IceBoy Board

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Revision as of 14:46, 25 November 2021 by Iceboy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "IceBoy_Board, called '''IceBoy''' is an Swedish player from Lambat. He is the King and one out of two formers of Äggland. He is currently a citizen of Lambat, Äggland, H...")
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IceBoy_Board, called IceBoy is an Swedish player from Lambat. He is the King and one out of two formers of Äggland. He is currently a citizen of Lambat, Äggland, Halcyon, Fish, Icarus, St Lola, Gabon and resident in MtS and Sussex. He is known for as said the founding of Äggland and being its King but also for the founding of Lambatan Village Stanistan or Bender Woods as it is also called. Besides his title as King IceBoy III of the Democratic Kingdom of Äggland he is also a Lambat city councilor. His main residence is on Kingsbridge 1, Sankt-Ägg, Äggland. He speaks Swedish, English, 50% Norweigan and also a little French. He has played on 2 civ servers, CivRev and CivClassics. (pls add a template here :))