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Despite this, it was decided that Norlund had broken the rules of the alliance by inciting violence against the IF without engaging in Diplomacy and potentially destabilizing the IF. Talk of punishing them occurred, and a vote was announced to remove them from the alliance. Vibeville and NP were the most against them staying in, with Brissur also voting against the Norlish, but they could not gather a majority. This vote was not so clean cut as there was a great deal of confusion over the events due to the continual refusal of the Norlund Officials from discussing the events of their invasion afterwards. It was only after part of the story was gotten form Paradise would Norlund divulge any details. Due to this confusion, a second vote to kick them out would be held the next day, but it would fail again, with only Vibeville and NP voting Norlund out. A bill would be passed requiring member states to inform the alliance of any military action the member states would soon to carry out to prevent this scenario from happening again, with Norlund escaping unscathed from punishment at this time. This uneasy peace would last not even two days before the next IF related drama would occur.
==== Gordona's Counter-Coup, The Admission of the Imperial Federation, and Thethe Betrayalcoup of Norlundthe IF ====
The citizens of the IF were not happy with the restructuring being done by the Paradise backed 1drop, who would attempt to restructure the country into a new one called ''Raindrop'', with the [[Cantina]] Minister ZRAINH20 acting as a co-diarch. This was proof enough to the FSA that Paradise, a New World extension of Cantina, was setting up the IF to be a simple puppet state. Gordona would not go down without a fight, and would engage in a counter-coup to decide the fate of the IF. The majority of FSA leadership preferred the old IF over a Paradise puppet state, and decided to accept the request of the IF Loyalists to join the alliance. The vote was quick (some might even say rushed), with most states voting in the Loyalists, except for NP, who wanted to remain neutral at this stage of the conlfict, and Norlund, who had not votedbeen given the chance to vote before the results were declared.
Not all member nations would help the Loyalists much further than that, with Vibeville doing the lion's share by providing labor and a large amount of materials, and their more defensively-minded citizens acting as advisors. Of note, Saren_Solaris (who happened to be in the shard as he had been involved with Blackwater) was convinced to assist the IF Loyalists as well and also did great work for them. They built up new bunkers, anticipating a full scale invasion from Paradise/Cantina. This would not come, however, after the double-agent Onederful exposed the truth of Norlund's involvement in the original coup.
It came to light that, unsurprisingly, Norlund expected to be recompensated for help in overthrowing, what they were told was, a dictatorial regime, said recompense being a plot of land in the New World. Despite the transaction never occuring, this "grand deception" caused the representatives of the other member states of the FSA to lose their shit, and act rashly to punish the "rogue" Norlish state.
It turns out that Norlund had invaded the IF with the explicit purpose of acquiring new land, and they had brainstormed the whole plot with the Paradisian Dama. Dama was acting autonomously from Cantina in this regard, and had hoped to possibly conquer a great deal of the shard to gift Cantina. He did not think Cantina would actually approve of this, and so practically begged everyone involved not to inform mainland Cantina over what was going on. However, with Onderful's revelation in the form of a subreddit post, the treachery of Dama and Norlund would be unveiled for all the world to see.
Norlund was removed from the FSA leadership channels immediately while the rest of the FSA discussed what the hell just happened. Due to this grandalleged betrayalviolation byof FSA Norlundprinciples, a third and final vote was called to kick them out, this time passing unanimously. Mainland Cantina disavowed the actions of Dama, effectively cooling down the looming war with the IF to nothing at all. A disgraced 1drop hurriedly left the shard, banished form ever coming back. The IF was properly re-established, with the new addition of FSA membership, although a few of the individual states of the federation had seceded due to the conflict. It could be said that the IF was weaker from this, but at the end of this absurd conflict, the FSA had survived and come out with a political win. The first signs of war were beginning to appear on the old continent, with the possibility of a ''world war'' discussed, but the New World would enjoy peace for now.
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