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* [[Hwillotati]]
|custom_personal_info_label2=Former citizenships
}}'''Pythius''', also known as '''Pythius_''', '''Pythius_Df''', or previously '''Darkflame[826]''', is a Civ player, [[Jargon#Oldfriend|oldfriend]], anarchist, and [[Mery]] person currently found on [[CivMC]] after having previously played [[CivClassics 2.0]] and the [[Civcraft]] line of servers. Beginning their Civ career with a brief stint on [[CivCraft 1.0]], Pythius really found their calling for politics after joining [[CivCraft 2.0]] soon after its launch and founding the small town of [[Little Latvia]]. Serious in its statecraft but with a playful culture and community, Little Latvia would be twice annexed during some of Pythius's frequent stints of inactivity throughout 2013 and early 2014, first by the [[Civcraft Socialist Coalition]] and then by [[Churchill]]. Pythius returned to Civcraft for good in the spring of 2014 and declared Little Latvia independent once again. For the rest of 2.0, Pythius played mostly casually, staying within Little Latvia for its roleplay politics and building projects. Soon after declaring its independence, Pythius had Little Latvia join the [[United Provinces of the Plus Plus]] alliance, of which Churchill and many other of Pythius's neighbours were a part.
When 2.0 ended and [[Civcraft 3.0]] was announced in January 2016, Pythius took a much more active role in the [[U3P]] community than he had in 2.0 and helped thoroughly plan its successor nation, [[Endeavour]]. It was there in Endeavour where Pythius completed his ideological journey from right to left libertarian and sought to make his ideas a reality in his home nation. Pythius's attempts to apply his ideals within his community would constantly pit him against his ideological rivals, continuing from Endeavour on 3.0 to [[Provincia]] on CivClassic in the summer of 2017. Pythius won out there, but it was a Pyrrhic victory, as most of the Threepers had gone inactive along the way. Nevertheless, Pythius continued to develop the capital city, its politics, and his nation's connections with neighbouring ideological allies, most notably [[Pripyat]]. After the Nazi Bombing of Threepton in mid 2018, Provincia went essentially entirely inactive, leaving only Pythius and his friend and ideological counterpart [[Ninjajackh12]] to keep the lights on.