Gabon Corporation: Difference between revisions

reformating the past tense? of these words aaaaaaaaa!
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(reformating the past tense? of these words aaaaaaaaa!)
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=== Expansion and recent history ===
On October 10th 2020, GabonXP Corporation would claimclaims a small swamp island for itself under the protection of the Free Republic of Gabon.<ref></ref> This land would beis used for the production of melons and mushrooms.
October 22nd 2020, GabonXP publicly advertises the XP exchange in Salisbury, Gabon for the first time.<ref></ref>
November 2020, GabonXP would openopens an emerald <-> diamond exchange in [[Imperial Truidence]], its first international store.
In November 2020, GabonXP Corporation hithits 1000 diamonds in its inventory for the first time.<ref></ref>
In December 2020, the Corporation would openopens its second emerald <-> diamond exchange in [[Icenia]].
On December 22nd 2020, GabonXP Corporation would gogoes on to claim another larger portion of land with multiple biomes under the protection of the Free Republic of Gabon.<ref></ref>This land would beis used for the construction of substantial farms which would beare more practical and affordable than attempting to build on Gabon's mainland.
On Christmas day, 2020, the board of GabonXP Corporation mentionedmentions that it will be taking a break for the foreseeable future and thus the corporation wouldwill cease operations for that period of time. The board would gogoes on to assure shareholders that dividend payments and earnings reports would go ahead as planned.
January 2021, GabonXP Co welcomedwelcomes in the new year by releasing its first quarterly earnings report in which it smashedsmashes expectations set by the corporation and outsiders. <ref>[[File:GabonXP Corporation - Q4 2020 ER.pdf|thumb]]
GabonXP Corporation Q4 2020 Earnings Report</ref>
On January 6th 2021, GabonXP Corporation declareddeclares it had paid shareholders a dividend of 0.6 diamonds per share. <ref>GabonXP Corporation's Letter to shareholders in Q4 2020[[File:GabonXP Corporation - Q4 2020 Letter.pdf]]</ref>
On May 6th, GabonXP Corporation would releasereleases their earning report for Q1 2021.<ref>[[File:GabonXP Corporation - Q1 2021 ER.pdf|thumb]]
Gabon Corporation Earnings Report Q1 2021</ref>
The board of the Corporation would returnreturns on the 24th of May 2021.
On the 24th May 2021, CEO, FKA_Twink would tabletables a proposal to all shareholders that entails the renaming of the GabonXP Corporation to the Gabon Corporation. This proposal also includedincludes the acquisition and merger between GabonXP Corporation and two other Gabonese Companies, G&W and Salisbury Holdings.<ref>[[File:GabonXP Corporation Shareholder Proposal May 2021.png|thumb|GabonXP Corporation Shareholder Proposal May 2021]]
A stock split would beis declared on May 24th 2021, pending shareholder approval. The stock split proposal, if approved, would increase the number of shares in circulation from 2000 to 4000.
On the 25th of May 2021, a majority of shareholders approved both prior proposals. GabonXP Corporation would officially becomebecomes a subsidiary of the Gabon Corporation alongside Salisbury Holdings and G&W. The stock split wouldis bealso approved and gogoes into affect immediately, doubling shareholder's held shares and increasing the number of shares in circulation to 4000.
FKA_Twink suggestedsuggests on the 29th of May 2021 that the Gabon Corporation wouldmay receive its own website in future where shareholders may manage their stocks as well as place orders with the Corporation.
[[File:Leaked Board Image of Q2 Productivity Gabon Corporation.png|thumb|467x467px|An image leaked from the Board of the Gabon Corporation displaying the productivity blueprint for Q2 2021<ref>[[File:Quite a clarifying piece Gabon Corporation.png|thumb|"Quite a clarifying piece" ]]
As of June 2021, the Corporation would beginbegins to pivot away from solely selling XP and beginbegins the mass production of XP materials for resale as well as diversifying into new industries such as construction and beacon production and attainment.
On the 7th of June, the board of the Gabon Corporation publishedpublishes its meeting notes and declareddeclares its next dividend for Q2 2021. This board meeting woulddiscusses alsothe discusspast thecompany acquisitionacquisitions and future outlook of the Corporation. <ref>[[File:Board Meeting of the Gabon Corporation - June 2021.pdf|thumb|2x2px|!]]
Board Meeting of the Gabon Corporation - June 2021</ref>
In June 2021, BritishWanderer CFO would tabletables a proposal to all shareholders regarding an overhaul of the share system, separating dividend and voting rights.<ref>[[File:Gabon Corporation - Shareholder Proposal 3 - June 2021.pdf|thumb|!]]
Gabon Corporation - Shareholder Proposal June 2021</ref> <ref>[[File:Shareholder Proposal to Overhaul Shares Gabon Corporation.png|thumb|BritishWanderer, CFO proposing to overhaul the share system of the Gabon Corporation]]
On the 13th of June, a majority of shareholders would approve the proposal laid out by BritishWanderer, CFO.
Of the week from the 11th of June to the 18th, the Gabon Corporation would more than doubledoubles its public shareholders and their held shares.
On the 17th of June, Gabon Corporation would movemoves their headquarters into the centre of Salisbury, Gabon and establish themselves across from their first XP exchange, centred around the Gabon station.
27th of June, Gabon Corporation opens its third international branch in [[Mount September]] and its first Corporation branch to sellstock more than just XP.
On the 2nd of July, the Gabon Corporation would publishpublishes its Q2 2021 earnings report.<ref>[[File:GabonXP Corporation - Q2 2021 ER .pdf|thumb]]
Gabon Corporation Earnings Report for Q2 2021</ref> This earnings report would beis the Corporation's strongest quarter yet, earning a total net income of 2,984 diamonds.
In July 2021, the Gabon Corporation would declaredeclares a dividend of 0.32 diamonds per share, a 6.6% dividend increase in just one quarter.
On the 23rd of July, CEO FKA_Twink would updateupdates shareholders and increaseincreases the estimated earning forecastsforecast for the Gabon Corporation in Q3 2021. <ref>Gabon Corporation Forecast Q3 2021 by CEO FKA_Twink</ref>
== References ==
