
Revision as of 16:05, 10 April 2020 by Kevio (talk | contribs) (Neutrality)

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Jaydon joined CivRealms in September of 2019, CivRealms was his first Civ Server. The concept got him hooked and he joined Varathia.

After a month, he applied for Minister of Interior, and got accepted. Together with many other Varathian Government Members, he established the Senate and slowly turned Varathia into a more democratic place

As support for Emperor Aresot slowly dwindled, among other problems, TTastic and Albyrt founded Alexandria.

Still under the rule of Varathia, Alexandria began to grow. Jaydon would decide to join Alexandria in November 2019. With Alexandria growing, so did their desire for independence which they would later achieve.

Today, Jaydon is one of the City Council Members of Alexandria.