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After the battle, Norlund retreated and Okx, a military councilman, was appointed Minister of Defense pro tempore. In addition, Norlund began to bolster its allies, including Yggdrasil, and volunteers from Paradise. In addition, the SPQR and Sesoria publicly denounced the actions of the Isles. As reinforcements arrived, a counterattack was mounted, and, in the Battle of New Kannin, the Isles surrendered unconditionally. In the end, a white peace was signed where the Isles would recognize Norlundic Sovereignty, and Norlund would promise not to interfere with the internal affairs of the Isles.
=== The Imperial Federation, the FSA, and Norlund ===
By now, Norlund's misadventures in the new shard was already beginning to become well-known. After being approached by certain members of what would become the Far Seas Alliance, ( [[Far Seas Alliance]] ), and inducted into the new alliance, Norlund seemed quite settled. Of course, there was those within the alliance who had hinted towards the IF's powerhold over the new shard now being challenged by this new alliance, and with the recent war with the Isles, and the induction of ComradeNick into the Imperial Federation (for those who need note, ComradeNick was formerly a Norlish resident, before the New Shard was released, and upon the new world being found and a piece claimed by Norlund, ordered an invasion of Norlund so he could maintain the land that would be accepted into the IF just a few weeks later), Norlund was less then friendly with.
This, would all come to a head when certain members of the Norlish government were approached by Dama, with an offer that could basically be described as improbable at the least. With the promise of land (namely Arlington), and a chance to get revenge against the IF, these Norlish members accepted readily, launching a coordinated invasion into the Imperial Federation whilst Dama used their inside connections to throw the entire government into disarray, and setting up what was believed to be a temporary dictatorship. But, of course, this was not to be believed.
Dama's plan had begun to unfold. This temporary dictatorship, was only to grow longer and longer, with notable members of the Imperial Federation growing fearful of the lack of response of the new government for the formation of a democratic nation, and upon the reveal of Raindrop, a Cantina puppet state, formed out of the combination of Paradise and of the Imperial Federation, the Imperial Federation Civil War sparked ( [[Imperial Federation Civil War]] ), in which Norlund was greatly divided upon. Certain members would go to support the Imperial Federation rebels, aiding them when possible, whilst others stayed neutral, believing that they shouldn't worry about this.
Luckily for the Imperial Federation, Cantina was busy with a mainland war, meaning they couldn't dedicate serious manpower to taking this land, and actually found great success in the FSA, to which they would later join, while the FSA would continue attempting to remove Norlund, all members clearly upset about the actions of the nation, and upon the great reveal, would finally be kicked out.
The Reveal, was the revalation by Onederful, ( showed that the Norlish force that had invaded into the IF, was just in the interests of land, and not in fixing the supposedly corrupt government. While this would serve to kick them out of the FSA, few in Norlund took much interest. They were far more focused on Jacob Grox, aka Groxlord, stepping down from Prime Minister. <br />
=== The Interim Federal Council ===
( To be Added )
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=== The Imperial Federation, the FSA, and NorlundRe-Election ===
( To be addedAdded )
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=== The Southerner's War ===
( To be added )
== Administrative Divisions ==
Norlund is composed of 8 Cantons and 4 Territories. A Canton is defined as an area with a settlement occupied by at least five people. A territory is a swath of land lacking any towns or settlements of significant size, and are largely uninhabited and/or uninhabitable. [[File:Kannin.png|left|thumb|390x390px|Kannin, capital of Norlund, shortly after the founding of Laketown ]]
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