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These pages have some information and some pictures but may feel unfinished.
[[Iria]] • [[Mount Augusta]] • [[Alponia]] • [[Okashima]] • [[Resimare]] • [[Sovia]] • [[Gensokyo]] • [[NCA]] • [[Vinland]] • [[SPQR]]/ [[Crowsroost]] • [[HITS]] • [[Recent_Changes_to_the_Server]]
=== ★★ Other pages ===
These pages may be stubs, have formatting errors or contain outdated data
[[Falstadt]] • [[USA]] • [[Commonwealth]] • [[Laconia]] • [[Oistins]] • [[SPQR]] • [[Vzis]] • [[Westeros]] • [[Georgia]] • [[Holy Jaded Empire]] • [[Ionia]]<sup>New</sup> • [[Columbia]] • [[Provincia]] / [[Order of St Marcus]] • [[GNI]] [[List of Civilisations]] • [[Great Overland Railway]] • [[List of Vaults]] • [[Western Alliance]] • [[Big Eastern North-South Rail]] • [[List of Conflicts]] • [[Roaming of Comixao]] • [[Secession of Yakuza]] • [[Timeline of First Month]]
=== ★ To be created ===
Many of these pages are significant yet lack a page or have a page with virtually no content. [[Editing guide|You can help!]]
[[Somber War]] • [[Lexington]] • [[Königsberg]] • [[Mir]] • [[Nymph]] • [[Nipplerock]] • [[Casanuela]] • [[Wayrest]] • [[Pacem]] • [[Jefferson]] • [[Tvtopia]] • [[Nevada]] • [[Nudist Beach]] / [[Order of the White Lotus]] • [[End Citadel]] • [[Box News]]
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