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With these combined actions, Blackwater and Yggdrasil agreed to a temporary, 48 hour ceasefire, where the invasion force withdrew, and began unpearling anyone who happened to get in their way, and Norlund began to regroup as negotiations began. At first, it wasn't exactly sure why the invaders had first attacked the islands, and then the mainland (though that just made the outrage even worse), it was soon discovered that Blackwater had been hired by ComradeNick, an Imperial Federation senator and former Norlish citizen, who had wanted Fortuna, Norlund's colony, for the IF, and despite Norlund bargaining for the lands, had hired Blackwater to kick them off. When Norlund refused to take off the claim for Fortuna, some sources say that Blackwater had offered to attack mainland Norlund, with Nick taking the offer, sparking the attack, while others say that ComradeNick, after Norlund refused to surrender the claim, ordered the attack on the mainland, to which Blackwater complied.
Yggdrasil, on the other hand, had merely joined to support their allies, which was Blackwater, with Grave thinkingbeing convinced by Blackwater that theNorlund Treatyhad ofinstigated Kanninthe wouldn'tattack applywith toplacing Yggdrasil,the andbastion merelyon applyBlackwater toland. AnsgarHowever, despitethey Ansgarweren't makingthe uponly acontributors majorfor portionthe ofinvasion Yggdrasilforce, andexcepting Blackwater, who had made up the mostmajority of the invasion force, fromthough Yggdrasil belongingdid tocontribute Ansgar.some However,of theytheir weren'tmen to the only contributorscause.
=== Events of the Ceasefire ===
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Suffice to say, negotiations were rife with anger and hostility, mainly from the Norlish, who were understandably upset from the action of the two nations. Blackwater maintained their position that they were only hired and taking orders from ComradeNick, which Norlund would reluctantly agree meaning that Blackwater couldn't be punished severely without it being just, but Yggdrasil wasn't able to maintain the same level, having joined in on the invasion from their own volition.
During the negotiations, peace was beginning to be discussed, when GraveKeepersGod, the King of Yggdrasil, and ScubaSteve/ShamelessShamus, both stepped down from their positions of power, allowing the new King, Aeth/Grettir, to take power, alongside his council. While Grave's actions weren't entirely clear, Shamus admitted he had wanted to stop this endless cycle of toxicity between the two nations, noting that the secession of Ansgar, which had been spurned on by part by Shamus, had started this trend of hatred by the two sides, and knew that him stepping down would be an essential peace to allowing the two sides to begin to heal from one another's wounds. Along with this, he noted that this toxicity had begun to seep into his own life, and has chosen to begin to retire from CivRealms, but not before tying up what loose ends he had left, and seeking forgiveness where he could.
To add later
With this mentality in place, a treaty was drafted between the two sides, with Yggdrasil allowing all territories remaining in Norlund to go back to Norlund, with the caveat that some of the more southern farms, located next to Tallum, be allowed to be public to both sides. Along with this, a vault that had been terrifyingly close to the two nation's borders was rendered useless, foreign snitches and bastions were removed from Norlish territory, and Norlish colonization efforts would be honored by Blackwater, as long as it didn't combat Blackwater's own colonization efforts.
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