
From CivWiki
Revision as of 13:26, 4 June 2020 by Noahravn (talk | contribs) (Created the page and wrote the intro/made some formatting. Feel free to add more detail and shit. Please try to remain neutral when writing tho)
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The Kingdom of Savaguard was a large kingdom located on the west coast of the main continent. Savaguard was officially established on ___ as a successor state to the Western Empire. It was ruled by King Invader1337 . At its height, Savaguard was one of the major powers on the server, and had one of the largest land areas. Savaguard was officially dissolved on ___ after their defeat against Cantina in the ___ war. It was succeeded by 12 independent states, 11 of which formed the Confederacy of Independent States, with the Saviors Republic choosing not to join the Confederacy.[1]



Western Empire

Pearling of Twinkie

Invader's Rise to Power

Romano-Columbian War

Invasion of Unitas

Cantina-Savaguardian War



Do some stuff about the different cities/regions


Do some stuff about the political system of savaguard



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</image> <label>Founded</label> <label>Demonym</label> <label>Government</label> <label>Leader</label> <label>Capital</label> <label>Location</label> <group collapse="open"> <header>Demographics</header> <label>Language</label> <label>Cities</label> <label>Population</label> </group> </infobox>