Paddington Bear

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Paddington Bear
Personal Info
Current Citizenships
  • Nassau
  • Pavia
Known For
  • Cartography
  • Being a cutie
  • mapping out majority of CivMC
  • hijinks and mischief
Main ResidenceNew Providence
Civ Servers
First Civ ServerCivMC

Paddington is an explorer with a passion for cartography. Paddington joined the Civ genre at the launch of CivMC and originally becoming a citizen of Icenia before joining Nassau.

Paddington Statue

Paddington Statue's started to pop up mid February. The first in 0,0 and the second in Pavia with many more well on the way. The intentions behind the paddington statues are to show how map claims are stupid and paddington is simply better than others with her ability to build whatever she wants wherever she wants.

Citizenship Timeline

Paddington started out with Icenia at the start of the wipe, being one of the very first to setup a home in the city. Gaining patrician status in the nation by being apart of the group to sign the constitution.

Around August Paddington joined Nassau as a dual citizen, within Nassau taking on the role of Head Mapper. As activity from Deserve started to drop Paddington was appointed as head of the Nation in Deserves absence.

After a short period of remaining in Nassau and Icenia Paddington entered into a deal with Gwua, leader of Gang Shi, that if she was caught, pearled and presented with a certain item she would then join Gang Shi for a short period of time. After eventually getting pearled by Gwua, Paddington enjoyed her time in Gang Shi so much she joined the nation

After a fight between ch1pr on a cheat client and readers and due to rising tensions between Icenia and Gang Shi Paddington chose to return home to Icenia. Despite renouncing Gang Shi and returning home Paddington was removed from Icenian groups and then pearled by Icenia inside Nassau in violation of the MDSC treaty over a misunderstanding and supposed act of treason in Icenia. The pearl was fumbled and Paddington freed after an attempt to put it into a furnace renamed "hot girl shit".

After this incident Paddington returned to Nassau and started slowly working on the nation. Building farms, iceroads and designing more builds for the nation. Relations with Icenia started to slowly slip between Paddington and Icenia due to the perceived hostilities and differences of opinion. Paddington begun getting closer with Pavia

Currently Paddington is with Pavia, becoming a landed Nobel of Pavia quickly after properly moving over during the butternut-SEC conflict in order to avoid the -,- and the war. Paddington is currently Baroness of Vicenza under the duchy of Avalonna.