ISIS–Shadup Gahar War

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The ISIS-Shadup Gahar War Arabic: حرب الأيام اثنين or "Two Day War" // Fields of Kataristan, site of the ISIS-SG war


Date: August 7th 2015 - August 9th 2015
Location: Kataristan, Gensokyojin Federation
Result: Shadup Gaharian retreat from Kataristan, annulation of all hostilities
Flag of ISIS The Islamic Sultanate of Istanbul and Samarra Flag of SG Shadup Gahar
Leaders and Commanders GTAIV Impulca Thoths_Librarian Vicccyy garkingbing


The ISIS-Shadup Gahar War

The ISIS-Shadup Gahar War (Arabic: حرب الأيام اثنين, Two-day War) also known as the ISIS-SG War, was a small diplomatic conflict fought between the nations of Shadup Gahar and the Islamic Sultanate of Istanbul and Samarra. The conflict stemmed from the ambiguity of the Kataristan Territories and the attempted annexation of those territories by Shadup Gahar on August 6th, 2015. The skirmish was short lived and restricted to the Kataristan province (then belonging to the Gensokyojin Federation), and saw ISIS militiamen tearing down the Shadup Gaharian border. The war was ended on August 9th, when Shadup Gahar made no effort to re-occupy the province and both countries found themselves allied against Gensokyo in the Goten Conflict.


The province of Kataristan, formerly part of the Skepsian Caliphate of Istanbul, was claimed for a time by its successor-state, the Islamic Sultanate of Istanbul and Samarra. However, the claim was dropped in exchange for a thawing of ISIS-Gensokyojin relations during early 2015. In the latter part of the year, negotiations began between high-level officials of the ISIS and Gensokyo on the transfer of the Kataristan province to the Islamic Sultanate, with Grundesweigan-Gensokyojin government bureaucrat stating:

"[...] it is inevitable that we will one day lose these territories, however, we refuse to see them taken from us by force."

Negotiations began between the governments on the details of the arrangement, including payment and under-the-table alliance agreements. At this point, the GTA administration began building up infrastructure at the Katari border, preparing for an eventual development of the lands beyond the border.

Beginning of the War

On August 6th, 2015, Shadup Gahar unveiled a post on the main subreddit claiming a large chunk of Kataristan. During this time, the government of ISIS was involved in negotiations over the impending Goten Crisis, attempting to dissuade Mt. Augusta from annexing Goten. Because of this, there was no immediate response.

The ISIS administration contacted the government of Gensokyo, asking for permission to uphold their claim in Kataristan. Sultan GTAIV, perhaps attempting to solidify his claim to the Katari provinces, rushed the request along. By evening, the Gensokyojin response was uncertain, and Shadup Gahar seemed to have no intentions of backing down from the occupation of Kataristan.

Nighttime liberation of Kataristan

In the early hours of August 7th, ISIS militiamen flooded across the border between the Islamic Sultanate and Kataristan and entered Shadup Gaharian occupied areas, which were unmanned. Over the course of three hours, they broke all of the reinforced border walls and returned Shadup Gaharian borders to their original, pre-August 6th position. Signs were also placed, claiming the ownership of the land by "joint ISIS-Gensokyo forces", although no Gensokyojin forces were present during the entirety of the war.

End of the War

By midday August 7th, the situation in Goten was deteriorating, and Shadup Gahar made no attempt to re-occupy their claims in Kataristan. ISIS retreated all remaining militias from Kataristan at the beginning of the Goten War. At the conclusion of the war and the exodus of Gensokyo from the Augustan basin, Brynn inherited the province of Kataristan. Since then, no occupation attempts have been made on Kataristan by either ISIS or Shadup Gahar.