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[[File:FactoryMod infographic.png|thumb|350px| Factorymod single image summary]]
''More efficientEfficient item production''
Factories produce items with a higher yield then vanilla crafting. Some items may only be produced with factories. There are many factory types, each containing distinct recipes.
Most factories offer an increase in yield over vanilla crafting in exchange for setup and upkeep cost. Some factories create a rare output through an alternate recipe. Some factories create entirely new outputs, such as printing presses, which produce notes with unique serial numbers that can be used for currency.
=== Setup ===
Create a factory by placing a furnace, a crafting table and a chest (or trapped chest) side by side. Hitting a factory component with a stick in hand is used to interact with the factory.
* The furnace is used to run the factory. Place charcoal in either or both furnace slots. Hit the furnace with a stick to toggle the factories activation.
* The crafting table is used to select which factory recipe to run. Hit the crafting table with a stick to open the 'Select a recipe' GUI. Here you can mouseMouse over an item to see which recipe it corresponds to and the number of times it has been run. Left click an item to switch recipe.
* The chest is where recipe inputs and outputs are deposited. The chest may be a double chest. Hit the chest with a stick to see the factory type and health.
Complete the factory setup by placing aexactly dirtthe blockingredients inrequired thefor chesta and running thedesired factory. This createsin the dirt factory, from which all other factories are derivedchest. Use the commands <code> /fm </code> and <code>/fm [factory name]</code> to see all factories and their recipes.
=== Mechanics ===
Factories have health which degrades over several months{{Clarify}}. When the health reaches zero only the repair factory recipe can be ran. This recipe is found in every factories 'Select a recipe' GUI and is symbolized by the furnace item. The cost to repair a factory ranges from 5 to 15% of setup cost{{Citation needed}}. After around1000 2days yearsin ofa not beingbroken repairedstate the factory will break permanently and irreparably. If a component (furnace, crafting table and chest) or all components of the factory are physically broken not by time but physically they can be replaced in the same location and the factory can be recreated for only half of the initial factory recipesetup creation cost.
==== Details ====
* The crafting tables 'Select a recipe' GUI has two settings consistent across all factories. The 'Toggle auto select' setting, symbolized by a redstone block is found in all factories and when turned on causes the factory to automatically selectsselect any recipe it has the ingredients to run whenwhenever it is activated. Be careful as some factories create an output in one recipe and take it as input in another recipe meaning the two products cycle until charcoal runs out. The 'Open menu' setting symbolized by a painting opens a GUI equivalent to the <code>/fm [factory name]</code> command.
* If the chest becomes full during a factory run, output has no free slots to be deposited to and will be wasted.
* If the chest becomes full during a factory run, output has no free slots to be deposited to and will be wasted. {{efn|group=lower-alpha|This is a bug :}}
* The crafting tables 'Select a recipe' GUI has two settings consistent across all factories. The 'Toggle auto select' setting, symbolized by a redstone block is found in all factories and when turned on factory automatically selects any recipe it has the ingredients to run when activated. Be careful as some factories create an output in one recipe and take it as input in another recipe meaning the two products cycle until charcoal runs out. The 'Open menu' setting symbolized by a painting opens a GUI equivalent to the <code>/fm [factory name]</code> command.
* Redstone that activated the factory furnace will cause the factory to run
* Factories can be [[:File:Vertical Factory configuration.png|placed vertically]] with a furnace at the bottom, a crafting table in the middle and a chest or double chest at the top.
* It is possible to create a factory without making a dirt factory first by placing materials needed in the chest instead of the single dirt block{{Citation needed}}.
=== Special factories ===
==== Printing press ====
* A signed book can be turned into a printing plate. The printing plate can then be used in the following recipes : 'Print Book' which makes multiple book copies (without appending 'copy of'); 'Print Note' which makes a readable pamphlet from the first page of a book; 'Print Secure Note' which prints a note and appends the printing plates unique serial number.
==== Compactor ====
[[File:Compacted items.png|thumb|250px|Compacted items look no different, yet their lore text can be found on mouse over]]
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==== Cauldron factories ====
* [[Comprehensive_Guide:Production#OldEnchanting|XPExperience]](XP) cannot be gained through vanilla means and must be made in cauldron factories. These create emeraldsXP from large amounts of common crops. The advanced cauldron factory takes compactedand materialsreturns ascompacted ingredientsmaterials.
==== Printing press ====
* A signed book can be turned into a printing plate. The printing plate can then be used in the following recipes : 'Print Book' which makes multiple book copies (without appending 'copy of'); 'Print Note' which makes a readable pamphlet from the first page of a book; 'Print Secure Note' which prints a note and appends the printing plates unique serial number.
==== Other ====
Additional factories with special outputs include the Bastion factory which creates lored bastion blocks (see : [[Comprehensive_Guide#Bastion | Bastion]]) A small number of factory recipes are in fact less efficient than vanilla. Smelt lapis into lapis blocks in ore smelter gives slightly less output than using fortune III on lapis ore (avg 13.5 vs 14.3).