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At 18:26 UTC on October 1, 2022, the First Consulship came to an end, and [[Red_Steel]] and [[lone22wolf]] assumed the offices of Defence Minister and Interior Minister, respectively.<ref></ref> In her final hours as First Consul, Des unilaterally incorporated the neighbouring nations of [[Nara]], [[Dalgon]], [[Doom City]], and [[Cortesia Del Mar (CivMC)|Cortesia Del Mar]] as provinces of the FDR.<ref></ref> After assuming office, Red also announced the annexation of the [[Arsenio Pact]].<ref></ref> A vote was held to formally ratify their annexations with the Danzilonan people, but the vote failed and all FDR claims to their neighbours' territories was dropped on October 10th.<ref></ref>
=== Return to Normalcy and Confessionalist Government ===
On October 20, 2022, Danzilona celebrated its 10th anniversary as a community.<ref></ref> During celebrations, citizens and delegates from nations across [[Alenarith]] and the [[Medi Sea (CivMC)|Medi Sea]] came to play hockey and participate in a sacrifice of [[Lowtuff]].
On October 27th, Danzilonan citizen [[Pythius]] was appointed Foreign Minister after almost a full term of Danzilona not having one.<ref></ref> Following his appointment, Pythius signalled that he would focus on building Danzilona's famed soft power through cultural and artistic initatives.<ref></ref> A few days later, the November elections took place, with citizen [[Perdikkas]] posting his platform for Interior Minister mere minutes before polls closed.<ref></ref> Despite this, Perd failed to secure the win, leading to the victories of incumbents [[Lone22wolf]], [[Red_Steel]]. and Pythius for Interior Minister, Defence Minister, and Foreign Minister, respectively.<ref></ref> As a result of the election, November marked the first time that the Danzilonan elected offices were simultaneously held by both [[Ranubism|Ranubist]] and [[Mery]] citizens of Danzilona, two ethnoreligious groups which have been in soft conflict since the passage of the [[Lighthouse Accord]] in July 2022.
As lonewolf's tenure as Interior Minister progressed, the transit industry was rapidly developed. The first canals in NDZ, originally planned in June 2022, were dug and laid, and the first overland rail line connecting NDZ and Cortesia Del Mar began construction. Conflict arose when Des23 proposed environmental legislation which would have interfered with the overland rail, as an area the rail ran through was a proposed turtle sanctuary. After lonewolf indicated that the construction of the rail would continue regardless of the legislative outcome, Des began an occupation of the rail line in an attempt to prevent its construction through the proposed nature reserves. A statement was issued by lonewolf in an attempt at appeasement, but Des instead escalated her occupation.<ref></ref> The occupation ended when Cortesian [[CommradePotatoe]] dismantled the protest site on DanzRail's behalf, and the environmental legislation failed.<ref></ref>