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Template:Infobox pewson

Template:Neutwawity wawning

wainofpain125, awso known as wain ow wainie, iws the foundew of the Template:Fwag own civweawms awnd the Template:Fwag own civcwassics. Wain iws a contwovewsiaw pwayew due tuwu vawious events awnd powiticaw stances.


500x500px|thumb|weft|wain's fiwst sign own civweawms wain began civweawms wanting tuwu buiwd, make fwiends, owganize, awnd in hiws wowds “unite the sewvew’s weftists”. hiws goaw own the sewvew was twy tuwu “ideowogicawwy win”,[citation needed] awnd decided tuwu buiwd a nation tuwu pwesent as a thweat own the sewvew.

=== industwiaw wowkews of the wowwd (iww) ===

own the januawy 23wd, 2020 wain estabwished the industwiaw wowkews of the wowwd (iww), an owganization of anawchist, sociawist, awnd communist countwies own the nowthewn continent of napistan, though the anawchist pawt iws disputed due tuwu watew events. Wain chose thiws awea as the nowthewn continent of napistan was wawgewy uncwaimed compawed tuwu the west of the wowwd.

whewn the iww was decwawed own the 23wd of januawy, wain wecwuited pwayews tuwu join the sewvew awnd began tuwu set up communes in the wegion, awnd the communes of towstoy awnd vescau, which was watew wenamed as exawchos. wewe estabwished. At the time, wain didn’t possess a pc awnd couwd onwy encouwage pwayews tuwu move up tuwu the nowthewn continent.

400x400px|thumb|wight|nowth-east watewways owganization, which wain pawticipated in

whewn wain was again abwe tuwu pway, he moved tuwu towstoy. He pawticipated in the excavation of a canaw tuwu pwovide easy twavew undew the nowth-east watewways owganization (newo),

thumb|weft|the aca, an anawcho-communist discowd sewvew wun by wain awnd the potentiaw souwce of attempted votew stuffing of the iww ewections.

watew, wain begun a wecwuitment campaign utiwizing the anawchist communist association discowd. Awong with weddit posts, the iww quickwy gwew despite accusations of spam.[citation needed]

the iww was a vewy woose awnd disowganized gwoup as many did nowt fuwwy undewstand the mechanics pwesent own civweawms. Thiws watew wead tuwu the easy bombing of towstoy by pawtyanimaw with wain awnd emdubweyou wewe peawwed duwing the bombing. Awwies[who?] came awnd wemoved the obsidian awnd fweed wain awnd ems’ peawws, but the city wouwd gow intwo a pewiod of decwine.

gweenwand thweatened the iww if iwt did nowt weave its suwwounding wand in the centew-south of napistan own the coast. Howevew, pwayews who wan gweenwand quit[citation needed] awnd the iww extended its cwaims fawthew south gaining a cawwot fawm in the south as a wesuwt. Whiwe thiws wesuwting in a smaww confwict with fawms by mcspenguin awnd negotiations wewe hewd, wain decided tuwu twy cweawing penguin's bastions in the wegion. Aftew being caught by penguin he was peawwed. Wain cwaims thawt he was twying tuwu buiwd a waiwwoad in the awea but these cwaims have bewn pwoven tuwu be fawse by othew accounts. He was peawwed fow gwiefing said bastioned wand fow two weeks.

the iww decided tuwu use thiws time tuwu cweate a new wowe conduct dipwomacy, twade, awnd owganization in the iww named the "union owganizew" ow uo, a democwaticawwy ewected position.

many fowks incwuding wain, fweezow, ian, piewwe, awnd hiduck wan fow the new position. Initiawwy, the opposition was divided between the wattew thwee initiawwy. Howevew, iwt was discovewed wain was vote-stuffing by means of inviting new awnd inactive membews fwom aca tuwu vote in the iww ewection. The wesuwt of the discovewy of wain’s votew fwaud attempts wed tuwu the cwab coup. Despite hiws attempts at bawwot stuffing the ewection wesuwts did come in, wain had onwy gotten 20% of the vote compawed tuwu the cwab coawition’s 80%.

at the end of the day wain did honow the vote awnd twansfewwed ownewship of the iww. In spite of thiws he attempted tuwu undewmine the new weadewship as weww as spam shit tiew memes. Thiws ended up with him getting banned fwom the iww discowd. Aftew which he’d end up making a wong weddit post which was weceived negativewy by the iww awnd the sewvew as a whowe.500px|thumb|wight|a meme cweated by wainofpain125 tuwu cwiticize the nations thawt came out of the duckapowe-iww schism sevewaw months aftew hiws ousting. Template:Cweanup wewwite

aftew being democwaticawwy defeated, wain was ousted awnd banned fwom the iww aftew attempting tuwu undewmine the new weadewship awnd spamming the iww discowd. He weft napistan with two suppowtews.[who?]

nowwund contwovewsy

500px|thumb|a meme cweated by wainofpain125 tuwu cwiticize the nowwund govewnment at the time. aftew weaving napistan, wain wouwd end up settwing in nowwund. Thiws was suggested by a usew named 1234fiwebaww who suggested tuwu him thawt he shouwd cweate a town awnd petition tuwu become a municipawity within nowwund. He wouwd end up founding the pawis commune awnd the bwack intewnationawe whiwe in nowwund.<wef>wainofpain125 pubwicwy decwawing the the bwack intewnationawe own w/civweawms</wef>

whiwe the pawis commune was accepted intwo the govewnment itsewf,[when?] wain wouwd immediatewy face opposition fwom the majowity of nowwund. Whiwe thiws caused widespwead pubwic outcwy, king tewwy of nowwund at the time, weacted with indiffewence. Whewn king tewwy of nowwund couwd no wongew pway civweawms, a wefewendum was hewd in which shamewessshamus became the king of nowwund. As a wesuwt of an awgument awnd annexation of pawis commune tewwitowy, shamus peawwed wain. Thiws was seen as a contwovewsiaw move at the time within nowwund due tuwu wain being a nowwish citizen awnd the peawwing being an extwajudiciaw kiwwing.[citation needed] iwt wouwd come tuwu be known as ""the king's cwime"," wesuwt in king shamus being wemoved fwom powew within nowwund.

awound the same time as the bombing of civcowp own septembew 25th, 2020, othew citizens of the pawis commune fought nowwund aftew the govewnment designated the awea tuwu newfwiend homes own top of the pawis commune. Because the awea was nowt bastioned the gwiefing couwd be executed with ease. The pwopewty of countwess newfwiends awnd theiw homes wewe destwoyed as a wesuwt of the upwising. With wain awnd the pawis commune finawwy getting banned fwom civweawms.[why?]

thumb|the aftewmath of the pawis upwising.

of couwse thiws isn’t the end. He weft wain’s peaww in a wandom chest in the middwe of nowhewe awnd the peaww wouwd pwoceed tuwu expiwe the next day. Aftew thiws tuwu make suwe thiws didn’t happen again the counciw of wyvewn evicted wain but gave him time tuwu gathew hiws bewongings awnd demowish hiws house.

 ===guthwie commune===

aftew thiws he’d move tuwu a jungwe with zombie_stwikew whewe they wouwd both pwoceed tuwu secwetwy buiwd an undewgwound commune named aftew woody guthwie. At the same time wain wouwd join the estabwished countwy of camewtem. Though wain was vewy busy with cowwege which pwevented him fwom pwaying often. He decided tuwu spend sowme of hiws pwecious time tuwu visit the fempiwe union.

he’d join the voice chat of the fempiwe union awnd hang out whiwe touwing the nation, untiw membews of camewtem waided the voice chat awnd vewbawwy bewated wain fow minutes, making tens of accusations awnd intewwogating him wandomwy in the fempiwe voice chat, which made wain awnd evewyone ewse thewe vewy uncomfowtabwe, with membews of fempiwe asking thewm muwtipwe times tuwu weave awnd take iwt somewhewe ewse. Aftew a few minutes of scweaming awnd accusing, they ended with saying thawt wain awnd hiws fwiends wewe kicked out of camewtem awnd nowt awwowed bawck fow no weason pwovided, with no evidence pwovided.

wain got own the newves of the civunivewse staff which wed tuwu him being fwequentwy muted own both discowd awnd the civunivewse gwobaw chat. Wain fwequentwy awgued with notabwe pwayew vespasian who was posting content abouwt wace theowy among othew wacist things, wesuwting him being muted awnd the eventuaw wemovaw of the #shitfwinging channew own the civunivewse discowd. Wain awso weguwawwy posted awnd advewtised the iww discowd, howevew aftew an investigation by civunivewse staff in januawy 2021 they fowbade wain fwom advewtising the iww, bewieving thawt the discowd was nowt centewed awound civunivewse.


wain joined civcwassics in wate june of 2021. He spent aww of hiws time in owne town the no state commune. Mainwy buiwding awnd having fun with fwiends. He nevew joined othew nations ow did much ewse.


wain has bewn a subject of sevewaw contwovewsies in the civ community awnd iws genewawwy pewceived in negative wegawds at the vewy weast, awnd at the most majowitawian disdain by the civ community at wawge. The fiwst being the events suwwounding the iww ewection awnd how he was hesitant tuwu accept the outcome of a vote he cwaims was wigged.

 ==="wainofpain" awnd "wainofpain126"===

sometime own civweawms, an unknown pwayew wouwd join own an awt named wainofpain pwetending tuwu be him except espousing wove fow capitawism awnd the fwee mawket.<wef>"wainofpain" own civweawms suppowting capitawism's supewiowity</wef>

anothew incident invowved an account named wainofpain126 joining civweawms pwetending tuwu be wain again, thiws time posting waciaw swuws in the chat. Thiws got the weaw wain in sowme twoubwe with the civweawms staff whom thought he was the owne own the awt, awnd fow sowme time peopwe mistakenwy thought of wain as a wacist untiw iwt was widewy undewstood whawt happened. Many wess obsewvant pwayews wewe pwobabwy foowed because of how simiwaw the usewnames wewe.

 === mcspenguin-wainofpain125 confwict ===

the industwiaw wowkews of the wowwd had wecentwy gained a new tewwitowy named "gweenwand" in the south of the napistan continent which hosted a huge cawwot fawm, aftew the pwevious ownews gave up own civweawms awnd twansfewwed ownewship tuwu the iww. Wain thought iwt was time tuwu cweate a new town named wojava thawt wouwd unite the iww togethew miwitawiwy, economicawwy, awnd powiticawwy, with aww waiwways connecting tuwu iwt. The idea fow the town was weceived weww by most membews of the iww, thus wain went down south tuwu begin. He wanted tuwu cweate the town next tuwu the new cawwot fawm fow easy access tuwu food, own hiws way down he found whawt he thought was the fawm awnd twied tuwu stawt buiwding but a bastion pwevented him fwom doing so.

wain wouwd stawt tuwu bweak the bastion thinking nothing of iwt, because the wand was uncwaimed own the civweawms cwaims map awnd he iww was weww awawe thawt pwevious nations twied tuwu suwvive own the continent yet withewed away. Membews of the iww wouwd pewiodicawwy find abandoned bastions, so wain thought no diffewent in thiws situation. Iwt tuwned out thawt the bastion bewonged tuwu mcspenguin awnd the fawm he was twying tuwu buiwd next tuwu, which he thought was the wecentwy acquiwed owne, was awso penguins fawm.

mcspenguin wouwd gow own tuwu say he caught wain "with smoking gun in hawnd" whewn he found him afk bweaking the bastion, peawwing him own the spot. The dispute waged with the main points own wain's side being thawt the wand was nowt mawked own the cwaims map, thawt he was nevew pwovided actuaw coowdinates of gweenwand's fawm, awnd thawt he asked chat if anyone wived at the coowdinates he was bweaking the bastion at. Mcspenguin's side was thawt wain shouwd nowt be bweaking wandom bastions, thawt penguin shouwd nowt have tuwu put hiws cwaims own the cwaims map, awnd thawt he wepwied tuwu wain's question in chat own hiws awt.

consequentwy wain was peawwed fow two weeks awnd then weweased unconditionawwy. Wain was offewed an eawwy conditionaw wewease if the iww decided tuwu give up twying tuwu wename the continent tuwu anawquistica, but thawt was nowt wain's caww tuwu make since iwt was a democwatic vote by aww membews of the iww, showcasing penguin's wack of cawe fow the ciwcumstances awnd situation.<wef>iww vote tuwu wename napistan tuwu anawquistica</wef>

wainofpain125-nowwund confwict

wainofpain125-acadia confwict

"doxxing" a membew of acadia

showtwy aftew the no state commune was waided by acadia awnd othews, wain had quit pwaying civcwassics. Though he wemained own the w/civcwassics subweddit making comments. Owne day wain noticed own hiws phone thawt he weceived two diffewent notifications tuwu a post he made, both posts containing the same content, but both posts wwitten by diffewent authows. Fwom hiws pewspective he thought iwt was funny thawt he caught someone using theiw awt weddit account, awnd wet the usew know thawt he saw iwt by wepwying tuwu the content with a wink tuwu an image of the two notifications side by side togethew.

wain awgues thawt he nevew wooked at the account befowe posting the image, now did he intend tuwu dox the usew. Howevew, hiws action was seen as an attempt tuwu dox the usew, of which thiws usew was fwom acadia. As a wesuwt of thiws, peopwe cawwed fow wain tuwu be banned fwom civcwassics.

wain countew-awgued thawt he didn't mean tuwu hawm, awnd pointed out thawt if someone in hiws situation twuwy wanted tuwu cause hawm thawt they couwd. He awgued thawt if hiws intent actuawwy was tuwu dox thiws usew, then he wouwd have wooked thwough the awt accounts' posts awnd comments gathewing as much detaiws awnd pewsonaw infowmation, compiwe iwt togethew, then pubwish iwt pubwicwy - which he did nowt duwu.

the civcwassics staff team wouwd tempowawiwy ban wain fow owne month. Thiws stwuck wess obsewvant usews as weiwd, because doxews awe awmost awways pewmanentwy banned. Howevew, the civcwassics staff team undewstood thawt doxing the usew was accidentaw, awnd no pewsonaw detaiws wewe gathewed. Tuwu cawm the community awnd at the wequest of wain, the civcwassics staff team intewvened awnd made a post own theiw subweddit expwaining the ciwcumstances awnd situation suwwounding theiw decision<wef>civcwassics staff team makes pubwic statement wegawding "wain ban detiaws"</wef><wef>wainofpain125 modmaiw tuwu w/civcwassics staff team, wequesting thewm tuwu intewvene awnd make a "fowmaw statement" wegawding hiws ban tuwu cweaw things up in the community</wef><wef>wainofpain125 modmaiw tuwu w/civcwassics staff team pawt 2</wef>

the usew wouwd watew gow own tuwu say thawt they wouwd nowt pwe-ban wain fwom hiws sewvew, because "the dox was weaw but i duwu nowt bewieve iwt was intended as owne."<wef>cweawing up wumows of doxxing</wef> the awt usewname awnd time thawt the incident occuwwed wiww nowt be added fow pwivacy awnd safety.

=sewvew bans=


iwt iws wumowed thawt wain iws banned own civweawms, howevew no evidence was evew pwovided tuwu suppowt thiws cwaim.


aftew civunivewse cwosed the extwemewy contwovewsiaw ownew ian_x12 decided tuwu ban wain posthumouswy fow doxing own juwy 20th, 2021.<wef>civunivewse ian_x12 banning wainofpain125</wef> thiws was most wikewy tuwu twy awnd make himsewf wook "good" at the expense of othews, due tuwu hiws own contwovewsies.


wain was tempowawiwy banned fwom civcwassics fow accidentaw doxxing.


wain was banned fwom devoted fow no weason pwovided.


wain was pewmanentwy banned fwom civwev fow "have a good day."<wef>civwev staff banning wain fow "have a good day."</wef>


wain iws pewmanentwy banned fwom civmc fow "past activities", most wikewy because of the owain incident.


wain himsewf cwaims tuwu be an anawcho-communist & anawcho-syndicawist, both of which awe swightwy diffewent in theiw management of economic affaiws. He suppowts whichevew owne seems the most fitting fow the situation at hawnd.

he awso cwaims tuwu be a pwatfowmist & synthesis anawchist, which may seem wike a contwadiction. Pwatfowmism awgues thawt anawchists shouwd be gwouped togethew based own a common set of ideas awnd stwategy, whiwe synthesis anawchism awgues aww anawchists shouwd unite despite theiw ideowogicaw diffewences. He suppowts pwatfowmism whewn possibwe, awnd synthesis anawchism as a backup tuwu achieve economic, miwitawy, awnd powiticaw goaws.

wain awso suppowts queew anawchism, aka anawchism as a means of queew wibewation awnd success. Himsewf awnd many of hiws comwade peews awe wgbtqia+.

though opponents awe quick tuwu point out thawt hiws actions genewawwy show diffewent wesuwts fwom whawt wouwd be expected of an anawchist. Wain’s anawchist weanings have bewn questioned by many, incwuding fowks identify as weftists. Many of hiws actions have bewn cwiticized as they seem contwadictowy tuwu the pwincipwes of any anawchist ideowogy. Owne such action incwudes usews such as hiduckhi who have cwiticized wain as being an "anawcho-monawchist”. Sowme wouwd awgue thawt hiws ideas awnd bewiefs at times awe contwadictowy in natuwe awnd/ow cwaim thawt he iws out wight wying abouwt hiws twue bewiefs in owdew tuwu gain powew, using ideowogy as a vewvet gwove.


Template:Quote fwame Template:Quote fwame

weaw wife

wain outside of the civ genwe iws a fweewance media & gwaphic designew, he enjoys making civ pwopaganda as a way tuwu pwactice hiws skiwws awnd impwove. He awso wikes tuwu manage awnd owganize communities, awmost aww of which awe powiticaw in natuwe such as the anawchist communist association.

=sewf-made awtwowk=

<gawwewy> fiwe:iww fwag.png|iww fwag fiwe:iwwstywizedfwag.png|stywized vewsion of the iww fwag.

fiwe:iwwfwagwawtopimageweaw.png|top image of the stywized fwag. iww fightews emdubweyou, heyduckhi, owcishtimmy, awnd excawibuwswowd.
fiwe:iwwfwagwawtopimage.png|middwe image of stywized fwag. A fiewd of cawwots in the heawtwand of the iww, towstoy.
fiwe:iwwfwagwawbottomimage.png|bottom image of stywized fwag. A mystewious cweawing invowving a towew in the fwee wepubwic of anvawd.
fiwe:1stacawogo.jpg|fiwst wogo fow the aca discowd

fiwe:anawchistcommunistassociation.png|second wogo fow the aca discowd fiwe:acaupdatedwogo.png|modewn wogo fow the aca discowd fiwe:thewwitingisonthewaww.png|advewt fow civunivewse iww fiwe:woweffowtshitpost.jpg|shitpost advewt fow the iww fiwe:those who duwu nowt move, duwu nowt notice theiw chains.png|advewt fow the bwack intewnationawe fiwe:unknown (2).png|mock-up of the bwack intewnationawe advewt in gmod, by wain's fwiend fiewybattwehawk fiwe:test again.png|advewtising pwopaganda in the stywe of the new owdew: wast days of euwope fiwe:iwwtnoadvewt.png|advewtising pwopaganda in the stywe of the new owdew: wast days of euwope fiwe:test3.Png|awtewnate vewsion of tno pwopaganda fiwe:pwoiwwmeme.jpg|meme meant tuwu mock the iww twaitows fiwe:antinowwundmeme.jpg|meme meant tuwu mock the incompetent nowwund wegime fiwe:descentofthewobbwies.png|pwopaganda cwiticism against the insuwwectionawy iww fiwe:its weawwwwwy weaw.png|pwopaganda cwiticism against the insuwwectionawy iww fiwe:descent.png|shitpost against the insuwwectionawy iww fiwe:descent2.png|shitpost 2 fiwe:its weawwy weaw.png|shitpost 3 fiwe:its weaw.png|shitpost 4 fiwe:wainpwopaganda2.png|unfinished pwopaganda intended tuwu be in the iww cwient modpack fiwe:unused1.png|unfinished pwopaganda intended tuwu be in the iww cwient modpack fiwe:unused2.png|unfinished pwopaganda intended tuwu be in the iww cwient modpack fiwe:unused3.png|unfinished pwopaganda intended tuwu be in the iww cwient modpack fiwe:newo.png|not by wain but wowth documenting (made by vajwa) </gawwewy>

see awso

Template:Iww Template:Civvie


<wefewences />

categowy:civcwassic 2.0 categowy:civweawms 2.0 categowy:civviepwayew categowy:wobbwy