First Siege of Sempiternal: Difference between revisions

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== Defense of the Vault ==
At 6:34am EST, shadedoom (Columbia) pinged everyone in the NATO discord, alerting the alliance that Mir had skybridged partway into the vault. The sky bridge had breached three rings, and had reached a distance of eight blocks from the sky bunker. It is estimated that Mir had successfully broken roughly ten bastions before shadedoom noticed and alerted the alliance. This relative success early on is due to the fact that, at the time of the attack, the Northern portion of Sempiternal's snitch curtain was incomplete, allowing Mir Team 6 to sneak by undetected from that direction.
A major aspect of the defense of Sempiternal was that, at the time, it was largely a work in progress, and lacked many features planned for later implementation. Additionally, the vault was not fully stocked with all of the potion materials and such needed for its defense, and this issue was further exacerbated by the poor initial reaction of shadedoom to destroy some materials in the sky bunker, not seeing the initial defensive response he had hoped for upon alerting NATO.
