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Holy Church of Dolan
The Clay Faith
Ordained ProphetDhingus
Holy CityThe Claytican
Holy SitesPools of Clay, The First Church
Holy BookBook of Dolan
Holy OrdersSwords of Clay
GovernmentReligious Hierarchy
Foundation DateMiddle period of Civcraft 1.0

The Holy Church of Dolan

Founded mid 1.0 by the Ordained Prophet Dhingus (the pious), following the burning of the dolan during which fresh converts self immolated to prevent the defacing of the holy one's effigy. FMtAO.png

Dolanists worship Dolan, the father-god of all other gods that have ever been worshipped. They practice by erecting effigies in the yards and infrastructure of heathens (anyone who denies the existence of Dolan). However, as all other deities are seen as offspring of the True Father, it is tolerable to worship other gods.

Dolanist Holy text exists in the form of The Book of Dolan, the decoherent ramblings of an exiled Dhingus following the burning of Atmora and subsequent burning of the effigy. During this time Our Lord did come to him and bespoke the text unto him. It is known, it is said.
