Free Danzilonan Republic: Difference between revisions

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(capital name and flag officially voted on)
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On June 3, 2022, the first monthly census was posted.<ref></ref> Over the course of June, the population of the FDR more than doubled, from around 12 active residents at the start of the server to around 30 by the third week of June. Along with a slate of newfriends, a number of Civcraft oldfriends also became citizens, including players formerly from [[Aytos]], the [[FSR]], and the [[U3P]].
[[File:FDRflag.png|thumb|Original flag of the FDR until June 24, 2022<ref></ref>]]
On June 11, 2022, a mini diplomatic crisis occurred between the FDR and [[Cortesia Del Mar (CivMC)|Cortesia Del Mar]] when the latter pearled Danzilonan citizen Vall for the crime of theft, griefing their house in the process. [[Lowtuff]] acted as Vall's attorney, who plead guilty and was sentenced to 12 hours in the end. While Danzilonans mostly personally accepted the verdict, many criticised the conduct of the pearling and the trial and drafted a petition of grievances to the CDM government, which was signed by about half of the FDR's population and posted on June 17th.<ref></ref> The CDM government, in response, defended their justice system but also personally apologised to Vall for the conduct and committed to drafting an extradition treaty with the FDR. The FDR stated they would do so with them once an ambassador was elected for July 1st.
The first ever Minecraft hockey game since 2016 was organised and took place in the FDR on June 26, 2022.<ref></ref> Played by two teams of three in a temporary street rink built by Danzilonan citizen Gant, the game is planned to be the first of many in a string of games similar to those organised during Civcraft 2.0 by the [[New Danzilona Hockey League]].
An official capital city jurisdiction of the FDR was voted on and created on June 28, 2022.<ref></ref> Though it has no devolved government as of yet, the official jurisdiction is largely used for zoning purposes and bears the flag of New Danzilona from Civcraft 2.0, of which it also shares the namesake.
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=== Population ===
Founders of the FDR voted to grant citizenship to a number of past Danzilonans, regardless of their current level of activity, bringing the permanent voter roll to at least 19 citizens.<ref></ref> Along with the 10 founders, several more permanent citizens returned and became active in discussions surrounding the FDR's foundation, bringing the total active citizenry to 15 as well as 2 former [[Provincia|Provincians]] who have signaled their interest in joining after its foundation. After the server started, the population grew to 33 by June 18th.
=== Languages ===
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=== [[United Provinces of the Plus Plus|U3P]] Citizens ===
[[Pythius_]] and [[ninjajackh12]], former allies of Danzilona on [[CivCraft 2.0|Civcraft 2.0]] and 3.0, have presumptive residences in the FDR, as well as coolyellow from [[Republic of Churchill|Churchill]], Perdikkas13 from [[Pella]], and The_Hamburglar_ from the [[Kingdom of Eclipse]].
== See also ==