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Народный остров is the main nexus to the outside world. Offices of both the Department of Domestic State and Department of Foreign Affairs are located here. This is where new members gain citizenship, voter registration, and passport privileges. This is as well, where foreign nations interact with the State and where many of the embassies are located. Furthermore Ростовское транзитное управление [The Rostov Transit Authority] houses the hub for the main rail line for international arrivals on this island.
== The Role of Communism in the CRoR ==
The Communist Republic of Rostov is not merely a communist dictatorship with complete and unquestionable power in the government. The Communist Republic of Rostov is truly that... a republic. The role of Communism is solely to keep the government and state true to its purpose, to serve the people. A government built for the people by the people is serving its purpose... a government with faith in money and greed is one of power and corruption.
The founding of the Communist Republic of Rostov followed a visit to the nation of [[Mount Augusta]]. The founders of the State admired the freedoms and prosperous city that was present there. However the founders wanted the government to be more present in the lives of its people. In order to form a government in which the State has faith and reliance on its people, Communism became the one party system present in the Republic.
== Government of the CRoR ==
=== The Executive Branch ===
The Executive Branch of Коммунистическая Республика Ростов is the central body of the State. It is responsible for general oversight over the State through its departments, of which each have their own purpose and role. The head of the Executive body is the Head of State which is currently SpookySandstone, a founding member of the Communist Republic. The entirety of the Executive body, including the Head of State and the Secretaries, operates in the Executive building on Столичный остров. The only exception to this are the Department of Domestic State and Department of Foreign Affairs of which operate off of Народный остров.
====== The Head of State ======
<u>Head of State: SpookySandstone</u>
The Head of State is the chief executive figurehead in the government. Their role is to oversee the departments of the executive branch and as well, has the power to veto or approve bills passed by the legislation. This position is not elected, as it is also the head of the communist party of the Republic. The head of state is appointed by the Secretaries of the Executive branch, and may not be removed from office, unless the Secretary of Justice files charges against the head of state, and they're proven guilty in the judiciary.
The ''Head of State'' is the only person in the government that has the power to declare war on another nation, however to do so the approval of all five Executive Departments, specifically their prospective ''Secretaries'', is required for the action to be carried out.
====== The Department of Domestic State ======
<u>Secretary of Domestic State: Prisma15</u>
The Department of Domestic State is responsible for all domestic affairs. This includes but is not limited to approval or denial of citizenship, approval or denial of voter registration, and approval or denial of passport privileges. The ''Secretary of Domestic State'' is also first in line in the event that a ''Head of State'' is no longer able to perform their duties.
====== The Department of Foreign Affairs ======
<u>Secretary of Foreign Affairs: beemuncher</u>
The Department of foreign affairs is responsible for all aspects of the government pertaining to interaction with foreign nations. This includes but is not limited to distribution of visas to other nations, interaction with foreign diplomats, and diplomatic visits to other nations. The ''Secretary of Foreign Affairs'' is the liaison between the Communist Republic of Rostov and the world.
====== The Department of Justice ======
<u>Secretary of Justice:</u>
The Department of Justice is responsible for all legal and judiciary matters involving the State or the Executive Branch. The ''Secretary of Justice'' acts as a liaison between the Judiciary and the Executive Branch, and brings forth charges against those who committed crimes, both civil and criminal, against the State to the Judiciary. The ''Secretary of Justice'' is the only secretary who can bring charges of impeachment against the ''Head of State'', due to crimes committed against the state.
====== The Department of Treasury ======
<u>Secretary of Treasury:</u>
====== The Department of State Development ======
<u>Secretary of State Development: MyToad77</u>
=== The Legislature ===
The Legislature of the Communist Republic of Rostov consists of 10 members: Six from Великая Родина, Two from Столичный остров, and two from Народный остров. The goal of the Legislature is to be true to that of the Republic, represent the people of which elected them into office. The meeting place of the Legislature is the Legislative Plaza located on Столичный остров.
Elected officials, known as ''Representatives'', are responsible for creating bills and laws that reflect the wills of the people of the state. These officials are elected in by popular vote of the people of the Communist Republic of Rostov. Those elected to serve hold office for a term of three weeks, and then may run for reelection. There's no limit on the amount of terms that a representative may serve, and therefore any seat maybe held by any person within the Communist Republic of Rostov.
=== The Judiciary ===
The Judiciary is the central judicial body of the State. It Is responsible for conducting court cases both criminal and civil without loyalty to the State. This means the decisions made in the Court are not to be influenced by the will of the state, but the will of justice. This is the one government building we're loyalty to the Communist State is not permitted.
The offices available are that of the ''Chief Justice'' and two ''Associate Justices''. These are selected by that of the ''Head of State'' and approved by two thirds vote of the legislature. These ''Justices'' are required to have no allegiance to the state and must make decisions that enforce equal justice under law.


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