Acadia: Difference between revisions

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Major changes to history of Acadia, addition of recent events
m (Updated the for the recent elections and added information on the current status of the Workers of Acadia Party.)
(Major changes to history of Acadia, addition of recent events)
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=== CivUniverse ===
Acadia was one of the first nations founded on CivUniverse. Undeterred by the risk of shitters and toxicity, Cortwade, the first Prime Minister of Acadia, sought to make a new group on the newly-born server. Initially, things went well. Acadia was a small, isolated nation, a vassal state to Javaya, and was a founding member of a large regional UN-like organization. Eventually, Acadia ballooned to be one of the largest nations on the server. However, due to a rise in toxicity in groups such as New Vegas and Cincinnati, and the outbreak of the Coalition War, Acadia's population quickly dwindled. Numbering around 30-strong at its peak, Acadia only had roughly 10-15 active citizens when the decision to move was made.
During Acadia's popularity height, however, the country faced many problems on it's continent, known as Hyperborea, thanks to countries like Amythria, who's queen, Nina, declared herself the Queen of, leading to much tension between the two, as well as the uprising of Tempestia, which was quickly squashed, before being aided to settle elsewhere. That, ontop of the occasional raids that were swiftly handled, the state was faced with many newfriend problems that were slowly solved thanks in large part to some of it's founding members and it's mother country, Javaya,
Early Acadia faced many internal issues, namely a huge divide thanks to political parties and political violence, one of the most notable cases being Layman, a founding member, aggressively attacking their opposition to the Snow Party at every turn, even going so far to launch an immense legal case against one of the members of an opposing party that still held credence as a precedence for many Acadian cases thereafter. That, ontop of failed attempts by some members to create roleplay events, constant situations with opposing countries, left a few of the founders, namely Cortwade, extremely burnout. However, due to a rise in toxicity in groups such as New Vegas and Cincinnati, and the outbreak of the Coalition War, Acadia's population quickly dwindled, and burnouts became more severe. Numbering around 30-strong at its peak, Acadia only had roughly 10-15 active citizens when the decision to move was made.
=== CivClassics ===
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* [[JuniorTide]]
* [[CrackerVolley]]
* [[Egi]] <br />While the slow process of building was made, an incident occurred that led to the arrest and pearling of one of Acadia's original citizens, Layman, who, while giving supplies to the group, murdered Owain. After many issues with the Acadian government in the past (especially political issues and debt difficulties in Universe), Layman finally was exiled from the state after this final treasonous act, and has left Civ for the time being.
* [[Egi]]
==== Crisis After Crisis ====
While Acadia continued it's slow development, many issues became apparent in the new state as the transition from Universe and Acadia began showing some of the rough edges it had left on the newly-formed state. One instance of this was the attempt of impeachment of Prime Minister Cortwade over voting rights of the Prime Minister, which resulted in a near impeachment before a bill was finally passed to allow for the PM to vote, but another one of the major problems was pre-exisiting citizenship in other countries, like Icenia, or the transfer of dual-citizenships of other states that, like Acadia, were transferring over to Classics, like the Kingdom of Fish. While many instances made it so it was benifical for these dual citizenships to exist (especially in the case of [[Juniortide]], an Icenian and Acadian citizen, there would come the problem of one Druid and JayTeeR, two Fish/Acadian citizens that would quickly become two of the most infamous characters in Acadian history.
After a failed attempt at gaining power in the form of Minister of Defense, and taking personal many critiques and insults towards their vault at Fish, Jay and Druid decided the best course of action was to alt-raid both Acadia and Fish under the monikers of indonesianbeans and GalacticBroom65, causing much destruction while utilizing the military and snitch channels to attack and in one instance pearl Acadian citizens.
While the pair went off in their continous raids, Acadia was now left in a much weaker state, and was then susceptible to further raiding, egged on by a newly joined RainieofPain, who was collecting members for his own state, the No-State Commune, and was primarily targetting Acadia due to past grudges with Cortwade and JuniorTide. This eventually culminated in a pre-emptive strike against the No-State Commune (but effectively Rainie's), bunker by Acadian forces and disabling it to prevent further use.
Eventually the raids subsided, but as Raine was logboxed by opponents like Okx and TTastic, he decided to go down with one final punch and doxxed a member of Acadia, which resulted in a ban from Classics. While the ban is supposed to be temporary, Raine does not seem to intend on coming back considering his predicament with the logbox and the fact that everyone, including members of Raine's former state, despise him.
This, however, lead to one of the largest political scandals in Acadian history when it was revealed the Zombie_Striker and FE_Flags, founders of the Worker's of Acadia Party (WAP), had made a deal with Rainie by giving Rainie diamonds in return for newfriends for the party. Flags had previously left Acadia and had made the Eon Empire (and with him, taking Tsar Ivan, a polar bear senator), but Striker had elected on staying, but upon the revelation that Rainie had doxxed Owain, had left Acadia and Civ in general, but not before it was discovered that numerous factories, including a diamond tool factory, had been broken, but none of the obsidian or iron doors protecting it had been broken, so along with snitches and this information, Striker was laid blame for this incident.
==== Slow Stabilization ====
Suddenly, after weeks of constant warfare with raiders, the threats grew less and less numerous until Acadia could finally begin collecting wealth again. The military began immediately re-arming every active body, with the motto that "every body gets prot", a mission that was deemed successful after every active military personnel gained a set of prot, in no small thanks to Juniortide and Egi's efforts. Then, every active member of Acadia were given spare pieces of armor, junk prot or diamond, and are now actively working to get prot for every Acadian possible.
These efforts, while respectable, were not dealing with the primary issue with Acadia's activity issues, one that was made more severe by the recent raiding. With a new election looming, Bloof finally met competition from the Visionary Party of Acadia when Kannon, an on-and-off active figure within Acadia, decided on running for Prime Minister under the platform of entertainment to help boost Acadian activity, while Bloof maintained their policies of diplomatic ventures to aid Acadia. While Kannon only gained barely half of Bloof's votes, this election cycle did see a large boost of activity, in no small part thanks to the efforts of many citizens mentioned before, as well victorious efforts in certain diplomatic efforts.
==== An Amazing Election Cycle (Finally) ====
As the universe gazed upon the burning wreckage of Acadia during the aftermath of various raids, it seemed to bless the poor state with a streak of fortunate events. Firstly was the election, with a brilliant set of ministers being elected to their posts and immediately getting to work, and despite some friction in the National Assembly (mainly caused by Kannon in his attempts to add more roleplay to the nation), the government started the August Election Cycle without a hitch, working diligently for Acadia. Secondly was a new way of newfriends joining in Acadia, only helping the now newly active members of the nation to continue their drive forward into activity, but thirdly, and most notably, was their diplomatic successes. First, was the formation of the Plus-Minus Compact, an alliance system with Acadia, Fish, Mythril, the Free City of England, and the Ch1pr Empire all signing, and to which the news of the addition of Acadia as an associate member of the United Defense Front was made <ref></ref>.
== Government ==
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'''Visionary Party of Acadia/Tira Farroth o Akkadye (VPA)'''
The VPA is the newest party in Acadia. Based on "transhumanist" and "futurist" teachings, the VPA is the closest Acadia has to a technocratic party. It seeks to further Acadian industrial power, boosting the economy. It seeks to trade with foreign nations, and allow Acadians to augment themselves with the best equipment avaliable. ToWhile datehaving failed to gain senate seats in the past, it hasis failednow a much more notable party, thanks to getselect amember's seatefforts to revitalize the party, and in the Senatelast election nearly gained many seats in the federal council, and has gained seats in the senate as the second largest party now in control.
'''National Defense Party/i'Nothlir Nidh Farroth (NDP)'''
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