RainOfPain125: Difference between revisions

added few citation neededs, spelling, removal of phrases like ´´x is very respectable, friendly, and nice person´´, ´´y is an extreme drama queen´´, and so on.
m (added neutrality warning)
(added few citation neededs, spelling, removal of phrases like ´´x is very respectable, friendly, and nice person´´, ´´y is an extreme drama queen´´, and so on.)
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===The No State Commune===
[[ZombieStriker]], having been the leader of the successor to the IWW on CivRealms (the [[Borealian Socialist Republic|BSR]]) became friends with Rain playing CivUniverse. CivUniverse died and Rain took a hiatus, while Zombie went on to play CivClassics joining Acadia. After some time Rain decided to join Classics. Zombie, isat athe verytime respectable,Minister friendly,of andInterior nicein personAcadia, andsecretly offered to help setup TNSC and provide some materials. Zombie seemed well-trusted in Acadia, gaining the position of Minister of the Interior. Despite her powers in Acadia, Rain nor the TNSC ever had Zombie vandalize or inside the nation, as that did not align with who they were or how they act.
===Tensions fromwith Acadia===
Rainie settled near Acadia, aswhich ownedwas and ranfounded by Cortwade, who aswas apartalso part of the Norlund government on CivRealms. This as a very awkward situation because Rain chose to border Acadia when picking a place to settle and form TNSC. Cortwade and his peer JuniorTide were hardline anti-communists who already seemed to hate Rain. On his first week, Rain was already accused of sign-bombing JuniorTide's house ithwith communist propaganda. However,Rain JuniorTidedenied hasthese littleaccusations tostating no knowledge of leftist ideology, asthat the signs were clearlyseemed State Socialist leaning, with messages like "NORTH KOREA BEST KOREA" and so forth - something an Anarchist would not write.<ref>[https://i.imgur.com/kdym634.png Signs on JuniorTide's home]</ref>
===Accusations of involvement in raidings===
===Rumors of Rain asking players to raid Acadia===
As Rain began recruiting for TNSC, most if not all of the recruits were new to Civ and had no idea how it worked. Many of them thought of raiding buildings they found along the way to the commune. However, there was a hardline effort to discourage raiding.{{Citation Itneeded|date=November was said multiple times and emphasized to not raid other nations, or to interact with Acadia.2021}} One of the members had destroyed an Acadian chest to loot it and was caught later on. Rain demanded that the user turn themselves in and return the items they stole. Another user named Pentigrass, who is from the Anarchist Communist Association, is an extreme drama queen who went out of their way to try and fabricate things. Most notably, after trying to raid Icenia after being told not to, Pentigrass lied and claimed that Rain commanded him to do it. He thought that lying and saying Rain told him to would get him a lesser or removed sentence. When Rain confronted Pentigrass, he admitted to it in DMs to which Rain showed Icenian officials, leading to Pentigrass staying pearled.<ref>[https://i.imgur.com/Z6g2i2B.png Pentigrass admits to lying about Rain commanding him to raid Icenia]</ref>
===AcadiaHostile & others raidinterventions against TNSC===
On the 28th of July 2021 [[Egi]], [[JuniorTide]], and another unfamiliar used named [[Polygondwana]] broke into the TNSC bunker and raidedbroke alla thenumber of chests they came into contact with, effectively stealing all of thesupposedly newfriendtaking townsan array of tools, 250+ diamonds, 50+ debris, among other things.<ref>[https://youtu.be/HswgrhV0CoE Before Acadia Raid]</ref><ref>[https://youtu.be/hELUBpgKkQo After Acadia raid]</ref> They published their excuseexplanation to the subreddit, after TNSC plead to the international stage asking for help.
In the same day Okx, TTastic, and MrJeremyFarmer launched an attack against the already well-raided TNSC. They attacked multiple members of the commune, chasing and being fixated on the members until they all logged off to save themselves.<ref>[https://youtu.be/ZuNTUehJLuc Okx raiding newfriend nation TNSC]</ref><ref>[https://youtu.be/kVsp5NoE0JI TTastic raiding newfriend nation TNSC]</ref><ref>[https://youtu.be/cPizRvkrOQg MrJeremyFarmer raiding newfriend nation TNSC]</ref>
===The supposed Worker'sWorkers of Acadia Party scandal===
A user named [[FE Flags|FE_FLAGS]] ran a leftist party in Acadia, a fairly small one named Worker's of Acadia Party. Apparently Flags triedset to makeup a deal with ZombieStriker, offeringsupposedly to give herchanneling resources andto itemsRain if in return Rain helped recruit members for Acadia who would join their party. There is no evidence to suggest Rain knewhas of,denied or approved of this deal. There is no evidence to suggest Zombie ever agreed to the deal, or evidence of Zombie ever receiving any resources, or evidence of Rain recruiting anyone into Acadia for the party. Overall, it is merely athese rumoraccusations.
===Doxing accusation===
Despite a total lack of evidence, the Acadian government decided to remove the friendly ZombieStriker and considered her problematic.
OwainAn Acadian accidently replied to one of Rain's comments on Reddit with his alt account. He deleted the comment and then made another comment with the same text, except on his main account. Rain noticed the two accounts sending the same message, because it was saved in his phone notifications despite Owainthe Acadian deleting the alt comment. Rain thoughtthen itpublicized wasthe funnyalt thataccount he caught someone slipping upassociation, andwhich showedheld Owain that he knew about the slippersonal/professional upinformation. OwainRain didwas notthen findbanned thisfrom funnyCivClassic atfor allthree and quickly deleted his alt accountmonths. Rain did not investigate or check the account, but supposedly it was more personalAccording to his real world life. Rain apologized,he neverdid havingnot meant anymean harm. Acadia and others took this small incident and blew it outwas ofmeant proportion,as slandering Rain asmerely a doxxerjoke.{{Citation thatneeded|date=November should get banned.2021}}
===The "doxxing" of Owain===
Owain accidently replied to one of Rain's comments on Reddit with his alt account. He deleted the comment and then made another comment with the same text, except on his main account. Rain noticed the two accounts sending the same message, because it was saved in his phone notifications despite Owain deleting the alt comment. Rain thought it was funny that he caught someone slipping up, and showed Owain that he knew about the slip up. Owain did not find this funny at all and quickly deleted his alt account. Rain did not investigate or check the account, but supposedly it was more personal to his real world life. Rain apologized, never having meant any harm. Acadia and others took this small incident and blew it out of proportion, slandering Rain as a doxxer that should get banned.
Rain was banned from CivClassics, although unlike "real" doxxers he was not perm-banned but instead banned for three months. The Classics staff team knew Rain had no malicious intent and didn't mean to cause harm onto Owain. Rain never talked to Owain or knew him at all before this incident, there was no feud or beef.
Rain had nothing against Owain and had no reason to be out to get him. If Rain had the intention to doxx and hurt Owain, he would have told nobody about the account, looked through all of the account history, and compiled all of Owain's personal details or other doxxing material to publish publicly.
Rain's enemies tried to use this to defame him as a doxxer, but these accusations were beaten back by an official statement by the CivClassics staff team, made at the request of Rain.
===Transfer of ownership of TNSC===
After getting all of our belongings stolen and destroyed, Rain had given up on CivClassics. He stopped playing for about two months, but decided to transfertransferred ownership of the groupTNSC groups to the most active member, Samsung Fridge, after realizing he was still active on the server. In order to do so, Rain had to log on for a brief few minutes to dump everything out of his inventory and transfer the ownership of the in-game group. At the same time, Rain asked his friend Karnij to get on and store his stuff as well, before enemiesothers could get on and hunt them down. BothAccording to Rain, both vowed to never log in again.
DespiteThree notmembers associatingof withAcadia TNSCwent forinto overTNSC twoterritory months,to threetry membersto oftake Acadiaa decidedhold stormof into TNSC territoryRain. They were told over and over to leave the area and refused. The raidersThey tried to break into some buildings, placed some blocks, and did minor griefing. In the end, they suddenly decidedDue to pearltensions all of the online TNSC members for no reason, then releasedand them some time later. They argued that because Rain had supposedly doxxed Owain, thatbelieving they were assisting inRain, keepingall himonline safeTNSC bymembers notwere killingeventually himbriefly orpearled. telling them where he logged off at. Samsung tried to use Rain's logoff location as a bettingbargaining chip, but got nothing out of it. In the end, Samsung had no clue where Rain logged and was merely bluffing to try and get Acadia to stop riding their ass.
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Rain is officially permanently banned for "Lava bombing" although there is no proof to suggest this claim is true.
Rainie is officially permanently banned from CivUniverse for [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/415706745566920716/884248652598624256/unknown.png "doxing"] on July 20th, 2021.
Rain is assumed to be permanently banned from Devoted after being banned from the Official Discord for no reason provided. (potential admin abuse?)
Rain is assumed to be permanently banned from CivReign after being banned from the Official Subreddit for "Have a good day." on November 19th, 2021. (potential admin abuse?)
Rain was temporarily banned from CivClassics for three months following the accidental and unintentional doxxing of Owainan Acadian.
==Self-made Artwork==
