Pavia: Difference between revisions

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(finished up the post-war wanderer period section)
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===Post-War in the Principality===
The Crown Prince, BritishWanderer III., was 22 days into their reign when the war was declared at an end on the 17th of September.<ref name=":7" /> The end of the war would bring about a moment of stark reflection for the Pavian peoples, the shores still awash with reinforced obsidian and pitfall traps. What followed was an immense clean-up act, with Gobblin of Windermere leading the clearance of the beaches of obsidian, and Cissonius of Braemar reconstructing the Pavian bastion network. BritishWanderer III would declare 'Victory Day' of the 17th a national holiday to be celebrated every year as apart of the national holidays decree<ref></ref>.
==== Post-War Wanderer Period ====
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Perhaps the most intensive project during the post-war Wanderer period was the effort of rewilding the flat plains east of the City, an effort that was mainly undertaken by the Dukes of Bedford & Windermere. These efforts included the excavation and flooding of a water basin from Pavia's middle mountain ranges for the purposes of an irrigation river, which ran in a triangular fashion towards the coastline. This river was joined by masses of manually planted trees and farms accompanied by fences, buildings and accessible paths. This rewilding program fundamentally changed the eastern landscape and would lay the groundwork for further creative development long into the future.
In an effort to diplomatically realign after the events of the first global conflict, BritishWanderer III sought out diplomatic relations with far-flung yet like-minded and friendly nations such as those in the Imperial Federation, a mutual defense pact was soon agreed upon and drafted and with the addition of the Pridelands and Venne was formally put the Privy Council of Pavia for a vote on October 13th where it passed unanimously.
On the 15th of October, BritishWanderer III would pass away, having been the longest serving Crown Prince of Pavia up to this point. He was succeeded by Creepi0n I of Lugano who begun their reign on the same day.
