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The Coast Guard apprehended an obby bomber and murderer who wreaked havoc in the city of the Grand Imperium on August 11th, taking his pearl back to the 'trainstation' bunker.<ref></ref> This pearl took up the current prison population up to 2, joining UnholyOutlaw in the [[Jargon|spike]], who was pearled by BritishWanderer for raiding SPQR.
===== Provocations by Rhode Island & The Construction of Terminus =====
In the early hours of the 1st of August, reports would come in that Estalia's 0,0 infrastructure, shops and statue were obby-bombed by Rhode Island militants<ref></ref>, this marked a turning point in the war where controversial actions in war became more commonplace. The Principality of Pavia immediately sought to condemn these actions and urged that all countries should join in calling for a worldwide commitment to rule out any destruction of civilian infrastructure whilst continuing to call for a strong and durable peace between both countries in a post by Duke of Bedford, BritishWanderer. <ref></ref>
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Rhode Island fighters subsequently decimated Pavian builds and lands with the spread of reinforced obby across the landscape, bombing indiscriminately. Although Pavian Coalition fighters attempted to catch them off numerous times, they continued to return throughout the evening and pile up obsidian, with some pillars of obsidian reaching 13 blocks high. Estalian forces attempted to put an end to the obby bombing, engaging in small skirmishes with Adderral & RonPaul in the north-west of Pavia, however to little effect as the obby bombings would continue until the north was littered with obsidian.
===== Further Engagements in the Pavian Theatre of the Conflict =====
When cleaning up obsidian on the western shoreline during the late evening of the 17th, Duke of Braemar Cissonius was set upon by 4 Rhode Island fighters, Cissonius was over 400m from the vault and without any reinforcements. He successfully kited back to Terminus, whilst a joint force of Estalian and Pavian fighters gave chase to the Rhode Island attackers, the Estalian portion of the defense force chased the assailants nearly 300m into the western ocean.
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In the early hours of the 20th of August, reports came through to Elysian Pact high command that SPQR infrastructure was under assault by a contingent of Rhode Island forces, made up of Adderral, HOODRATSLAYA, RonPaul & Dollaz. Estalia took the initiative to assemble a sizable force of fighters from Pavia, Jorvik & Estalia to counter-attack RI in SPQR, led by S4NTA & Gregy165 and supported by BritishWanderer, Gobblin, Quinndolin, Stardarkness, thejkh, tomyy789. Upon the Estalian response force's arrival into SPQR, the Rhode Island fighters promptly fled west thought by the Estalian force to be fleeing back towards their home country. However, the Rhode Island forces would loop south by 2000 metres and land on the shores of Pavia which was left virtually undefended with most of the present Elysian Pact pvpers in southern SPQR, Walkers from Estalia engaged in a 4v1 clash in the fields of Pavia whilst the Elysian Pact force made it's way back down south, attempting to cut off any potential escape by the Rhode Islanders. The Rhode Island combatants, having successfully baited the Elysian Pact forces north and now back south, took flight back west towards Rhode Island before any causalities were realised.
===== Emergence of the Pavian Coalition and Continuation of the War =====
Following on from the initial Call to Arms by the Principality of Pavia<ref></ref>, on the 21st of August, the Duke of Bedford renewed his call to arms in a new Reddit post, stating that, despite continued attacks by Rhode Island, "Pavia, the Principality, and our Coalition of allies remain standing strong, successfully holding the Lyrean front against all odds." BritishWanderer dubbed the group consisting of Pavia, its allied countries as well as individuals who help it as the Coalition or the Pavian Coalition.<ref></ref>
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The 28th of August would see another incursion by Rhode Island, TheKingCacti pushed into Pavia himself and ultimately overextended resulting in his pearling by Estalian fighter, S4NTA. <ref></ref>It was another week until the next incursion by Rhode Island into Pavia took place. In the early hours of the10th of September, Adderal rushed into the bedrock area of the Terminus Vault and attempted to break entry pressure plates and doors on the west side of the vault before quickly retreating upon response by Pavian and Estalian fighters.
===== The Last Stand =====
The incursion by Adderal would be followed up on the 11th of September, with a large contingent of Rhode Island fighters returning to Pavia. The Rhode Islanders created an attack tunnel which ran from RI claims to the Pavian Vault, using this tunnel to remain undetected by snitches and coalition fighters, they quickly broke city bastions around the western claim and destroyed multiple vault bastions at bedrock. Upon the realisation of the attack, Estalia quickly mobilised 10 of their fighters to counter the offensive, and engaged in combat. The tight spaces and broken bastions, allowing Rhode Islanders to place reinforced blocks of their own, resulted in the loss of JKH, an Estalian fighter. Rhode Island withdrew as a group with the pearl back to their home country.
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A copycat attack would take place on the 13th of September by Rhode Island, with Adderral, Ez2clutch, CostcoFruits and Hangoverd storming the bedrock of the Terminus Vault, however the attackers would quickly be repelled by a large cohort of coalition fighters, with the skirmish leaving minimal damage to Pavia.
===== Conclusion of the Pavia - Rhode Island War =====
The 17th of September began with an attack on Pavian soil led by Dollaz and joined by CostcoFruits and MrFlipkin, they bored a tunnel south of the Town Hall and laid an obsidian trap below the surface. They were quickly set on by Pavian & Estalian fighters, led by Walkers & Gobblin who routed the Rhode Islanders back to their country.