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The Sesorian religion is a monolatry religion so it includes the belief in the existence of many gods, but with the consistent worship of only one deity. Hence, the worship of other gods, both Sesorians and non-Sesorians, is forbidden, and the Sesorians are commanded to corrupt and smash every altar and statue built for the purposes of worship of other gods.
Most of Abesh's worship focuses on physical deeds, following the Sesorian laws rather than faith. The temple of AbiusAbesh is located in the capital of Sesoria, Beit Abesh, and its high priest and prophet is DeChatillon. The worship is performed mainly by sacrificing rams and bringing offerings to Abesh so that he may grant his people peace.
=== Agriculture and Architecture ===
The Sesorian way of builds is often unique to other builds. They almost only use sandstone, with some sprinkles of terracotta and wool. Sometimes the Ayils or Higher ups try to use more colorful or large structures. Such as DeChatsDeChat's planned buildings for the capital.
= Provinces and Lands of Sesoria =


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