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Updated to reflect Current Political realities
m (→‎Threepton Abandons Communism: corrected spelling of ossenkirch that caused it to be a red link instead of leading to the intended page)
(Updated to reflect Current Political realities)
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| capital_city = Threepton
| Coord = 7450 | 130 | 2450
| government_type = DisputedLibertarian Socialist
|name=Republic of Provincia|language=English, Dutch|succeeded_by=[[The New Federal Republic of Pripyat]]}}
|name=Oblast Provincia [CCCP]}}
Oblast Provincia is located in the subtropical region of the +,+. A mild climate of low forests and high plains dominate the twin islands which make the primary settlement of the Threepers.
The independent Republic of Provincia was the last sovereign state of the ancient U3P which had persisted across Civ servers since early 2.0. With over a dozen separate countries, a score of cities, and many many friendships built over an 8 year period.
Though presently not as active as in years past the once Republic still sees players enjoying their insular pastimes. Famous for a tradition of [ hockey] the good natured citizens of the U3P has built towns together since 3.0 after forming in the Plus Plus of 2.0 with clans among the threepers tracing their orgins to 1.0
Though relinquishing independence and joining the New Federal Republic of Pripyat officially in November of 2018, the Threepers do remain active to the modern day with the old city of Threepton serving as the regional capital of [[Oblast Dvoynya]] and defacto capital of the [[Communist Cities Caretaker-Protectorate|CCCP]].
Though presently not as active as in years past the once Republic still sees players enjoying their insular pastimes. Famous for a tradition of [ hockey] the good natured citizens of the U3P has built towns together since 3.0 after forming in the Plus Plus of 2.0 with clans among the threepers tracing their orgins to 1.0
In early CivClassics the threepers settled on a substantial island in the large +,+ ocean. The primary settlement was begun sometime before [ July 2017] and for a period was governed as a federation under the [[Old Danzilonan Model]]. As the development of Provincia Isle and its nearby neighbors progressed change naturally occurred. In modern times these islands form an Oblast of the [[Communist Cities Caretaker-Protectorate]] among whom it is favored as a vacation spot.
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=== Summer Settling ===
[[File:Early days map.png|alt=Map of Downtown Threepton circa August 2017|thumb|188x188px|Map of Downtown Threepton circa August 2017]]
Famous for a tradition of [ hockey] the good natured citizens of the U3P has built towns together since 3.0 after forming in the Plus Plus of 2.0 with clans among the threepers tracing their orgins to 1.0. Provincia was founded after a period of server wandering lasting a few months following Civcraft 3.0. CivClassic would become the most recent, and currently primary, settlement of the group which had come together some 7 years ago.
ByThe earlyprimary settlement was begun sometime before [ July the2017] first houseson ofProvincia theIsle settlementwith knownthe assite of Threepton werecontinuously occupied andsince, theThe Civcraft Heritage Society had begunbegan construction near the testiflicate village of Swineport at roughly the same time.. The bustle of new builds and new possibilities made early Threepton a very dynamic town, breaking ground on many of its most well known projects: Tex Bridge, the Civic Complex, and Wander Grotto.
Early period Provincia was governed in that long established tradition of the [[Old Danzilonan Model]]. Domestically, great works of culture and leisure were constructed. Active measures were taken in turning the Wildlands region into a protected parkland and a national taboo was placed upon the desecration of massive spawn trees in the western region. Infrastructural developments, including roads and rails, were hotly debated subjects. On more than one occasion these escalated to violent spats among factions within the nation, as is wont among threeper societies. [[File:Localarea.png|alt=Map of The United Provinces, Provincia Isle and its neighboring islands|thumb|Map of The United Provinces|353x353px]]Internationally, the early Diplomats pursued cordial relations with all neighbors. Asserting claims on a number of territories surrounding the Danzilona Sea. Friendly relationships were especially sought with leftist cities and nations. Local boosters at one point even sought a unity state with [[Pripyat|Lenin Isle]], but when the plan found little support in either settlement the idea was abandoned.
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In short order the new regime began a new wave of international contacts and state building projects. A full marking of the Provincian King's claim was made upon the land consisting of signs littering the coasts and boundaries. More aggresive negotiations were conducted with the people of [[Pripyat]]. Only weeks before comrades the leadership of the new monarchy treated their diplomats with contempt and ignorance. [[File:Hockey In SESU Era Threepton.png|alt=Hockey in the Threepton Hockey Arena: Shown Here: AshleyIsGay; Petlahk (at that time Diplomat of Provincia); Oinksterina (at that time diplomat for Pipyat) Taken following early negotiations for the formation of the SESU taken by Pythius_Df|thumb|357x357px|Hockey in the Threepton Arena]]However, not all among the threepers were supportive of this turn in local politics. The long thought defunct organization known as the [[Baltic Bambinos]] at this time resurfaced in the form of signs and graffiti around town. Gradually more citizens pressured the King to abdicate, ending the young monarchy voluntarily.
New elections were organized shortly after and a new slate of diplomats renewed friendly negotationsnegotiations with [[Pripyat]] as well as with [[Ossenkirch]], [[Maltovia]], [[Lenin Isle|Leninskya]], and several other +,+ nations. Engaging especially on the topic of some sort of formalized mutual understanding in the region.
===The Ruin Event===
The weekend of July 4th 2018 would go down as the worst attack on threeper civilization since ReCharge attacked New Danzilona. It would become known as the "Ruin Event" or by some the "Nazi Bombing of Threepton" and no other attack on the U3P had ever so devastated the resilient population.[[File:Modern Threepton.png|alt=Middle Threepton April 2021|thumb|435x435px|Threepton in Spring '21]]At least 2 accounts attacked the Provincian capital destroying the governments national storeroom letting the contents of over 160 doublechests despawn. DRO swastikas and other less focused reinforced grief coated the settlement. Special attention was devoted to the cities cemetary where tombstones were torn up, crypts were looted, and a large swastika was constructed in DRO atop a memorial to fallen threeptonians.
International aid quickly was dispatched to assist in the clearing of debris and the rebuilding of destroyed pieces. Special thanks are found in the hearts of all Provincians former and past to the citizens of [[Pripyat]], [[Lenin Isle]], [[Maltovia]], [[Rowa]], [[Mount Augusta (CivClassic)|Mount Augusta]], [[Hjaltland]], and more who participated in the reconstruction efforts. The tragedy in Threepton would become one of the driving causes for the creation of the [[SESU]] and its successors which exist to this modern day.
UnforunatelyUnfortunately the destruction of the Ruin Event and the extent of its griefing was so severe that the population of Provincia abandoned the city for a time. Some moved to Pripyat and Mount Augusta, some in the isolated hinterlands of rural Provincia, but most abandoned the server entirely.
===A Legacy of Vibes===
[[File:Shrine Island with Crescent Valley beyond.png|alt=Shrine Island with bridge to Swineport and Crescent Valley seen beyond|thumb|411x411px|The Idol with Swineport ]]
Following the devestationdevastation of the Ruin Event and the collapse of the [[SESU]] the remaining population in Provincia held a referendum which passed unanimously to join the [[Pripyat|New Republic of Pripyat]]. This unity state would go on to accomplish many great works and builds but the Provincians always remained the all but abandoned junior partner.
For a long period of time this status of inactivity would persist until in the late winter of 2021 a group of Pripyatins and Provincians logged on for a nostalgic tour of the Oblasts. A spirited game of hockey lasted late into the night and at least some Provincians have been playing consistently since.
However, once the New Republic merged with [[Maltovia|People's Federal Republic of Maltovia]] a renaissance for the Threepers would eventually develop, leading to many new projects in the former territory of the Provincian Republic as well as to the [[Oblast Dvoynya|CCCP Civil War]] in 2021.
New constructions have been undertaken as long dormant accounts revived to complete projects long abandoned. More buildings broke ground in the Southbank neighborhood of Threepton, and the waters of the Jumis River were corralled to create Lake Sochi. The rail station was renovated integrating goldblock elevators and the expanded Threepton Basin from which an expanded network of canals began development. Track improvements on the eastern line expanded service past Crescent Valley to Swineport and Idol Island where an epic statue stands above the mesa. Eastern-most of the islands inhabited by modern Threepers; a massive sentinel stands naked and silent, gazing out over the Plus Plus ocean.
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[[File:Lake Sochi from Daybloom.png|alt=Scenic Lake Sochi|thumb|468x468px|Scenic Lake Sochi]]
[[File:OblastProvincia.png|alt=District map of Oblast Provincia|thumb|Only map permitted by the current government in Provincia|400x400px]]
With a number of local dining, and lodging establishments Oblast Provincia is a great place for tours or simply entertainment. Hockey and Indoor Water sports can be easily accommodated at the Sports Park; and longer more difficult boat races or competitions can be held on Lake Sochi. Stay at the ThreeptInn or the Latvian Youth Hostel or invest in a timeshare by contacting one of Provincias tourism representatives. Take in the rich history and learn at the Civcraft Heritage Society and the Endeavor Institute or enjoy the nightlife along scenic Phoenix Way. Make a pilgrimage to the grandGrand Idol or see the mysterious Duck Plaza. Get lost in the historic Undercity and see if you can solve old king Ninjajack's mystery and find his treasure. Take in the scenic parks of the Wildlands or Grizzly Point then enjoy the marvelous Botanical Gardens of the Dutchfriends in downtown Threepton. There is always something to do or see in this little pocket of magic in the exotic Plus Plus.
==History ==


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