly Orthodox nations. The Patriarchate stood on the security council as head of the Orthodox militiamen.
====Reconciliation with the Catholics and the Late-Game====
Just a week has passed since the Norlund Summit. At this point, events on the server slowly wound down. One of the last major events was the Tournament at Burgundy, where the server’s best leftclickersfighters were invited and headlined by what was described as a ‘Pope Fight’. The Patriarch was defeated in the headline bout by Pope Leobonet, but placed well in the overall tournament, beating the eventual champion. This meeting was a catalyst to mend relations with the Catholics. Soon for the sake of unity in Christendom the two sides ‘reconcilled’- remaining separate but working in partnership. They now shared a discord and the Catholics contributed a Church and Cathedral to overall holdings.
As First Light faded the Church membership and vitality was at its peak.
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====Arrival of the Orthodox====
[[File:IsidoreofSeville.jpg|thumb|St Isidore of Seville, Adina City]]
On the 6th of July, negotiations with the Free CItyCity of Weizenburg to host the Church concluded. One of the suggestions was that perhaps the Church could set up in their Classics nation also, Pacem. Whilst this work is currently postponed due to architectural issues, this was the main driver of the Church initially to Classics, and to avoid the kind of inactivity some CivEx groups had suffered.
====Adinan Orthodoxy====
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On the 17th July - 20th July the First Ecumenical Council<ref name=":1">https://docs.google.com/document/d/115udtQRVSdB9d04vycTnVEfbc6AzL05VHyR9dVKhAVE/mobilebasic</ref> was convened, confirming long-standing traditions into writing and furthermore realising the vision of an autocephalous Church.
The State of the Faith in Adina is a small, growing minority peacefully coexisting with the Indojoan majority. The Ecumenical Patriarch, ImperatorMendes in the First Federal Elections was elected Judge by a modest majority. There was also a failed Presidential bid some weeks later. A second census held after elections showed that the Orthodox faith had made slight gains in the country, contrasting with the complete absence of Catholicism hence forth.
Another development was a proclaimation by the Adinan Monarch officially lifting any restriction on the Orthodox Faith by use of Vetoa veto.
====A Great Theology====


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