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Upon reaching the land that would soon be Okato, the founding citizens got to work terraforming the beach to create the flat city blocks that exist today. To the northwest, a massive castle was built, acting as both a defensive and symbolic structure. During Fall 2018 and Winter 2018/19, new plots of land were added along the city's seaboard, and more buildings were constructed.
===[[Ancapistan War|The Ancap War]]===
The war ended with the Ancaps being sentenced to the end, where they founded a transhumanist society.
===The March Coup===
On March 5th, Two radical communists, led by Pzk and JShatney, attempted to overthrow the Okashiman government. beginning with an attack on Okashima's small [[vault]]. [[Logan The Hermit|Logan]] was the first to see the attack on the vault, although he was soon pearled after attacking Pzk. However, the Daimyo government remained in power with Military assistance from [[Falstadt]] and [[Vinland]] the Radicals where quickly pearled and [[Logan The Hermit|Logan]] was un-pearled.
=== The Somber War ===