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Kira is a plugin (source) which allows creating relays of in-game events, such as Snitch messages, to a discord server. It is primarily to allow players to view snitch hits in real-time, even when not in game.


Kira allows you to create relays for snitch hits, NameLayer group chat messages and global player login/logout messages.

The commands can be issued in any Discord channel that Kira can read (e.g., !kira help), or sent via direct message (without the prefix, e.g., just help).


Before using Kira, you must link your discord account to your minecraft account. To do so, run /discordauth in game, then run !kira auth [token] with the resulting token in any discord server Kira is in.

In Game commands

  • /deletediscordchannel
  • /discordauth - Creates auth code
  • /linkdiscordchannel
  • /syncdiscordchannel

Discord commands

Kira commands
Command Description Example
!kira help Shows help
!kira apitoken <SNITCH|CHAT|SKYNET> Generates a token for use with Kiras API
!auth [code] Allows linking your discord account to an ingame account. Run '/discordauth' ingame to get a code.
!kira getchannels Shows all relays owned by you
!kira createrelayconfig [name] Creates a new relay configuration
!kira createrelayhere [group] Attempts to create a relay in the channel this message was sent in for the group it was sent by
!kira setrelayconfig [group] [relay] Sets which configuration to use for a specific relay
!kira info Prints basic info on the bot
!kira mc [command] / !kira ingame [command] Allows you to run ingame commands from discord !kira mc nlip CW-1 Falvyu (adds player Falvyu to CW-1 name layer)
!kira invite Allows you to add Kira to other discords
!kira quote Gives life advice
!kira relayconfig [name] Configures properties of a relay config
!kira setrelayconfig [group] [relay] Sets which configuration to use for a specific relay
!kira whoami Shows your linked accounts