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=== Summary of Sesoria ===
[[File:TheBeginning.png|alt=Photo taken by MSPaint while contacting citizens of where to meet up, At that point not much had been built. Just road paths and a small mine. With a tree preserved to serve as a decoration.|thumb|376x376px|The First Photo taken of Sesoria, Day 1 of its Devlopment.]]
The Nation of Sesoria is one of the many nation to inhabit the new continent (Known as Kickyland, Ainahou and Kingsslund. Names vary upon who you ask). They mostly settle in the Desert Regions, with a rich arable land south. The Sesorians are ranned by a Republic which postions are earned by contributions. Its Biomes consist of Forests, Forest Hills, Swamplands, Mesa, Mesa Platue, Sunflower Plains and Birch Forest. Due to these wide ranging biomes. Sesorians have acces to Wheat, Potatoes, Coca, Beets and Nether Wart. Sesorians based there ideas of Trade, Peace and Prosperity. Often work hard for their god, Abius. With DeChatillion has Priest. The Sesorians had a rough start, with alot of materials being wiped during the migration to the island, which damaged devolpment. Also discussions of where the capital should be settled also hammered progress. However once everything was solved. They got to work.
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=== The Beginning of Sesoria ===
[[File:Uh hi lol.png|thumb|365x365px|A Night in Sesoria[[File:TheBeginning.png|alt=Photo taken by MSPaint while contacting citizens of where to meet up, At that point not much had been built. Just road paths and a small mine. With a tree preserved to serve as a decoration.|thumb|376x376px366x366px|The First Photo taken of Sesoria, Day 1 of its Devlopment.]]]]
[[File:Uh hi lol.png|thumb|377x377px|A Night in Sesoria]]
The Beginning went very good, Houses and Factorys were finally being built. Thanks to the Contributions of Coldboy and Jake Broyles, The Nation finally started to see devolpment. Soon the Klin, Textile and a few other factorys were created. During this time many reforms were in the works, such as the rework of Roles and Positions in the Goverment. This was to improve efficenty and work. New Currency had even been discussed aswell as economic topics. It was clear with its many crops, XP would be a major export. Also during this time horses were being bred and gained speed quickly. Soon Sesoria was able to put out 12+ speed horses daily and a few 13+. So it became clear that Sesorias major Exports could be XP, Crops and Horses. However they also had Imports. Paint personally ordered Terracotta from Jospeh, a fellow player and well respected player to Paint. Thanks to these early products in the works, Sesoria can expect to become a wealthy and rich nation.
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=== Regions and Territorys ===
[[File:Territories Of Sesoria.png|thumb|670x670px674x674px|The Map of Territories within the Sesorian Nation.]]
One of the Reforms not mentioned above was to split up the nation into several territories. Where elected people and council members would personally run each province to imporve devlopment. The Following will explain each territories info, biomes and uniqe features it offers. Keep in mind many of the Territorys are subject to change. This can be a result of needing more p
