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On August 12th, Bees started a territorial dispute with his close neighbor and ally, petlahk. Bees had begun to use a mine that was in Eros Varos territory and owned by petlahk, but Bees argued that the two agreed to share it, which petlahk denied. Decked-out in prot, Bees refused to leave the mine after pet had demanded that he get out. He then began to not even respond to what pet was saying. To protect his land, petlahk hit Bees with a gold sword and threatened Bees with lava. In retaliation, Bees attacked and pearled pet.<ref></ref> The news quickly sparked outrage among the Danzilonans. This was a major turning point in the conflict with Aegina, as public opinion of Bees dramatically changed from supporting him to opposing him. They believed pet had a right to defend his land and that he was unjustly pearled. Bees ignored their requests to free petlahk, vaulted him, and promptly went to sleep.
This hurt his case even more. The Danzilonans wanted pet freed, or at least thought a fair trial was in order. Later that night, petlahk was broken out of the Aegina vault by the DSF, Eldoorn, and civilian supporters.<ref></ref> When Bees woke up, his anger did not yet kick in, but when it did, he demanded that athe fairDZF trialtry waspetlahk infor orderhis supposed crimes. The majority consensus agreed that Bees was obviously in the wrong, and a trial was not held.
Bees was told to pay reps for the incident since he let petlahk's dropped items despawn and held him unjustly, but he didn't do so until two or so weeks later when he was pearled by the DSF. Many agreed that Bees showed immaturity throughout the whole situation, and the faith Danzilonans had in him quickly dwindled.
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Following a period of stability, growth, and decline of Aegina after Bees' imprisonment, a former resident of Aegina attempted to declare the city independent yet again on January 18, 2015.<ref></ref> Known as either Inscourge, Cygnus, or Bondle, he quickly retracted his declaration, claiming that he did not realize Aegina was still under DZF sovereignty after all previous citizens had left. Inscourge then attempted to revive Aegina within the DZF, but after a few weeks long hiatus, started to plan for Aeginan independence again.<ref></ref><ref></ref>His plan was to imitate the terror attacks of Rancuneus, a griefer who previously destroyed much of Danzilona in late 2013 by covering the city in lava numerous times. He also planned who recruit foreign mercenaries to overthrow the government of NDZ, including GTAIVIsBest, who reported Inscourge's plot to NDZ.
After being tipped off to Inscourge's plan, the DSF banned him forfrom entering DZF territory again, and, much like Bees before him, he was declared an outlaw. He defied his ban, returning to Aegina numerous times to collect supplies, and attempted to continue his recruitment plan not knowing that everyone he attempted to recruit was reporting his movements to the DSF. Eventually, on March 27, 2015, his main account was found trespassing in Aegina again, and an alt of his was spotted in Aeon. The DSF acted quickly, avoiding posting a bounty on Inscourge to not tip him off. In one decisive move, DSF fighters Des23 and JPEGz pearled his accounts in Aegina and Aeon, respectively, alt-banning him.<ref></ref>
== Aftermath ==
it_needs_bees was sentenced, with time served, to 65 months imprisonment by the citizens of NDZ on February 6, 2015.<ref></ref>He remained in the Mt. Augusta vault under their caretaking until he was released on March 1st.<ref></ref>After release, Bees laid low and never publicly interfered in Aeginan or DZF affairs again, livingthough he briefly attempted to live in NDZ on an alt account.<ref></ref>After he admitted it was his alt less than a quietweek later, Bees went inactive on it, and he lived out a life of intermittent raiding<ref></ref>and trying to get involved in the affairs of the 4chan-claimed areas of the map, leading to him getting pearled at least twice more.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
After he later admitted to using a VPN to avoid thehis alt-ban and repeatedly abusing modmail trying to get his ban overturned, Inscourge was IPpermanently banned from Civcraft altogether, and NDZ decided to holdheld onto his pearls indefinitely.<ref></ref>
On March 21, 2015, Aegina was demoted from its city status within the DZF and incorporated as a territory of NDZ, forever solidifying the city's sovereignty over it.<ref></ref>
===== Author's Note =====
The person who wrote all this is Des23, who was a former city manager of NDZ and resident of NDZ for four months. Hopefully you find me credible. I believe all of these events have some sort of significance in leading up to the conflict of Aeginan independence, even if it seems like this is just the history of Aegina. Enjoy.
== References ==


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