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| label1 = <big>Information</big>
| label2 = Sovereign state
| data2 = GrandFree DuchyRepublic of VarkoniaGabon
| label4 = RegionBorough
| label3 = Constituent country
| data3 = Chancellery of Gabon
| label4 = Region
| data4 = Salisbury
| label5 = Administrative HQ
| data5 = Salisbury Town Hall, Salisbury Proper
| label7 = City Authority
| data7 = BritishWanderer (Lord's High Chancellor)Council
Gobblin (Vice Chancellor)
| label8 = Councillors
| data8 = Zyra_BotBritishWanderer (Lord High Chancellor)
Gobblin (Vice Chancellor)
| label9 = Location
| data9 = -3000 , -2300
''This article is about the [[Gabon|Gabonese]] boroughcity &and capital cityborough.''
'''Salisbury''' is the capital and largest city of [[Gabon]]. The capital is fringed by an arc of towns with which it forms a continuous conurbation, these town being South Shields, [[Tynemouth]], Tinwell, and Reddingsfield.
Salisbury is the largest metropolitan area and the capital of [[Gabon]], it is the largest city by area and population within the [[Varkonia|Grand Duchy of Varkonia]]. Salisbury is commonly referred to the Duchy's second city. It was founded as a settlement town in June 2018 and formally became the capital city of the Chancellery of Gabon [Formally the Principality of Gabon] in July 2018.
LocatedSettled in June 2018, the city lies in fertile temperate forests of Gabon on the western side of the Elizabeth bay, approximately 1.9km (1900m) from the city of [[Varkonia, Salisbury is considered to be the cultural, social]] and economic0.9km centre(900m) offrom the eastern landscity of the[[Bloom|Bloom.]] GrandSalisbury, Duchysince ofits Varkonia.inception Onas the 29thcapital Augustin 2020,July Salisbury2018 washas namedbeen the Economic Capitallocation of Varkonia. Salisbury is encompassed by the Elizabethnational baygovernment towith the eastcity anditself Salisburybeing canalgoverned toby the southLord's which leads out into the bay of Biscay via the industrial shipping port of WhitehavenCouncil.
Salisbury is one of the most impressive cities of the - , - quadrant, it exerts a considerable impact upon the arts, commerce and tourism. Salisbury has numerous museums, galleries, libraries and historical buildings of grandeur, notable mentions including the Stately home of Balmoral, Salisbury Cathedral, and Highgrove Palace.
Salisbury's economy is dominated by the service industry owing much success to tourism from across the globe. The local authority is The Lord's Council, which resides in Salisbury proper and meets in Salisbury's historical town hall or the government-owned palace of Balmoral. The Capital boasts a varied array of builds, from grand to homely.
= Recorded History of Salisbury and its Peoples =
= Timeline of Notable Events and Documentation of the History of Salisbury =
==='''Early 2018History [2018]'''===
==== Founding & Development of Salisbury Proper ====
Queen Jamietech's [ letters patent]of 2018 announced the foundation of the land claims of Gabon and thus the settlement of Salisbury. Within its first period, Salisburythe hadpeople of Salisbury excavated a large area in the centre of the forest, this set off the beginning of the quarry industry with reasonablereasonably sized mineral deposits located under the topsoil. TheThis sizablehuge quarryundertaking was the first large scale project of its kind in the mainland of Gabon, with the idea that the plentiful amount of stone and minerals would be utilised to jump start the construction industry.
[[File:HerMajestysHoleGabon.png|left|thumb|333x333px|''This picture was taken of Her Majesty The Queen, Jamietech at the opening of Her Majesty's hole. This was attended by the Prime Minister of Bloom, Aleh56 and members of the Gabonese Government.'' '''Circa June 25th 2018''']]
Originally the citizenry was small-scale, with most notable citizens being Jamietech as the Queen, BritishWanderer as Chancellorthe {AppointedQueen's in June 2018}Chancellor and Tvman999 as the initial explorer of the lands that would become Gabon. Soon after the founding of the state however, the prospect of grand new lands, the potential for wealth and influence in an upcoming nation state attracted citizens from across the server, most notably of these was [[House of Gobbonia|Gobblin]], who travelled from MTA to assist in the digging of the quarry and was crucial in planning the initial constructions of Salisbury. ComradeNick from the HJE was also a noteworthy figure who visited Salisbury in its early days and gifted the government diamond tools which greatly aided in the excavation of the quarrygreat hole and in bringing Salisbury off the ground.
[[File:SalisburyJune2018.png|thumb|379x379px|One of the earliest photos taken of Salisbury, containing the original Storehouse and Bakery with Mckinley gardens sitting in between. '''Circa June 16th 2018''']]
One of the earliest structures to be built was the factory building, with the first factory, a compactor beingwhich was donated by [[Mount Augusta (CivClassic 2.0)|Mount Augusta]], createdinstalled by Mayor Ahrimanne in particular. Following this, Salisbury's train station was slowly dug underground around 20 metres from the quarry itself with the first completed rails to Bloom and Varkonia within this time period. This underground rail construction was overseen by Chancellor BritishWanderer who is also credited with the construction of the original Bakery, Storehouse and Mckinley gardens which were the projects built around the quarry and were the start of what we now know as the Capital of Salisbury. The Bakery built atduring this time is the oldest building within the Chancellery of Gabon.
As Queen Jamietech enriched the lives of her and the royal family, the privy council ''{Made up of BritishWanderer, Gobblin & Tvman999 at this time}'' was appointed by Jamietech to better the life of much of the citizenry. The council followed through excellently with the construction and renovation of the Grand Station and Royal Factory,. positionedPositioned on the wide Balmoral avenue and Worchester road respectively, these buildings provided ambitious entrepreneurs the foundations needed to improve the quality and quantity of their goods while providing a transport network from withwhich to exportimport and importexport to the international stage. Rail connections to Salisbury were expanded to include Alpoko in the south, Westmore in the north and the excavation of a rail line to MTA.
The construction of thesethe Grand Station & twoRoyal buildingsFactory set the tone and direction from which Salisbury would take while under the Monarchy, followingwith toa improvefocus on improving architecture and infrastructure underfor the policysole purpose of productivity for the local economy while the concerns of the local citizens were to be brushed aside. The roads during this time were constructed as medium sized 5 block wide, straight plain passages out of stone slabs built solely for the sole reason of passing wagons and large amount of citizenry, leaving no room for greenery or public spaces. These roads would make up the three main avenues of Salisbury asnamed, Worchester Road, Balmoral Avenue and Warwick Drive.
In late June, with vast construction underway to the southeast and within the capital of Salisbury, council concern was placed on the damage that many citizens were committing on the native flora and fauna when collecting resources. This opened a fierce debate within the Salisbury privy council, some councillors stating that protecting the native habitat from any further construction would hamper any economic growth and throw Salisbury and it's surrounding area into turmoil while others believing it necessary to protect the wildlife on a land that was not always theirs to begin with and couldwhich not be recreated in thewas futureirreplaceable. This led Her Majesty to make a tough decision, ultimately siding with the native wildlife andsigning by letters patent createdcreating defensive measures to protect the natural wildlife from any further destruction. The Queen later conceded a compromise to quell a minority of the councillors by allowing members of the privy council of Salisbury from time to time to authorise the destruction of any particular instance of flora so long as saplings of the respective fauna waswere planted elsewhere. This patent is generally regarded as saving the once rapid decline of the irreplaceable natural trees around the capital and set a track for development that is still followed to the present day. [[File:BalmoralFoundations.png|left|thumb|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the original foundation of Balmoral Castle laid down by Chancellor BritishWanderer and Councillor Gobblin at the behest of her Majesty The Queen. '''Circa July 2018''']]Remarking on the quantities of resources and minerals being extracted from the central quarry, Her Majesty The Queen Jamietech informed her then Privy Council { ''BritishWanderer, Gobblin & Tvman999'' } of her desire to construct a palace fit to house the royal family and council meetings, later to be known as Balmoral Castle. There were numerous debates on the placement of Balmoral, with its initial construction site being moved and adjusted at her Majesty's request, settling on a stretch of land located 100 metres west of the quarry. In July, construction officially began with the approval and the laying of the first stones by Gabon's government. The original designs of Balmoral were drawn up by Councillor Gobblin who envisioned a stunning castle on a grand scale, containing nearly fifty rooms, wide corridors and boasting a sizeable courtyard. It was planned to have the capacity to hold not only the Queen's residential quarters but the internal and external government gatherings, with three large meeting halls. In order to meet the demands of such an ambition project, a glass factory and concretery were constructed on Worchester road, these two buildings would mark the foundation of what would later become the suburb of Winchester within the Capital.
However due to budget constraints and a skilled labour shortage, only a brief foundation of the castle and a small meeting room was ever laid down and as such construction was ceased in late July 2018 at the dismay of the Queen.
Remarking on the quantities of resources and minerals being extracted from the central quarry, Her Majesty The Queen Jamietech informed her then Privy Council {''BritishWanderer, Gobblin & Tvman999''} of her desire to construct a palace fit to house the royal family and council meetings, later to be known as Balmoral Castle. There were numerous debates on the placement of Balmoral, with its initial construction site being moved and adjusted at her Majesty's request, settling on a stretch of land located 100 metres west of the quarry. In July, construction officially began with the approval and the laying of the first stones by Gabon's government. The original designs of Balmoral were drawn up by Councillor Gobblin who envisioned a stunning castle on a grand scale, containing nearly fifty rooms, wide corridors and boasting a sizeable courtyard. It was planned to have the capacity to hold not only the Queen's residential quarters but the internal and external government gatherings, with three large meeting halls. In order to meet the demands of such an ambition project, a glass factory and concretery were constructed on Worchester road, these two buildings would mark the foundation of what would later become the suburb of Winchester within the Capital.
[[File:BalmoralFoundations.png|left|thumb|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the original foundation of Balmoral Castle laid down by Chancellor BritishWanderer and Councillor Gobblin at the behest of her Majesty The Queen. '''Circa July 2018''']]
However due to budget constraints and a skilled labour shortage, only a brief foundation of the castle and a small meeting room was ever laid down and as such construction was ceased in late July at the dismay of the Queen.
July 20th 2018 marked the moment that Her Majesty alongside the Privy Council declared that Salisbury would from here on out be the Capital City of Gabon.
[[File:SalisburyAugust2018.png|thumb|430x430px|This picture was taken of central Salisbury, pictured is {left to right} Storehouse, Bakery, Train-station & Factory building. This was taken post-renovation and is the current style upon which all buildings in Salisbury are based on. '''Circa August 2018''']]In late July, the Principality of Gabon formally joined governments with the Grand Duchy of Varkonia and while not explicitly having an immediate effect upon the city of Salisbury due to its size, the economical and social benefits that have comecame since the signing of the treaty cannot be understated. The treaty bought with it the investments of great sums of wealth internally and abroad, funding large scale public projects such as the construction of Salisbury's second international station, upgrading the total number of rail lines from three to eight.
From late July to August, Salisbury's leading government ministers and monarchy especially that of Jamietech and BritishWanderer had been playing an instrumental role in drafting the original Charter for the United Northern Congress,. The UNC whichCharter reflected upon the capital of Salisbury with the document being signed by each contracting party at the location of Balmoral Castle., Thisthis was displayed at the bottom of the Charter alongside the date. The Gabonese Lord High Chancellor, BritishWanderer served the United Northern Congress for 118 days as the Alliance Spokesperson and was the last serving Spokesperson at the alliance's disbandment on 13th July 2019.
[[File:SalisburyAugust2018.png|thumb|430x430px|This picture was taken of central Salisbury, pictured is {left to right} Storehouse, Bakery, Train-station & Factory building. This was taken post-renovation and is the current style upon which all buildings in Salisbury are based on. '''Circa August 2018''']]
During August the initial productivity slowed down in Salisbury, with much of the Council taking up residence in neighbouring Varkonia to assist in policy due to their appointment as Varkonian Senators representing the Province of Gabon. This left Salisbury somewhat stagnant, with no buildings being constructed during this time. Although Councillor Gobblin was hard at work making blueprints of the suburb of Winchester, continuing on from the construction of the surrounding areas of the concretery.
From late July to August, Salisbury's leading government ministers and monarchy especially that of Jamietech and BritishWanderer had been playing an instrumental role in drafting the original Charter for the United Northern Congress, which reflected upon the capital of Salisbury with the document being signed by each contracting party at the location of Balmoral Castle. This was displayed at the bottom of the Charter alongside the date. The Gabonese Lord High Chancellor, BritishWanderer served the United Northern Congress for 118 days as the Alliance Spokesperson and was the last serving Spokesperson at the alliance's disbandment on 13th July 2019.
During August the initial productivity slowed down in Salisbury, with much of the Council taking up residence in neighbouring Varkonia to assist in policy due to their appointment as Varkonian Senators representing the Province of Gabon. This left Salisbury somewhat stagnant, with no buildings being constructed during this time. Although Councillor Gobblin was hard at work making blueprints of the suburb of Winchester, continuing on from the construction of the surrounding areas of the concretery.
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==== Period of Political Turmoil ====
As ofIn September 2018, the government was insuffering a crisis due to the fact that, the capital government was currently in debt to Varkonia and other neighbouring countries and was struggling to findmake the paymentrepayments even after implementing measures to cut all unnecessary expenditure, all construction projects had been halted the previous month due to the lack of resources and lack of active councillors. In order to assist in the payments, the council implemented the royal tax which was a strict diamond tax levied on all Gabonese citizens and their wealth every month. Out of all the laws passed to remedy the situation, the royal tax would end up being the most controversial of these. These unfavourable factors in Salisbury led to many citizens leaving to spend this durationtumultuous period in Varkonia or other provinces.
Of those who stayed, their taxes were used to fund projects such as Balmoral Castle and the surrounding area, foreign trips and material imports on behalf of the royal family. Very little was left to the council to pay off the outstanding debts that were owed by Salisbury. UnderstandablyAs a result of the mismanagement of tax money, the citizenry were beginning to become discontent with the royal family's practices and their apparent apathy towards Salisbury's situation,. althoughAlthough republicanism was not uncommon within Salisbury, it was especially heightened during this time.
==== Period of Political Turmoil ====
As of September 2018, the government was in crisis due to the fact that the capital government was currently in debt to Varkonia and other neighbouring countries and was struggling to find the payment even after implementing measures to cut all unnecessary expenditure, all construction projects had been halted the previous month due to the lack of resources and lack of active councillors. In order to assist in the payments, the council implemented the royal tax which was a strict diamond tax levied on all Gabonese citizens and their wealth every month. Out of all the laws passed to remedy the situation, the royal tax would end up being the most controversial of these. These unfavourable factors in Salisbury led to many citizens leaving to spend this duration in Varkonia or other provinces.
Of those who stayed, their taxes were used to fund projects such as Balmoral Castle and the surrounding area, foreign trips and material imports on behalf of the royal family. Very little was left to the council to pay off the outstanding debts that were owed by Salisbury. Understandably the citizenry were beginning to become discontent with the royal family's practices and their apparent apathy towards Salisbury's situation, although republicanism was not uncommon within Salisbury, it was especially heightened during this time.
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[[File:SalisburyDefensiveStructure.png|left|thumb|369x369px|This picture was released from the Government via a freedom of information request. Displays the defensive structure designed by MrLlamma for the Government of Salisbury to defend against petty outlaws. '''Circa October 2018''']]October 2018 was perhaps one of the least active periods in Salisbury's history, the streets were said to be desolate and streets became overrun with brigands with looting and griefing becoming common place during this time. In response to this, the Privy Council reached out to MrLlamma, Leader of [[Coventhia]] for assistance in constructing a defensive structure to store valuables and act as a noticeable repellent to any bandits who would see fit to attempt to strike Salisbury.
This defensive structure was funded in part by [[Coventhia]] and [[Varkonia]] who both had a vested interest in protecting the base of quadrant from looters entering and stopping them from coming any further north.
After being settled in and becoming an integral part of the Varkonian Senate, BritishWanderer, still Chancellor of Gabon returned home to Salisbury to continue to work on the city alongside Councillor Gobblin. It did not take long for numerous issues to arise, internally Salisbury was suffering deep neglect with royal duties being off-loaded onto the already over-encumbered Council of which half were inactive at the time. The peaceful green flag protests occurred during November, where much of the remaining citizenry held up green banners on their person and blocked roadways and other crucial infrastructure, the protestors demanded an end to the royal tax and an overviewoverhaul ofto the current system of governance.
Chancellor BritishWanderer put an end to the royal tax in late October by pushing through a successful council vote to abolish the controversial levy. TheHer QueenMajesty, Queen Jamietech, was insulted by the fact she had not been consulted over this matter, although HerThe MajestyQueen did not push it any further than publicly voicing her displeasure. [[File:CoupofSalisbury.png|thumb|349x349px|This picture was taken of the rebel forces and the assisting Varkonian legion after securing the Capital city of Gabon during the Civil War period. '''Circa November 9th''']]After the quelling of the citizenry, Gobblin & BritishWanderer set about constructing and renovating current building projects within the centre of Salisbury. The underground portion of the train station was updated to a modern standard and granted the title of `''International''` by the Government of Varkonia. Homes were planned and built up around the small central fountain in Salisbury with priority given to housing councillors and active citizenry. Councillor Gobblin encouraged excavation of nearby areas in search of minerals, with a focus on diamonds to fund the purchase of building materials for Salisbury. Meanwhile Chancellor BritishWanderer sought out those without a home to come to Salisbury and assist in the construction and to participate in the start of a new era, most notably of all those who came as a result of this is ChrisFa99, who would play an instrumental role in the foundation of Gabon's culture.
Her Majesty, Jamietech, unhappy with the current state of affairs, demanded that the royal tax be readministered to the local citizenry in order to fund the continued construction of Balmoral. The Council rejected her proposals in favour of supporting the growth of Salisbury rather than the monarchy. Tensions between The Queen and her councillors had reached its boiling point, when the council rejected numerous independence votes put forward by Her Majesty who felt that Varkonia was being too controlling and influencing internal policy away from the Monarch.
Her Majesty, Jamietech, unhappy with the current state of affairs, demanded that the royal tax be readministered to the local citizenry in order to fund the construction of Balmoral. The Council rejected her proposals in favour of supporting the growth of Salisbury rather than the monarchy. Tensions between The Queen and her councillors had reached its boiling point, when the council rejected numerous independence votes put forward by Her Majesty who felt that Varkonia was being too controlling and dictating internal policy away from the Monarch. [[File:CoupofSalisbury.png|thumb|349x349px|This picture was taken of the rebel forces and the assisting Varkonian legion after securing the Capital city of Gabon during the Civil War period. '''Circa November 9th''']]On the 9th of November The Queen branded her Chancellor and thehis fellow Councillors as traitors and declared a civil war in order to restore the absolute power of the monarchy andsubsequently declareddeclaring independence from Varkonia. Citizenry within Salisbury were split down the middle with regards to political support of either side, most of those residing in poorer sections of Salisbury supported the rebels who were led by BritishWanderer and supported by [[Varkonia]] & [[Hjaltland]], while those living closest to Balmoral felt a deeper connection and inevitably supported the Monarchy. Her Majesty allowed the military forces of Gabon to commit any acts they must for a victory, an order which the military used to commit brash violence inon small skirmishescitizens throughout the city in alleyways and parks. Many rebel sympathisers tried to hide from the loyalistsroyalists however most were found, arrested or murdered in cold blood. Gabonese rebel forces led by BritishWanderer and a Varkonian Legion led by S4NTA entered Salisbury from the west in order to take back the city and put a swift end to the civil war.
After the quelling of the citizenry, Gobblin & BritishWanderer set about constructing and renovating current building projects within the centre of Salisbury. The underground portion of the train station was updated to a modern standard and granted the title of `''International''` by the Government of Varkonia. Homes were planned and built up around the central fountain in Salisbury with priority given to house councillors and active citizenry. Councillor Gobblin encouraged excavation of nearby areas in search of minerals, with a focus on diamonds to fund the purchase of resources for Salisbury. Meanwhile Chancellor BritishWanderer sought out those without a home from far and away to come to Salisbury and assist in construction and the start of a new era, most notably of all those who came as a result of this is ChrisFa99, who would play an instrumental role in the foundation of Gabon's culture.
Her Majesty, Jamietech, unhappy with the current state of affairs, demanded that the royal tax be readministered to the local citizenry in order to fund the construction of Balmoral. The Council rejected her proposals in favour of supporting the growth of Salisbury rather than the monarchy. Tensions between The Queen and her councillors had reached its boiling point, when the council rejected numerous independence votes put forward by Her Majesty who felt that Varkonia was being too controlling and dictating internal policy away from the Monarch. [[File:CoupofSalisbury.png|thumb|349x349px|This picture was taken of the rebel forces and the assisting Varkonian legion after securing the Capital city of Gabon during the Civil War period. '''Circa November 9th''']]On the 9th of November The Queen branded her Chancellor and the fellow Councillors as traitors and declared a civil war in order to restore the absolute power of the monarchy and declared independence from Varkonia. Citizenry within Salisbury were split down the middle with regards to political support of either side, most of those residing in poorer sections of Salisbury supported the rebels who were led by BritishWanderer and supported by [[Varkonia]] & [[Hjaltland]], while those living closest to Balmoral felt a deeper connection and inevitably supported the Monarchy. Her Majesty allowed the military forces of Gabon to commit any acts they must for a victory, which the military used to commit brash violence in small skirmishes throughout the city in alleyways and parks. Many sympathisers tried to hide from the loyalists however most were found, arrested or murdered in cold blood. Gabonese rebel forces led by BritishWanderer and a Varkonian Legion led by S4NTA entered Salisbury from the west in order to take back the city and put a swift end to the civil war.
Following the orders of the Red Duke Mickale of Varkonia to show no mercy, many loyalistsroyalists suffered brutality at the hands of the Varkonian Legions. The devastation and the horrific scenes that they witnessed was said to have putshocked the Gabonese rebel forces into a shock upon their entrance tointo the city.
With the capital being seized by the rebels and the royal family surrendering, [ peace was officially announced] by BritishWanderer on November 14th. The citizenry, although disgusted in the actions of the Varkonian legion and what they did in order to achieve victory, mostly accepted the new government, with others emigrating to neighbouring nations. The abolishment of the monarchy and the establishment of an executive lord's council freed up an immense amount of wealth that was held by the royal family, which the council swiftly used for the betterment of Salisbury.
==== Period of Internal Recovery ====
The end of the Civil War in Gabon brought about a much-needed period of growth to the nation. The Government was reformed into thea entirelydirect democraticdemocracy as the '''''Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace'''''. The Head of State from this point onwards was the Lord High Chancellor, BritishWanderer accompanied by his Vice Chancellor of Gobblin. The elected Council during this time was made up of the Chancellors, and Councillors Tvman999 & ChrisFa99. [[File:DecemberMa.png|thumb|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the Capital city, Salisbury. The Suburb of Winchester is located just east of Balmoral with Melbourne to the north. Also pictured is a faint outline of the wall which would eventually encompass the Capital. '''Circa December 2018'''|alt=|left|335x335px]]The construction industry was once again given the go ahead once again with Vice Chancellor Gobblin leading the efforts onto constructingconstruct new suburbs and settingset up new resource trade routes with foreign countries and individuals. The impoverished housing suburb of Melbourne was built to house those left homeless by the Civil war, the messy-style apartment buildings were built in a close knit fashion to allow as many citizens to inhabit as humanly possible. The apartments were snug and purely funded by the Gabonese treasury allowing residents to forego any worry about housing payments. Foreign labourers were brought in from the neighbouring [[Bloom|Republic of Bloom]] to construct the buildings at a low cost as much of Salisbury's citizenry were busy cleaning up damages dealt by the civil war. Those in Melbourne tend to live an impoverished lifestyle with the only available work at the butchers or the local bed & breakfast.
GrantsGovernment grants were also provided to the suburb of Winchester to provide more environmental benefits to the local housingresidences and businesses. In the early period of Salisbury, Winchester was widely regarded as one of the prettier parts of Salisbury, earning the name as the jewel of Salisbury mainly thanks to the additions of the BnB and the Gloriana Cafe, both constructions overseen by the Vice Chancellor, Gobblin.
While the rebuilding efforts were continuing, Chancellor BritishWanderer took it upon himself to revisit the policies of Salisbury and restructure them from the ground up, cutting taxes and establishing the Sovereign Fund which would be used as a safety net for the capital government and its citizenry. The Sovereign Fund was vital in keeping the economy afloat and allowing citizens to benefit themselves in periods when the Council were on diplomatic missions or otherwise outside of the Capital.
In late December, the Council came together to formalise and negotiate the funding and construction of a sturdy wall, 12 metres in height and 6 metres in width, surrounding Salisbury. The negotiations took 13 hours and ended with a fully funded wall, with slight changes werebeing made to the design whichto mademake it overall more defensiblesturdy. The wall had the main goal of outlining the city boundary of Salisbury while providing a defensive benefit to all of Salisbury's citizenry. Around the same time, plans were drawn up by the Chancellor and his Vice counterpart to further increase the security of Salisbury alongside the wall and as such, 3040% of the Sovereign Fund was used to fund snitch and bastion coverage across the entire capital borough of Salisbury. [[File:JanuarySalisbury.png|thumb|400x400px|This picture was taken by the Vice-Chancellor of the Capital, displaying Balmoral under construction in the distance with the neighbouring Winchester and Melbourne suburbs and the central portion of Salisbury prior to the filling in of the hole. '''Circa January 9th 2019''']]During this period, the council of Gabon was approached by Cincius wishing to construction Venice in the northern territory of Gabon, after some intense discussions among the Councillors it was decided that Salisbury would cede a portion of the Salisbury borough to create a new Venice borough under the overseeing view of Councillor Cincius. Although Cincius mainly kept to himself, he was able to construct a vast town in a short period of time and handily dug rails to Salisbury's International Station and Varkonia. Cincius became an integral part of the Council from this point forward, contributing to automated rail systems while continuing to build up Venice.
During this period, the council of Gabon was approached by Cincius who wished to construct the town of Venice in the northern territory of Gabon, after some intense discussions among the Councillors it was decided that Salisbury would cede a portion of the Capital borough to create a new borough of Venice under the oversight of Councillor Cincius. Although Cincius mainly kept to himself, he was able to construct a vast town in a short period of time and personally excavated rails to Salisbury's International Station and Varkonia City. Cincius became an integral part of the Council from this point forward, contributing to automated rail systems while continuing to build up Venice. [[File:JanuarySalisbury.png|thumb|400x400px|This picture was taken by the Vice-Chancellor of the Capital, displaying Balmoral under construction in the distance with the neighbouring Winchester and Melbourne suburbs and the central portion of Salisbury prior to the filling in of the hole. '''Circa January 9th 2019''']]Throughout December post civil war, Books and art were heavily encouraged by the Chancellor, of which such works of 'Tender Night in Gabon' & 'Gabon in Spring' were written by ChrisFa99 during this time. 'Tender Night In Gabon' especially proved as a popular book internationally and was sold out twice during the height of publication. ChrisFa99 would continue to author many pieces of Gabonese literature, many of which are still held in high regard and form an integral part of Gabonese culture.
<br />[[File:Boroughs.png|left|thumb|416x416px|The Boroughs of the Chancellery of Gabon.
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=== 2019 ===
==== Period of Peaceful Hibernation ====
While construction projects were well underway with the near completion of both the Winchester and Melbourne suburbs, Vice Chancellor Gobblin commissioned a nature walk lined with natural flora and fauna to lead north from Salisbury towards to the international with the Republic of Bloom, this culminated in the construction of the friendship bridge by both nations. Encouraging visitors and diplomatic ties was an important direction taken by the Chancellor BritishWanderer, aiding in Vice Chancellor Gobblin's vision of a strong economical city. The Military Camp of Willywhacker was also built during this time, a military complex tasked with the goal of training, equipping and housing those who would defend Salisbury and the country of Varkonia. [[File:Boroughs.png|left|thumb|416x416px|The Boroughs of the Chancellery of Gabon.
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'''Created January 2019''']]
'''Created January 2019''']]On the 10th of January, the Government of Gabon reformed away from the "G''rand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace"'' into "T''he Chancellery of Gabon"'' while not having any major consequences for the day to day of Salisbury, it did make the position of Lord High Chancellor and Vice Chancellor permanent only being open for election upon death or retirement. This change would cement BritishWanderer and Gobblin as permanent figures to represent Gabon for the foreseeable future. This change also came with a shift in the Council which was made up of {''BritishWanderer, Gobblin, Tvman999, ChrisFa99 and Cincius''}.
==='''Era of Growth [2019]'''===
While construction projects were well underway with the near completion of both the Winchester and Melbourne suburbs, Vice Chancellor Gobblin commissioned a nature walk lined with natural flora and fauna to lead north from Salisbury towards to the international border with the Republic of Bloom, this culminated in the construction of the friendship bridge by both nations. Encouraging visitors and diplomatic ties was an important direction taken by the Chancellor BritishWanderer, aiding in Vice Chancellor Gobblin's vision of a strong economical city. The Military Camp of Willywhacker was also built during this time, a military complex tasked with the goal of training, equipping and housing those who would defend Salisbury and the country of Varkonia. [[File:Boroughs.png|left|thumb|416x416px|The Boroughs of the Chancellery of Gabon.
'''Created January 2019''']]On the 10th of January, the Government of Gabon reformed away from the "'''G''rand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace'''''''"'' into "T''he'''The Chancellery of Gabon'''"'' and while not having any major consequences for the day to day of Salisbury, it did make the position of Lord High Chancellor and Vice Chancellor permanent onlyfixtures beingonly openvacant for election upon death or retirement. This change would cement BritishWanderer and Gobblin as permanent figures to represent Gabon for the foreseeable future. This change also came with a shift in the Council which waswould be made up of {''{ BritishWanderer, Gobblin, Tvman999, ChrisFa99 and Cincius'' }. ''
With the expansion of Salisbury, surrounding towns and the ceded borough territory to Venice, local governance slowly ceased to exist as the Capital was no longer the only settlement on the mainland and the Councillors of Salisbury merged into the same position of Councillors of Gabon. The borough of Salisbury would remain the largest and most populated borough, with the neighbouring boroughs of Bakerswood [2] {Southeast}, Venice [4] {North} and Highgrove [3] {South}.
With the expansion of Salisbury, surrounding towns and the ceded borough territory to Venice, local governance slowly ceased to exist as the Capital was no longer the only settlement on the mainland and as such the Councillors of Salisbury merged into the same position of Councillors of Gabon. The borough of Salisbury would remain the largest and most populated borough, with the neighbouring boroughs of Bakerswood [2] {Southeast}, Venice [4] {North} and Highgrove [3] {South} following suit.
As the city became sizable yet compact with tight streets, confusing alleyways and a myriad of houses in a unorganised fashion, it was decreed by the Chancellery to set up a rigorous street naming scheme, with each alleyway and street named and every house given a number and the resident names printed on all doors. This scheme aided greatly in keeping organisation inside of the suburb of Melbourne which was becoming a complex maze of apartments haphazardly built on top of one another in different shapes and sizes.
[[File:SalisburyStVarkanosCathedral.png|thumb|434x434px|This picture was taken on the northern road to Bloom of St Varkanos Cathedral peering over the Capital walls. '''Circa January 15th 2019''']]
Under official Chancellery decree in mid January, one of the larger envisioned projects was allowed to go ahead. whichThis involvedproject would entail promptly filling in Salisbury's defensive structure and the surrounding hole with incredible amounts of stone, sand and topsoil. This refill of the hole paved the way for a grand square to be set up in the centre of the Capital, with the now famous Great Tree as the centrepiece of the square. This was later joined on January 15th by the St Varkanos Cathedral which involved all government members in its construction, the cathedral was the tallest building in Gabon at its completion and still retains the title as of September 2020 atwith a height of 145m.
After the fervent display of unprecedented growth, with the Capital expanding to nearly three times its size than in November 2018, most of the Council decided that a break was in their best interests, with Chancellor BritishWanderer heading off to Varkonia to carry out duties as Spokesperson of the UNC and Vice Chancellor Gobblin heading to Highgrove to continue construction of the St Marcus Headquarters. Unfortunately it was at this time that ChrisFa99 penned his resignation from the Lord's Council, deciding that his time serving Salisbury had run its course. Councillor Cincius also went missing around this time and lost his position in the Council due to the unsure whereabouts of his persons.
The citizenry of Salisbury carried on business as usual, the sovereign fund allowed for the absence of both Chancellors and gave the citizenry the ability to fund their businesses or personal projects during this quiet period. The streets were relatively peaceful with no reports of crime during this time due to the security measures in place by both Gabon and Varkonia.
This hibernation period continued throughout the majority of March until the 28th when the Lord High Chancellor returned, it wasand decreed that the train station should have the available rail-lines expanded from 8 to 12 slots in order to accompany future diplomatic projects whereshould Salisbury desireddesire to expand international rail connections. Apart from this construction, it was still quiet on most fronts and business as usual for all citizens of Salisbury.
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==== PeriodGrowth of Growththe Capital ====
Fortunately the period of hibernation was not lengthy and with the return of The Vice Chancellor in early April, it was decided to reboot the government and continue to build onupon previous progress,. OstenVonStolz, a model citizen who had been hard at work constructing the Capital walls was promptly appointed to the position of Lord's Councillor in place of the late ChrisFa99. The government wasted no time and immediately set itself three enormous tasks, namely the Capital Depository, the shoreline district of Portsmouth, with a heavy focus on shopping in the harbour. and a renovation of Salisbury International Station,. theseThese projects were chosen due to a chancellery decree to expand the diplomatic outreach of Salisbury via rail connections and economical growth.
The Capital Depository was the first project to be attempted, a behemoth of a building with the intent of storing all of Salisbury's building materials and supplies. It was not only the construction of the building itself that was time consuming but transporting almost 30 double chests of resources into the depository itself, reportedly three fully-loaded donkeys died in the transportation process. The Capital Depository would become a vital part of every future building project planned from then on, making the distribution of building supplies much more efficient throughout the entire borough.[[File:AprilMap.png|thumb|434x434px|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the Capital city, Salisbury. Pictured is the new suburbs of Portsmouth, the beginnings of Hackney in the south and Central Salisbury. '''Circa April 2019''']]Portsmouth's blueprints were gradually laid out as foundations across the eastern bay of Salisbury by Vice Chancellor Gobblin, who had the vision of creating a modest economic community within the Capital to hopefully attract business from across the quadrant. Initial progress was slow as on April 11th it was leaked that allegedly the Gabonese Government had poorly budgeted the cities stone supplies and overstated the amount of stone in storage. While the stone crisis started as gossip, the government did later confirm the rumour and city-wide projects including the Salisbury city wall were halted as government ministers sought a new source to make up for the lack of stone. [[File:SalisburyStationGabon.png|left|thumb|289x289px|This picture was taken of Salisbury International prior to the vital renovations that took place. '''Circa March 2019'''[[File:SalisburyInternationalStation.png|left|thumb|281x281px|This picture was taken of Salisbury International Station after the extensive renovation efforts put in by Gobblin, OstenVonStolz and BritishWanderer. '''Circa 13th April 2019''']]<br />]]While construction materials were being ordered, Chancellor BritishWanderer and Vice Chancellor Gobblin took part in public events and set out to better the daily life of the average citizen, this included the popular bill to provide adequate public lighting across Salisbury especially to those who resided in impoverished areas of the Capital such as Melbourne. Both Chancellors also took the time to repave certain roads and enhance the local beauty by adding in bunting strewn across streets, planting flora and fauna that lined major roads and creating public gardens for citizenry to benefit from.
Once the aptly named stone crisis was declared over by the Council, labour immediately began on the renovations of Salisbury International Station, the scale comparatively to the station at the time was colossal, stationed underground at nearly 100 metres tall, it was a tremendous upgrade and became a grand entrance for any tourists or travellers passing through. The construction was the most efficient project of its size in the history of Salisbury, being designed, collected resources for and built all in the same working day. The days following, old rail lines were re-linked up to the new international station and holes were dug out in anticipation for future rail line extensions to [[Nyasaland]], [[Gensokyo]] & [[Tvtopia]]. On the 14th of April, a direct rail line was dug between [[Icenia]] and Salisbury, linking the two major cities in the minus- , minus- quadrant.
Portsmouth's blueprints were gradually laid out as foundations across the eastern bay of Salisbury by Vice Chancellor Gobblin, who had the vision of creating an modest economic community within the Capital to hopefully attract business from across the quadrant. Initial progress was slow as on April 11th it was leaked that allegedly the Gabonian Government had poorly budgeted the cities stone supplies and overstated the amount of stone in storage, while started as gossip, the government did later confirm the rumour and city-wide projects including the Salisbury wall were halted as a new source to make up for the lack of stone was sought.
The April renovations brought with it vast commercialisation to Portsmouth thanks to immense government investment which broughtattracted international corporations and countries to open up stores selling foreign goods. This economic growth in turn created a steady supply of visitors, shoppers and tourism for Salisbury which in turn boosted the number of citizenship applications and property purchases. [[File:Victoryarchsalisburyrow.png|left|thumb|329x329px|This picture was taken at the beginning of construction of the Victory Arch and Patriotic Row '''Circa Late May 2019''' ]]
While construction materials were being ordered, Chancellor BritishWanderer and Vice Chancellor Gobblin took part in public events and set out to better the daily life of the average citizen, this included the popular bill to provide adequate public lighting across Salisbury especially to those who resided in impoverished areas of the Capital such as Melbourne. Both Chancellors also took the time to repave certain roads and enhance the local beauty by adding in bunting strewn across streets, planting flora and fauna that lined major roads and creating public gardens for citizenry to benefit from.
Around the same time, Councillor OstenVonStolz, undaunted by the Capitalscale wallof the project took it upon himself to finish the remainder of the capital wall, this was no small feat as the wall only covered the north side of the city at the time. For his efforts in completing the entirety of the wall of his own volition, a small ceremony was held in a meeting of Lord's Council where Councillor OstenVonStolz was awarded a sizable portion of forested land south of the Capital, within the borough of Salisbury. It was this parcel of land that Councillor OstenVonStolz would transform into the quaint town of South Shields, boasting a pub, church, and blacksmith. This settlement was the first to be constructed outside of the capital within the same borough, making it the second oldest settlement in the borough of Salisbury. With the success of South Shields, the Lord's Council would grant OstenVonStolz further land to the far west, upon which Osten would settlefound the port settlement of Tynemouth. [[File:Victoryarchsalisburyrow.png|left|thumb|329x329px|This picture was taken at the beginning of construction of the Victory Arch and Patriotic Row '''Circa Late May 2019''' Tynemouth]]The wave of constructions continued with immense progress undertaken on the foundations of the new suburb of Hackney in the south of Salisbury. This suburb would go onto house working class, and lower middle class individuals who would form the backbone of Salisbury's service and minor industrial economy. The suburb of Hackney would house the Nox Theatre until the suburbs were redrawn in November 2019. The erection of Hackney was partly overseen by Dr_Oracle, diplomat of Mount Augusta at the time. Dr_Oracle was appointed as an health inspector for the duration of his visit, allowing him to visit construction sites and interact with the locals of Hackney. The diplomat from MtA was taken on a tour by the Vice Chancellor, the tour included places such as the famous Melbourne public toilet, widely known as the first toilet in the -,-, the new monasterial grounds, and additionally the inspector checked active building sites such as the Portsmouth south-end expansion, and Balmoral Castle.
Once the aptly named stone crisis was declared over by the Council, labour immediately began on the renovations of Salisbury International Station, the scale comparatively to the station at the time was colossal, stationed underground at nearly 100 metres tall, it was a tremendous upgrade and became a grand entrance for any tourists or travellers passing through. The construction was the most efficient project of its size in the history of Salisbury, being designed, collected resources for and built all in the same working day. The days following, old rail lines were re-linked up to the new international station and holes were dug out in anticipation for future rail line extensions to [[Nyasaland]], [[Gensokyo]] & [[Tvtopia]]. On the 14th of April, a direct rail line was dug between [[Icenia]] and Salisbury, linking the two major cities in the minus, minus quadrant.
The wave of constructions continued with immense progress undertaken on the foundations of the new suburb of Hackney in the south of Salisbury. This suburb would go onto house working class, and lower middle class individuals who would form the backbone of Salisbury's service and minor industrial economy. The suburb of Hackney would house the Nox Theatre until the suburbs were redrawn in November 2019. The erection of Hackney was partly overseen by Dr_Oracle, diplomat of Mount Augusta at the time. Dr_Oracle was appointed as an health inspector for the duration of his visit, allowing him to visit construction sites and interact with the locals of Hackney. The diplomat from MtA was taken on a tour by the Vice Chancellor, the tour included places such as the famous Melbourne public toilet, widely known as the first toilet in the -,-, the new monasterial grounds, and additionally the inspector checked active building sites such as the Portsmouth south-end expansion, and Balmoral Castle.
The April renovations brought with it vast commercialisation to Portsmouth thanks to immense government investment which brought international corporations and countries to open up stores selling foreign goods. This economic growth in turn created a steady supply of visitors, shoppers and tourism for Salisbury which in turn boosted the number of citizenship applications and property purchases.
Around the same time, Councillor OstenVonStolz, undaunted by the Capital wall project took it upon himself to finish the remainder of the wall, this was no small feat as the wall only covered the north side of the city at the time. For his efforts in completing the entirety of the wall of his own volition, a small ceremony was held in a meeting of Lord's Council where Councillor OstenVonStolz was awarded a sizable portion of forested land south of the Capital, within the borough of Salisbury. It was this parcel of land that Councillor OstenVonStolz would transform into the quaint town of South Shields, boasting a pub, church, and blacksmith. This settlement was the first to be constructed outside of the capital, making it the second oldest settlement in the borough of Salisbury. With the success of South Shields, the Lord's Council would grant OstenVonStolz further land to the far west, upon which Osten would settle the port settlement of Tynemouth. [[File:Victoryarchsalisburyrow.png|left|thumb|329x329px|This picture was taken at the beginning of construction of the Victory Arch and Patriotic Row '''Circa Late May 2019''' ]]The wave of constructions continued with immense progress undertaken on the foundations of the new suburb of Hackney in the south of Salisbury. This suburb would go onto house working class, and lower middle class individuals who would form the backbone of Salisbury's service and minor industrial economy. The suburb of Hackney would house the Nox Theatre until the suburbs were redrawn in November 2019. The erection of Hackney was partly overseen by Dr_Oracle, diplomat of Mount Augusta at the time. Dr_Oracle was appointed as an health inspector for the duration of his visit, allowing him to visit construction sites and interact with the locals of Hackney. The diplomat from MtA was taken on a tour by the Vice Chancellor, the tour included places such as the famous Melbourne public toilet, widely known as the first toilet in the -,-, the new monasterial grounds, and additionally the inspector checked active building sites such as the Portsmouth south-end expansion, and Balmoral Castle.
The Red Duke of Varkonia, Mickale, also visited during this time. Mickale was shown around new developments such as the Nox Theatre, Winchester South and the new developing townships of South Shields and Tynemouth.
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Salisbury was growing at a rapid rate, with nearly one new construction every other day for the months of April and May. The number of buildings in the Capital stood at 33 at the beginning of April, this grew to 67 buildings by the end of May.
On May 31st it was announced that Salisbury would hold a One Year Anniversary festival on the 10th of June. Invitations were sent out to numerous neighbouring leaders, citizens and the general international public. In preparation for the festivities, Vice Chancellor Gobblin commissioned a Victory Arch to commemorate the Civil War and founding of Gabon. This Arch would be flanked by a street of tall townhouses, a style which had not yet been seen anywhere else throughout the country. [[File:Victoryarchcompletedsalisbury.png|left|thumb|330x330px|This picture was taken at the completion of the Victory Arch and the Patriotic Row behind it. '''Circa June 1st 2019''']]
The Lord High Chancellor, BritishWanderer gathered up citizens and appointed tasks, the festivities required an extensive amount of alcohol and food which had to be produced in just a week prior to the party. The inside of the theatre was completely redesigned, long pew chairs were ripped out and replaced with three large centrepiece tables with each table being adorned with a colour of the national flag. Huge amounts of bunting were hung throughout the theatre and across Patriotic Row, and along Balmoral Avenue. [[File:3rdJuneSalisbury.png|thumb|451x451px|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the Capital city, Salisbury. Pictured is the new suburb of Hackney to the south, with the Nox Theatre, the Townhall and Patriotic Row coming off of the Victory Arch. '''Circa 3rd June 2019''']]On June 5th 2019, when tending flowers in Nox Square, Chancellor BritishWanderer was struck in the head by an arrow. Security forces led by the Vice Chancellor quickly secured the area and the Lord High Chancellor was taken to an improvised medical facility set up in the basement of the town hall. Luckily the Chancellor did not suffer any serious injuries and after bed rest would be able to attend the festivities later in the week.
[[File:Victoryarchcompletedsalisbury.png|left|thumb|330x330px|This picture was taken at the completion of the Victory Arch and the Patriotic Row behind it. '''Circa June 1st 2019''']]On June 5th 2019, when tending flowers in Nox Square, Chancellor BritishWanderer was struck in the head by an arrow. Security forces led by the Vice Chancellor quickly secured the area and the Lord High Chancellor was taken to an improvised medical facility set up in the basement of the town hall. Luckily the Chancellor did not suffer any serious injuries and after bed rest would be able to attend the festivities later in the week.
The One Year Anniversary Festival was held on the 10th of June 2019 as planned and was attended by many notable individuals such as; Mickale, Red Duke of Varkonia. Varkanos, King of Varkonia. MrLlamma, Leader of Coventhia. BennyX, Commissar of Nyasaland and Slushhi, Prime Minister of Bloom. The night was deemed a success, with a race around the city walls, city tours and the now world-renowned reading of [ 'Tender Night of Gabon' by InvictusX and Varkanos]. The Party concluded after a speech made by the Red Duke of Varkonia, expressing his immense pride and admiration of Gabon and it's government.
As a pet project in late June, the Vice Chancellor decided to enact land reclaiming policies in the eastern sea, by dredging the seabed and piling up sturdy materials to form islands off the coast. These three islands would be the start of an east coast archipelago project, with the islands varying in size and height. The Lord's Council would name the three islands, Christmas island, Nauru and Zealand respectively.
==== Period of Dormancy ====
After this period of vast expansion, diplomatic outreach and population growth, the Chancellery once again decided to step back. BritishWanderer tended to duties in the Varkonian Senate whilst Gobblin spent his holiday designing new suburbs and constructions for the future of Salisbury.
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==== PeriodWartime of& WartimeCouncil Elections ====
The Chancellery would return in November 2019, with the nation being involved in the [[NATO-Mir War]] under the helm of [[Varkonia]]. Although at war, the conflict did not come to the city of Salisbury and as such the Chancellery did not get involved for the most part, except for partly funding the vault break during the [[War of The Coalition|War of the Coalition]].
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The new Lord's Council would go onto implement the Corporations Act, allowing corporations to be founded in Gabon and their approved structure culminating in the founding of the Gabon Trading Company, headed up by Councillor Zyra_Bot. This trading company would set up numerous shops in Salisbury selling an array of goods from the overflow of the Salisbury depository.
However construction and election activity would be mired by the on-going [[NATO-Mir War]] and activity would slowly grind to a halt over the christmas period. The GOR would see progress stalled until it's completion in late December but other projects would unfortunately remain unfinished for the rest of 2019.
==='''A 2020New Direction [2020]'''===
==== Period of Stagnation ====
The construction industry took a backseat during the early periods of 2020, with only minor constructions in reddingsfield being completed alongside minor roads in the north.
Although the beginning of the year was a slow period of growth for Salisbury, it did experience a small influx of immigrants most notably of these was EvilxFish and Brettlessr who arrived in early January and settled north-west of Reddingsfield in the borough of Venice. They would later be joined by JonJonBenBen, Vemredat and Skullicus the latter of which would begin construction on multiple underwater projects including that of a church and rail system. These individuals would go onto found the Shadowwyn Trading Company focused on the buying & selling of XP materials. Shadowwyn would supply vast amounts of glass bottles to Varkonia which furthered Varkonia's XP industry and in-turn helped to encourage economic growth in Salisbury. The XP industry would be a steady supply of income for the city at thithis time, with Salisbury selling XP in shops around the city as well as contributing to the XP co-operative in Varkonia. However demand began to fall and XP businesses would slowly grind to a halt in early March as the Varkonia's XP co-operative would cease to function properly, driving the Shadowwyn Trading Company and others into inactivity.
s time, with Salisbury selling XP in shops around the city as well as contributing to the XP co-operative in Varkonia. However demand began to fall and XP businesses would slowly grind to a halt in early March as the Varkonia's XP co-operative would cease to function properly, driving the Shadowwyn Trading Company and others into inactivity.
The NATO-Mir War was still ongoing at this time and was unfortunately a drain on activity for most citizens in Salisbury, with trade, diplomacy and travel being hampered by the conflict. Rail lines connecting to Salisbury from foreign nations were also damaged which restrained anyone from making long journeys outside of the city. This city was safe during this period of stagnation due to an increase in armed patrols, snitch coverage and bastions. Behind the scenes, the Lord's Council drafted an independence checklist as a result of their disagreements with the state of Varkonia and its policies. This document contained 23 items required to be checked off before Gabonese independence would be considered by the Council. Although nevernot implemented during this time, it was evidence of the split in perspective of both Gabon and Varkonia which had built up due to frustration from the war.
In March 2020 the second election for Lord's Council was postponed by the Lord High Chancellor until further notice due to inactivity within the nation.
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[[File:Streetmapofsalisburyaugust2020.png|left|thumb|348x348px|This is the street map of Salisbury city and the outlying major roads as designed and drawn by Tiddy1809. '''Circa 25th August 2020''']]
==== PeriodReinvigoration of Reinvigorationthe Capital ====
Activity would be jumped started once again with the end of the war and subsequent commencement of the first Varkonian Senate elections on the 29th July. Citizens of Salisbury would find themselves participating in democracy for the first time in 8 months and the outcome of these elections would place 3 Gabonese citizens into the Varkonian Senate which gave Gabon alone a majority within the Senate. Those citizens, and now Senators were BritishWanderer, Gobblin and EvilxFish. Multiple laws would be implemented from this point onwards which would have a great impact on the city of Salisbury, such as the Civil Service Act 2020 which would implement a civil service across Varkonia headed by Gobblin. It was subsequently voted on that the headquarters of the civil service for Varkonia would be located in Salisbury Proper next to St. Varkanos Cathedral.
[[File:29thAugustSalisbury.png|thumb|460x460px|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the City of Salisbury. This photo depicts the vast development of Swanmore to the south-east of the capital and the expansion of farms south of the GOR outer wall. '''Circa 29th August 2020''']]
The HQ of the civil service would be constructed in Salisbury Proper, and many Gabonese citizens would be appointed to head up departments within the civil service, Tiddy1809 became head of Cartography, rclMan became head of Transport and both EvilxFish & Brettlessr became head of information and head of architecture respectively.
In early August, Chancellor BritishWanderer and Vice Chancellor Gobblin would stumbleuponstumble upon horrific damage to the old storehouse in the suburb of Salisbury Proper. The walls of the storehouse were torn down, and with it signs depicting history were removed, factories also fell victim to this attack with valuables still strewn across the floor. The individual who committed these acts would be named as Gooddknight97 and the Chancellery would rebuild the old storehouse replacing the signs of history with signs about the Gooddknight97 assault on Salisbury. This story would quickly become a national treasure within Salisbury and many citizens flocked to read it in the opening days.
Construction within Salisbury would see an explosive amount of growth in the weeks of August, beginning with the excavation and construction of the Salisbury crypts under the Cathedral, the crypts would serveserving as a spot to remember those who had contributed greatly to Salisbury and it's people. The Chancellery would also go on to design new interiors for buildings such that of the town hall & councillors building which received a full interior redesign, giving it a court, holding cells, meeting spaces and council offices. The Corvus shop was torn down during this period, opening up the square and the view of the Cathedral from the great tree.
With improvements being implemented throughout Salisbury Proper, the Chancellery turned its eyes towards a project much grander in scale. It was planned that the bay straddling the suburb of Portsmouth was to be dredged and deepened, with the same occurring for the Salisbury canal which ran through Portsmouth and out into the suburb of Whitehaven. Vice Chancellor Gobblin would propose for a connected line of tall yet roomy townhouses to straddle the canal towards Whitehaven, and to expand the region out so that the development would stretch around the south-eastern portion of the city walls. This new development would be named as the suburb of Swanmore and would be accompanied by an influx of citizenry to the region.
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Swanmore would begin to take shape in the latter portion of August with both Tiddy1809 and Gobblin working tirelessly to construct nearly 30 buildings within the suburb. Swanmore quickly grew to become one of the favourite suburbs of Salisbury, with it's distinct style and beautiful street decoration & layout. As Swanmore began to touch the GOR outer wall, new roads were built connecting the southern portion of Whitehaven up to Swanmore through Bakerswood which was also receiving new developments at this time.
==== The Question of Independence ====
On the 26th of August, the Lord High Chancellor BritishWanderer would instate Vice Chancellor Gobblin as acting head of state for a week and would vest all powers, abilities and country representation into this role. The peaceful transition took place in the Chancellery offices and was witnessed by Tiddy1809.
During the Chancellor's week holiday, the second Varkonian Senate elections would take place. This election would return BritishWanderer, Gobblin and EvilxFish to the Senate accompanied by Jamie who had been elected for a first time, giving Gabon a further majority for this term in the Varkonian Senate.
BritishWanderer would return on the 2nd of September and all powers would be transferred back to their usual roles. Upon his return the Lord High Chancellor would appoint Tiddy1809 as councillor to replace outgoing councillor Tvman999 due to the efforts and activity that Tiddy had displayed over the past few weeks. After discussions amongst the Chancellery and the Lord's Council ''{ Jamietech, Zyra_Bot & Tiddy1806 }.'' it was decided that Council elections would officially be held on the 11th of September for the first time in 10 months.
The candidates for Lord's Council would declare themselves in the days following the announcement, these candidates being Vemredat, Tiddy1806, Skullicus, Rclman, Zyra_bot and Jamie, with all incumbents seeking re-election. Prominent issues of this election was the independence movement, which had been growing in recent weeks and the betterment of infrastructure in Gabon. This election would see the first political parties, with the Gabon National Party being created as well as some candidates receiving official backing from the Shadowwyn Company. The election was hard fought, drawing lines in the sand between those wishing to stay & those wishing to leave the union with all other policy points being discarded.
On September 14th, Lord High Chancellor BritishWanderer announced the new council of Tiddy1806, Rclman and Jamie. Tiddy received the most votes with 15 or 93.75% of voters choosing them as their first choice. The council would pass the Architectural Standards Act, reinforcing the Salisbury build style across multiple boroughs.
In the weeks following the election, immense campaigning took place on the topic of Independence of Varkonia. Gobblin and BritishWanderer had decided not to run for the Varkonian Senate in the October elections which triggered a treaty crisis due to Article 9 ''Representation on the Senate''. Whilst underneath the surface, the Gabonese Government had entered talks with Varkonia about invoking Article 10 ''Gabon may Withdraw,'' this was mostly due to rising support among the populace. On the 1st October, Mickale addressed Varkonia concerning Gabon partnership inside of the union and the Lord High Chancellor would address Gabon the following day.
An Independence referendum was declared on the 2nd of October and voting would last 72 hours, with the two choices being 'Stay' and 'Leave'. The Government officially took no position on the matter however it was rumoured that BritishWanderer & Gobblin were strong supporters of the leave vote. The Referendum had the highest turnout of any democratic election in Gabon's history, the final result of the referendum would be '''Leave 62% | 38% Stay''' marking an historic moment in Gabon and changing the direction of the nation forever.
On the streets of Salisbury, the news was received with jubilant celebration, with pubs across the capital selling out of alcohol and breweries being raided for their stockpile. Signs marking Varkonia or other instances of the union across the city were torn down by citizens caught up in carousing leaving mess strewn across city streets.
==== Industrial Revolution ====
Following Independence, the Lord's Council immediately set about turning Salisbury from a city dominated by the tourist and service industry into a city worthy of exporting its own goods. An XP advisory committee
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