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editing early history, reformatting tenses and changing headings (someone can fix it if it looks horrible sorry !)
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(editing early history, reformatting tenses and changing headings (someone can fix it if it looks horrible sorry !))
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The Principality's territory is divided into three distinct classes as outlined by the foundational law of the country, the Magna Pavia: Churchland, Crownland, and Dukedoms. These classes administrate their own territories with full authority and can only be superseded by the Crown Prince.
As of the 13th25th of August 2022, the Crown Prince of Pavia is His Supreme and Serene Highness, Gobblin I, elected by the Dukes on the 23rd of July.
The Principality of Pavia is a founding member of both the [[Lyrean Community]], and the [[Elysian Pact]].
[[File:Pavia Initial Claims.png|left|thumb|Pavia's Initial Claims on CivMC, established on the 3rd of June 2022]]'''((I am basically writing pure story-drivel of notes, please edit as you see fit to condense, contextualize , reference and make sense of my ramblings))'''
===From the Founding of the State to the First Global Conflict ===
====Founding of the State====
On the 3rd of June 2022, many Pavians set off into a brave new world to search for their forever home. Their Graces, paagf & Creepi0n both found themselves lost in a river in the - , + quadrant for over an hour, whilst Cissonius of Braemar was sailing the vast middle ocean hoping for a sight of land. Duke of Windermere, Gobblin, was exploring southern regions across jungles and marshes hoping to wander into the supposed promised lands.
In the late morning hours of the 3rd, BritishWanderer I stumbled across lands now known as Auldmarche and began to explore, calling upon his fellow Dukes to join him in mapping out the surrounding territories. Upon exploring the initial claims, a debate ensued about whether Pavia was settling down too fast before scouting other regions of the map and whether there was a risk of missing out on a more suitable spot. To resolve this quandary, The Dukes of Pavia agreed to set a time, midday, by which if no finer land was found then the people of Pavia would settle on the landmasses found by BritishWanderer I. Midday came by and with plenty more lands prospected, it was concluded that the best lands were those that had already been discovered and charted. The people of Pavia swiftly made their way to the new lands and settlement sprung up inside of an expansive cave complex located on the northern tip of Auldmarche.
The Bureau of Architecture, led by Gobblin wouldimmediately beginbegan to survey the lands for a suitable Townhall spot, requiringwhich required swaths of smooth land due to the size of the planned structure. Blueprints would bewere drawn up for the Townhall, designed by the Duke of [[Pavia#Duchies of Pavia|Vetranio]], paagf, to be placed on the western portion of the 'Great Pavia' landmass and as such the people of Pavia would ferryferried resources from the cave complex in Auldmarche to a new cavern closer to the planned cityscape.
Upon exploring the initial claims, a debate ensued about whether Pavia was settling down too fast before scouting other regions of the map and whether there was a risk of missing out on a more suitable spot. To resolve this quandary, The Dukes of Pavia agreed to set a time, midday, by which if no finer land was found then the people of Pavia would settle on the landmasses found by BritishWanderer I.
As soon as the landmasses were fully explored, the Duke of Lugano immediately undertook the arduous task of signposting the entire shoreline to mark out the claim to dissuade any foreign settlers & scouts. This wouldwas later be accompanied by a noteblock snitch network laid by BritishWanderer I. On the 4th of June, an island evdenvour led by Hitobashuru saw flags erected on all of Pavia's claimed islands.
Later on in the day, the people of Griffin would traverse through Pavian lands and settle north of the river, and both nations would also be joined by Lambat settling to the east on the 4th of June.
In the afternoon of the 3rd, the Dukes of Pavia would unanimously approveapproved Pavia's Initial Claims and post them into the Pavia discord publicly.<ref>{{Cite Discord message|sender-link=BritishWanderer|sender=Danny|url=|text=3rd of June 2022 [with accompanying claims image]|date=June 3, 2021|access-date=August 10, 2021|channel=cartography-office|server=The Principality of Pavia}}</ref> The Bureau of Semiography would postposted an updated, illustrated, and more detailed map of the claims on the 4th.<ref>{{Cite Discord message|sender-link=hitobashuru|sender=hitobashuru|url=|text=4th of June 2022 [with accompanying claims image]|date=June 4, 2021|access-date=August 10, 2021|channel=cartography-office|server=The Principality of Pavia}}</ref>
Midday came by and with plenty more lands prospected, it was concluded that the best lands were those that had already been discovered and charted. The people of Pavia swiftly made their way to the new lands and settlement sprung up inside of an expansive cave complex located on the northern tip of Auldmarche.
Later on in the day, the people of Griffin would traversetraversed through Pavian lands and settle north of the river, and both nations would also bewere joined by Lambat settling to the east on the 4th of June.<ref></ref>
The Bureau of Architecture, led by Gobblin would begin to survey the lands for a suitable Townhall spot, requiring swaths of smooth land due to the size of the planned structure. Blueprints would be drawn up for the Townhall, designed by the Duke of [[Pavia#Duchies of Pavia|Vetranio]], paagf, to be placed on the western portion of the 'Great Pavia' landmass and as such the people of Pavia would ferry resources from the cave complex in Auldmarche to a new cavern closer to the planned cityscape.
As soon as the landmasses were fully explored, the Duke of Lugano immediately undertook the arduous task of signposting the entire shoreline to mark out the claim to dissuade any foreign settlers & scouts. This would later be accompanied by a noteblock snitch network laid by BritishWanderer I.
In the afternoon of the 3rd, the Dukes of Pavia would unanimously approve Pavia's Initial Claims and post them into the Pavia discord publicly.<ref>{{Cite Discord message|sender-link=BritishWanderer|sender=Danny|url=|text=3rd of June 2022 [with accompanying claims image]|date=June 3, 2021|access-date=August 10, 2021|channel=cartography-office|server=The Principality of Pavia}}</ref> The Bureau of Semiography would post an updated, illustrated, and more detailed map of the claims on the 4th.<ref>{{Cite Discord message|sender-link=hitobashuru|sender=hitobashuru|url=|text=4th of June 2022 [with accompanying claims image]|date=June 4, 2021|access-date=August 10, 2021|channel=cartography-office|server=The Principality of Pavia}}</ref>
Due to the cave's extensive underground networks, the people of Pavia gained mild riches and collections of build materials with ease, which aided greatly in erecting the foundations of the town hall.
On the 5th of June, the Bureau of Architecture under the leadership of the Duke of Winderemere, Gobblin, and the Duke of Vetranio, paagf, citizens would begin flattening and terraforming vast tracts of land in preparation for the construction of the town hall. This terraforming would be completed the following day and efforts would commence on the bricklaying.
==== Cave Life ====
The peoples of Pavia originally settled inside of a cave at the northern tip of Auldmarche, quickly extracting resources out of the cave walls and establishing storage rooms, as well as living areas. However once the Bureau of Architecture decided to construct the foundations of the Pavian capital on the western coast of the greater landmass, it was collectively agreed to move to a cavern closer to the site.
The newly settled cave, on the north western peak of the 'Great Pavia' landmass is an expansive cave, with it's roots extending as far as Auldmarche and as deep as bedrock. There are three entrances, two of which are commonly used and another that is utilised as a skylight for the cave's growing flora. Due to the cave's extensive underground networks, the people of Pavia gained mild riches and collections of build materials with ease, which aided greatly in speeding up the erection of the Town Hall foundations. The cave network continues to be Pavia's primary domestic source of quarried stone and other stone-related materials.
As allAll citizens of Pavia from every ranksocial hadstanding agreed to remain to inhabit the cave until the Townhall of Pavia was completed, citizensand construction on the rest of the city could begin. wouldCitizens endevourendeavored to make the cave more homely, overthey timeprimarily achieved this by addingintroducing vast amounts of flora & fauna,fuana andinto bythe Junecave 5thsystem, wouldwith evena introducefamily domesticatedof animalscows into& thesheep greatjoining holethe ascave itinhabitants becameon namedthe by5th residentsof June. InhabitantsThe wouldpeoples beginof Pavia began carving out inlets in the walls to make homes, with some of the grander dugouts hosting a kitchen, living room, and bathrooms., Onfor thethose 11ththat ofdidn't June,have the great holefacilities of Pavia would come to host its first commercialtheir propertyown, a Topingtonpublic shoptoilet sellingwas cobble,established andesite,in andthe prismarine.cave Thison shopthe would11th beof aJune. popular hit and sell out frequently.
The Pavian Tribune was the first firm to set up since the settlement of the cave, publishing their first article on June 5th. On the 11th of June, the great hole of Pavia came to host its first commercial property, a Topington shop which sold cobble, andesite, and prismarine. This shop was a popular hit and sell out frequently for the period that it was in operation.
====Early Island Disputes====
'''Quiet Isle'''
Although not originally surveyed in the 'initial claims map of Pavia', the people of Pavia soon discovered two islands directly to the west, just 150m from the mainland's shoreline. The then-Crown Prince, BritishWanderer I, immediately led an expedition to these isles, consisting of himself and [[Hitobashuru]] of the Semiography Bureau, hoping to claim the islands before another party did so. This matter was viewed as of importance as the isles themselves sit in direct line of sight to the town hall and planned city of Pavia, and any construction there wouldwas sure to impact the view and nature of the western coastline. Signs claiming the land were quickly erected across both islands, however their fears of another claimant would bewere realised upon the discovery of a small hovel in a cave on the larger isle.
Later on in the day, on the 3rd of June, the western island's inhabitant contacted Pavians in local chat to inquire about the signs that had been placed around the shore. SeniorGryphon requested an audience with the Crown Prince to discuss the situation and the status of his island & Pavia. Discussions between the two were friendly and they broached a myriad of topics. SeniorGryphon revealed that he was unaware of the Pavian landmass, having only mapped up to his island before settling down. Whilst initially SeniorGryphon expressed mild interest in joining Pavia as a constituent country, it was eventually agreed that Gryphon was welcome to remain independent on his islands so long as the land was not granted to any foreign power in the future.
On the 6th of June, SeniorGryphon communicated that he was abandoning the island and moving to the - , - quadrant. As a result of this information, the Pavian government at the behest of BritishWanderer would leadled another expedition to these islands, to plant three flags and more signage to reinforce Pavia's claim to the islands. Upon their arrival, they found numerous signs stating that the islands are haunted, these signs coupled with the dilapidated state of the lighthouse and surrounding terrain earned the larger island the moniker of 'Quiet Isle' for its eerie feeling.
'''Lucassio Islands'''
Line 57 ⟶ 50:
The Lucassio Islands are the largest and closest set of islands to the Pavian mainland, with the island chain itself spanning nearly 500 blocks north to south. These islands are numerous and spread out over a large sea-area, making patrolling and effectively snitching a challenge, with the island chain becoming a security issue almost immediately after their claiming.
On the 5th of June, snitch pings alerted the Pavian Nobility to an individual known as 'wiz_cheese' arriving on one of the northern Lucassio Islands, these pings continued for upwards of an hour before the first contact was initiated. The Duke of Windermere, Gobblin, would bewas the first to reach out to wiz_cheese and enquire about their business, wiz responded that they were settling down on the islands and just constructing their home. Gobblin to avoid any issues offered wiz_cheese to relocate into Pavia and join as a citizen where he could live with others. wiz_cheese reportedly refused Gobblin's offer and the snitch pings continued.
As wiz_cheese had rejected calls to remove themselves from the island by Gobblin, the Crown Prince decided to gather up Gobblin & [[Hitobashuru]] to lead an operation to investigate what wiz was up to. Upon their arrival they found wiz_cheese breaking the Pavia flag that was flying on the northern island, and noticed that the shoreline & tops of the islands had been partially destroyed and terraformed away. Horrified at the sight, the Crown Prince asked wiz_cheese to vacate the islands, which wiz_cheese agreed to, recognizing that he was outnumbered and left the general area.
Gobblin returned back to the mainland whilst BritishWanderer and Hitobashuru attempted to repair the damage, and rebuild the flag. Hitobashuru also brought with them snitches that would bewere used to reinforce the security of the Lucassio islands to further prevent any troubles from occurring again.
Merely 30 minutes later, snitches spotted wiz_cheese boating around the western shoreline of the Pavian mainland, assuming that he was looking for a new spot the Pavians ignored these pings. However, these pings would bewere a sign of things to come, as eventually the Lucassio Island snitches would lightlit up with sightings of mr cheese yet again at the Island that he had just griefed. As Hito & British were in the area, they quickly made their way back to the north island and upon being spotted by wiz, he boated away from the island. Hito and British would beginbegan a pursuit in their own watercraft, beginning the first coast guard chase in Pavia. Immediately after hearing of the commotion, Gobblin got into his own vessel and joined the chase successfully. Wiz_cheese performed evasive maneuvers and at times, eluded the three pursuers in the vast western ocean. The hunt for wiz_cheese and the pursuit of his vehicle would lastlasted almost 18 minutes before coming to its fatal end. The pursuit would bewas written about in the Pavian Tribune and would bewas one of it's first public articles.<ref></ref>
This sole event would leadled the Crown Prince BritishWanderer I to enact a [ decree establishing the Pavian Coast Guard] under the purview of the Duke of Braemar, Cissonius.<ref></ref>
====Settlement Development & Construction of the Town Hall====
On the 5th of June, the Bureau of Architecture under the leadership of the Duke of Winderemere, Gobblin, and the Duke of Vetranio, paagf, citizens would begin flattening and terraforming vast tracts of land in preparation for the construction of the town hall. This terraforming would be completed the following day and efforts would commence on the bricklaying.
Development of the area surrounding the cave would begin immediately, with progress on the project being faster than expected. Whilst, initially, the construction only grew 4 meters between the 5th and 9th of June, it gained pace rapidly, adding 11 meters to the town hall between the 9th and the 12th of June.
Line 89 ⟶ 84:
''Main Article: [[Elysian Pact]]''
The Principality of Pavia was approached by [[Estalia|Estalian]] officials on the 14th of July regarding a defensive pact and economic treaty with themselves, Pavia, [[Jorvik]] and [[SPQR]]. The Privy Council would bewas consulted that evening, with the Dukes advising then Crown Prince, BritishWanderer II to draft a document to be discussed between all parties. The draft would bewas accepted by the Privy Council via unanimous vote, and was then proposed to the other prospective nations of Estalia, Jorvik and SPQR where it was promptly accepted and signed on the 15th of July, formally creating the Elysian Pact. The naming convention for the Pact was short, and a name suggested by Estalia as 'Elysian Pact' was ultimately chosen via general consensus. On the 18th of August, hitobashuru of Pavia would create a flag for the Pact, which would bewas adopted unofficially and displayed on the Elysian Pact wiki page.
=== First Global Conflict ===
Line 127 ⟶ 122:
When cleaning up obsidian on the western shoreline during the late evening of the 17th, Duke of Braemar Cissonius was set upon by 4 Rhode Island fighters, Cissonius was over 400m from the vault and without any reinforcements. He successfully kited back to Terminus, whilst a joint force of Estalian and Pavian fighters gave chase to the Rhode Island attackers, the Estalian portion of the defense force chased the assailants nearly 300m into the western ocean.
In the early hours of the 18th of August, a wooden skybridge was spotted circling the outside of the vault's snitch curtain and although there was no breach by RI fighters, Gobblin would instructinstructed Pavians to ramp up security around the skylimit area of Terminus to prevent further attacks. Later that morning the Crown Prince, Gobblin & Duke BritishWanderer would respond to an incursion by HOODRATSLAYA to the Pavian vault, they would engage in a small clash just south of the townhall, where HOODRAT would place more obsidian whilst kiting towards the coast. The two Pavians would be joined by Walkers from Estalia who would eventually drive HOODRAT into the western sea.
Come the morning of the 19th, Pavian forces made up of BritishWanderer & Gobblin alongside Estalian fighters of Walkers, ZibeKabir & Shadedoom, would clash on the north coast with Dollaz, HOODRATSLAYA and Hokkaido__ from Rhode Island. The Rhode Island aggressors would place obsidian, and repeatedly attempt to kite to a trap they had constructed on an outlying sand island. This battle would result in no causalities and end with the withdrawal of the Rhode Island fighters back to their Nation-state. Later on in the day, Aprillia2002 of RI would be spotted building yet another skybridge to the west of Terminus. They would immediately flee after being spotted on radar, dumping lava on the bridge in their retreat which would pour down in-front of the Pavian Townhall. This skybridge was promptly destroyed by the Dukes of Bedford and Lugano.
Line 606 ⟶ 601:
|<div style="text-align: center;">Amending the Magna Pavia for greater clarity about Crown Prince elections needing a
''majority'' vote, not simply a plurality. This was to reflect the existing precedent of Crown Princes
being elected via majorities only.</div>
Line 810 ⟶ 806:
* Appointed a Duke for Labour
* Oversaw Pavia's inclusion into the Estalia - Rhode Island Conflict
| colspan="9" |
== Culture ==
=== MonumentsBuilding of PaviaStyle ===
==== The Grand TownhallMonuments of Pavia ====
===== The TrainGrand StationTownhall &of ViaductsPavia =====
===== The Train Station & Viaducts =====
=== Building Style ===
=== Propaganda ===
==== Pavian Propaganda during the First Global Conflict ====
