History of Civcraft
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A history of Civcraft 1.0. Please fill in missing information.
Ancap Minecraft: Prehistory
There was /r/ancapminecraft, and then there was Civcraft.
- The exodus to chxville
- Atlantis
- The Libertarian Socialists arrive
- The Griefer witch-hunt
- Orthzar's Portal
- Orthzar’s “impenetrable” tower.
- The start of Arbitration
- Proletaria
- The Great Ice Sheet
- The MILFco Incident
- Jru and the reset
- Prisonbed
The Beta: The Beginning
- MineralVein
- Citadel
- Pre-Rift
Civcraft: PrisonBed Era (~1 month)
- Rift and Cresomopolis
- The early cities: Panneton, Columbia and Aristopolis
- Portals and openness
- The Roads
- Founding of Lazuli
- The Griefers arrive
- Hidden Cities
- The Bitcoin Drama
- The fall of Rift and Cresomopolis
- Fall of the +,+
- The founding of Atlantis
- The Top Nether
- The Spanish thieves gang
- PrisonPearl
- Lazuli v. The Pumpkin Jacks (Jacks blow up key Lazulian locations)
- Battle of Lazuli/The Obsidian Ship
Civcraft: The Columbian Era (~2 months)
- The Rise of Columbia
- Columbia ‘harbouring griefers’ drama
- Rome and Camp Darwin
- The Panama dispute (Panama city is built beside Columbia, drama ensues)
- Rome
- Liberty
- Infinius Wars (Infinius under Scylla the Cruel raid cities)
- Batman and “The Ancaps”
- bottleO
- 7583 and The Withered ravage Civcraft
- The diamond duping incident
- The Columbian Massacre and the Fall of Rome.
- The Columbian dissolution incident
- Columbiagate
Civcraft: The Columbian Exodus
- Rise of Liberty
- Haven
- Rise of Augusta and the renewal of the LSIF
- Founding of Jacks Hold
- Founding of Mercia
- The Two Nazis
- The Pumpkin Jacks v. The Fourth Reich (War/Genocide)
- Rise of Gondolin
- The Nine
- The quiet death of Lazuli
- Bjornstahl/Atmora v. Kizantium
- Leningrad and the First Internationale
Civcraft: Pre Advertisement Era
- Founding of Rothbard
- The Kinetic_Waffle Heist
- Pumpkin Jacks v. Kizantium
- OJD and Outphaze
- Fall of The Pumpkin Jacks
- Founding of the SEA
- Civtek
- The Havana v. Communa Incident
- Leningrad and the Second Internationale
- Civtest Map 1
- The ZaneTNT and Lugiku griefing spree
- Civtest Map 2
- Advertising Campaign
Civcraft: Post Advertisement Era (Dawn of World War I)
- HCF Ban Thread
- Christmas Massacre
- What now?
Civcraft: World War I
- Subjugation of Augusta
- Battle of the Black Line
- Battle of Rothbard
- WMD attack on Augusta
- Chiapas
- Buenos Aires/HCF Allignment
- Buenos Aires Coup Attempt
- Decline of Buenos Aires
- SPQR/Yugoslavia Dispute
- Gondolin/Buenos Aires disputes
- Valentine's Massacre
- Gimmick Brigade ravage Civcraft
- Bananafone/Servererror drama
- LSIF almost crumbles
Civcraft: The apocalypse of 1.0
- The 1.0 map is compromised and private information is leaked
- ttk2 gives the end of the map speech, around the same time developers start working on 2.0
- 1.0 goes down
- 2.0 starts up