Protocol of the Proceedings of the Bobanga Conference

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The following below is the full official text to the Protocol of the Proceedings of the Bobanga Conference, signed on the 22nd of March, 2020.

Protocol of the Proceedings of the Bobanga Conference

Tenochtitlan, 22 March 2020

The Bobanga Conference of the Four Heads of Government of Carbon, Alexandria, Anvard and Miletos, which took place from 16 March to 22 March, 2020, came to the following conclusions:


The Conference reached the following agreement for the establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers to do the necessary preparatory work:

  1. There shall be established a Council composed of the Foreign Ministers of the Carbon, Alexandria, Anvard, and Miletos.
  2. Proceedings:
    1. As its immediate important task, the Council shall be authorized to draw up, with a view to their submission to the CivRealms Subreddit, the proposed settlements of outstanding territorial questions, to be accepted by the Government of Bobanga when a government adequate for the purpose is established.
    2. Other representatives will be invited to participate when matters directly concerning them are under discussion.


  1. It is agreed by the Council that Bobanga shall be partitioned into mandates. These mandates shall be allocated to nations in such a manner to resolve outstanding territorial questions.
  2. Demarcation of Mandates:
    1. The Northern Mandate is demarcated by the southern Varathia border from the existing Alexandrian border until Z -4075, forming the northern border. The border should pass south until the jungle biome, then travel until the Five Nation Border located at X 3750 Z -2750, forming the western border. The section surrounding North Tenochtitlan should pass through until the river headwater located at X 4770 Z -2520, then travel to X 5400 Y -2030 before passing down until the Eastern Ocean, forming the southern Border. The coast of the Eastern Ocean, with exception of Puerto Vexler, shall form the eastern border.
    2. The Western Mandate is demarcated by the section of all former West Bobangan islands south of the Public AN Island until the Five Nation Border, forming the northern border. This should be followed by a direct line until X 3450, Z -2380, then pass around Eslenti until meeting the river, following the river until the Southern Ocean, forming the south eastern border. The eastern Miletos border and the shores of Lake Kamino shall form the western border.
    3. The Southern Mandate is demarcated by a direct line from the Five Nation Border, passing around Eslenti until the river headwater, following the river until the Southern Ocean, forming the north western border. The shoreline shall form the Southern border, whilst Bobanga’s redefined southern border shall form the Mandate’s north eastern border.
  3. Allocation of Mandates:
    1. Repatriation claims of Alexandria shall be met via the jurisdictional transfer of the Northern Mandate.
    2. Repatriation claims of Anvard shall be met via the jurisdictional transfer of the Southern Mandate.
    3. Repatriation claims of Miletos shall be met via the jurisdictional transfer of the Western Mandate.


The Conference has agreed to redraw Bobangan Borders subject to the final agreement, the section surrounding Tenochtitlan adjacent to the outer shores of Lake Tenochtitlan should pass along the Anvardish Mandate until the Eastern Ocean is reached, forming the western and south Western border. From this point, the Eastern Ocean shall form the south eastern border. The eastern and northern border shall be bordered by the Alexandrian Mandate.


The Conference examined a proposal by the Yamato Government to the effect that pending the final determination of territorial questions, the region of Puerto Vexler.

The Conference has agreed in principle to the proposal of the Yamato Government concerning the ultimate transfer to Yamato of the City of Puerto Vexler and the area adjacent to it, as well as the declaration of the offical name to the City of Port Paradis.

The President of Carbon and the Yamato Lord Admiral have declared that they will support the proposal of the Conference.


The Conference rejected a proposal by the Varathian Emperor on the subject of the Northernmost Rainforest Mountain claim within the Northern mandate. However, the consideration of Varathia-owned farms within the Mandate has been deferred to a forthcoming meeting between Alexandria and Varathia.


The Four Governments have taken note of the discussions which have been proceeding in recent weeks in Crystal Cove between Carbon, Alexandrian and Yamato representatives with a view to reaching agreement on the methods of trial of those major war criminals for crimes under the Puerto Vexler Declaration of 25 February 2020. The Four Governments reaffirm their intention to bring these criminals to swift and sure justice. They hope that the negotiations in Crystal Cove will result in speedy agreement being reached for this purpose, and they regard it as a matter of great importance that the trial of these major criminals should begin at the earliest possible date.


The Conference examined a proposal by the newly formed Eslenti group on the question of the establishment of a new nation between the Western and Southern Mandates. After an exchange of views on this question the establishment of the nation of Eslenti was accepted.


The Conference examined a proposal by Risunsky on the question of the establishment of a new nation located in the north western corner of former Bobanga until the Varathian border. After an exchange of views on this question the establishment of the nation of Risunsky & Sons was accepted.


A proposal by Risunsky concerning the ultimate transfer to Risunsky & Sons of the Island in which the Public AN is located was examined and the following decisions were reached. Having examined the question of the Island of the Public AN, the Conference have agreed that the jurisdiction of this Island, in view of its initial declaration as a publicly accessible AN portal by an currently inactive nation, shall transfer to Risunsky & Sons with the condition that open access to the public is retained.


This agreement has been ratified by the following members of the Bobanga Conference on 22 March 2020:

  • Irok.Iradicus, Interim Leader of Bobanga
  • Convoy, Leader of Carbon
  • Albyrt, City Councillor of Alexandria
  • VolutionFs, President of Anvard
  • Fitian, King of Miletos
  • Jamesie, Lord Admiral of Yamato
  • Ian_X12 of Eslenti
  • Risunsky of Risunsky & Sons