Kaprediem is a Lambatican politician, pioneer, and industrialist who is currently serving as the first President of the Free State of Lambat. He claims to be a former engineer, farmer, and real estate developer. His true background and history outside of CivClassic is a subject of debate.

Personal Info
Current CitizenshipsLambatican


Known ForFounder and President of Lambat
Main ResidenceWest County, FSL
Known Spoken LanguagesEnglish, Filipino
Civ Servers
First Civ ServerCivClassics
Iterations played onCivClassics

Early life and education

Born in [REDACTED], Kaprediem was raised in a quiet suburban area in the third world. He established several nation states from childhood up to adulthood both within his mindspace and his cyberspace, much to the dismay of his family and friends.


Political beliefs and positions

While distancing himself from any label, Kaprediem is an advocate of 'liberal nationalism' and 'muscular liberalism', a blend of social progressivism, market liberalism, civic nationalism, and social democracy. Kaprediem emphasizes participation in nation-building and private ownership of property, while pushing for government-sponsored welfare programs for deserving citizens. A pragmatist, he opposes both "unhindered direct democracy", "aloof elitism", and "oppressive authoritarianism".