Political Parties in Lambat

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Revision as of 21:21, 9 November 2021 by Creepi0n (talk | contribs)
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Major parties

Citizens' Action Party (CAP)

Position: Center-left to center
Platform: CAP supports pro-market and socially progressive policies while promoting national unity and Lambatan cultural heritage. On foreign policy, the CAP is fairly supportive of the World Police and leans towards international cooperation. It supports both the CES and the Augustan Federation.

Leadership: Kaprediem
Membership: 10

Offices held:
- President of Lambat (ArtificalDriver)
- Secretary of Interior / building applications (Creepi0n)

- Secretary of Interior / citizen applications (Kloudei)

- Governor of Greater Duskwood (4pocalypse4risen)

Lambat Ascension Party (LAP)

Position: Center-left (speculated)


Leadership: yodabird19, CommradePotatoe

Membership: 8

Offices held:

- Vice President of Lambat (CommradePotatoe)

- Secretary of State (CommradePotatoe)

- Secretary of Commerce (Helleonov)

- Governor of Vesteria (CommradePotatoe)

Lambat Trolling Party (LTP)

Platform: "We do a little trolling"
Offices held:

Commerce and Industry Party (CAI)

Lambat Workers' Rights Party (LWRP)

Historical parties

Lambat Trolling Party (LTP)

Platform: "We do a little trolling"
Offices held:

Potatoe Party

Offices held:
- Judge of Lambat (CommradePotatoe)

Lambat Nationalist Party

Platform: Lambat Supremacy
Offices held:

Bawal Magbawal Party

Platform: "for real do not vote for me I will resign" - Metriximor
Offices held: