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With the excitement of a new server sipping away and newfriend activity going down Acadia's population began to shrink in size despite new recruitment initiatives. Nevertheless, Acadia remained on of the most active nations on the server and kept developing. The Lionsgate Stadium was built, as well as a new, larger factory building, and Turing kept expanding with more residential and commercial buildings.
Activity eventually reached new lows due to the rise in toxicity, especially from [[New Vegas]]. As a vassal state of Javaya, which joined the Coalition War on the side of the coalition, Acadia did not escape the war against New Vegas, suffering raids from New Vegas ally [[Savaguard]], and supplied fighters and entered a war economy through a War Bond exchange system to support the war efforts. Unfortunately, industrial output was impaired by the decline in activity and Acadia could not properly supply its fighters, leading to heavy casualties on the battlefield. The end of the war on March 10 2021 was celebrated with a national holiday, as Acadian pearls were freed and Acadia could now look toward its own future again. However, while Acadia, as one of few, carried on for a bit after the war, squashing the Tempestian uprising during which a group of players overclaimed Acadian territory, activity in both Acadia and the rest of the server was drastically reduced due to the war. Numbering around 30-strong at its peak, Acadia had only 10-15 active citizens when the decision to move to [[CivClassic]] was made.
== CivClassic ==


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