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====UDF Ice Road Snitch Scandal====
In June of 2021, SamBonusG had begun to do heavy mining under the [[Lazuli Tower]]. Mining in such a populated area caused him to run in to various abandoned rails and bunkers. However, an ice road that SamBonusG had mistaken for abandoned and unfinished lead him to begin breaking into the vaults connected to said ice road, in the hopes of finding loot that had been abandoned. After spending some time breaking down reinforced bricks, SamBonusG realized the place might not have been abandoned, and left snitches behind so he could track activity. Sure enough, [[UDF]] officals found his snitches and ordered the extradition of SamBonusG from the government of [[Mount September]]. A standoff ensued, as [[Naglafer]] arrived at [[Mount September]] to hunt down SamBonusG to no avail, though a stir was caused when threats of horse slaughter occurred. Eventually the trial was held without SamBonusG ever being pearled, and the sentence was simply a fine with no pearl time.
====Minemaster Property Dispute====


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