Free Danzilonan Republic: Difference between revisions

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The FDR constitution specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of religious creed (though this was mostly intended to refer to IRL religions but ''de facto'' also applies to in-game religions until otherwise stated). However, the FDR has made a special Concordat with the Church of Ranubis, which was a prominent religion in 1.0 and 2.0 Danzilona and to which 4 of the FDR's founders belong. Disciples of Ranubis have special privileges within the FDR that members of other religions don't, such as the right to own property without becoming an FDR citizen, and the Church can claim vacant public land without prior approval by the FDR, in essence making Ranubism the established religion of the FDR.
Despite having an established religion, citizens have been able to enjoy extensive religious freedom and even autonomy as the GrantGrand Priest of Ranubism has been largely busy with IRL affairs and other Disciples have been focusing on more public matters. As such, religious diversity increased among the population, bringing Disciples down from roughly a quarter of the population to just 12%. For another example, [[Mery]] Danzilonan citizens have settled on the FDR's island claims, gave the islands a name in ''mehrileh,'' and plan on building religious structures there.
== Notable Citizens ==
