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His Empire Drakonia
The nation of Drakonia
Black flag consisting of a blue chevron pointing east, with a stylized black dragon symbol within the blue chevron. A blue line goes from the bottom left to bottom center, then travels north east at a 45 degree angle to the middle of the map, then continues straight east.
Drakonian Flag
LocationBordering the Medi Sea Click to View on Map
Capital cityHis Empires Estate
National Colors
GovernmentOgliarchy With Democratic Features
Governing documentSoon
• Empire
• Empires Hand
Foundation date10/15/2021
Foundation documentSoon
LanguageEnglish, German
ReligionWill of Empire
National anthemSoon
MascotA Cyan Parakeet

Drakonia, formerly called His Empire Drakonia, was founded in October of 2021, By Empire, Vatuu, and Empires Hand, AvianAeternum. Drakonia was founded out of a desire to bring in a somewhat large friend group with their own unique build style, not fitting of the nation of Lusitania, in which Empire was born. It is an independent nation situated on the Medi Sea. Drakonia is subdivided into its administrative northern island, and its residential and commercial southern islands. The administrative island contains His Empires Estate, including its vast gardens, and beautiful builds, as well as Drakonia's resource and imprisonment vaults. The residential/commercial island contains citizen housing, mines, shops, and centers for trade and commerce with other nations, including the Port of Flight.


The Homestead

The homestead was an abandoned building located in the middle of what became the city of Tarascon. The homestead was often rebuilt and expanded upon into what is now the City Hall.

The Great Structuring

The Great structuring was the initial period of Drakonia's history, from its founding to XX/XX/XXXX, this period was marked by rapid structural growth, many civilians were brought in for the sole purpose of terraforming the land, and constructing His Empires Estate.

The Building of the Spires

During the Great Structuring, Empire felt it necessary to physically declare his possession of the islands he inhabited. Two great spires were constructed to watch over the seas, The Spire of the Scorned to the south west, and The Spire of the Winged to the north east. These great structures acted as physical reminders to all of the residence of Empire.