Dieties of the Bay

Revision as of 02:52, 23 December 2023 by Matanic the Brigantine (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The bay of Otanobee is home to many different ethnic and cultural groups. Though due to the shelter the bay provides there is thriving sea trade and through this the many various local dieties have spread to all ports of the bay. This has resulted in the emergence of a pantheon of sorts created from the various local natural dieties of the bay. The religion is fairly fluid with no overall structure, typically a particular organised religious structure forms around an ind...")
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The bay of Otanobee is home to many different ethnic and cultural groups. Though due to the shelter the bay provides there is thriving sea trade and through this the many various local dieties have spread to all ports of the bay. This has resulted in the emergence of a pantheon of sorts created from the various local natural dieties of the bay. The religion is fairly fluid with no overall structure, typically a particular organised religious structure forms around an individual Diety, although an individual may worship more than one Diety or predominantly worship one but still believe in the other Dieties. An individual Diety will have several associated spheres. These are things the Diety is percieved to have influence or be associated with. Dieties may also have overlapping spheres.



Native to Groveheart (Nalora), his associated sphere are: trees, growth and shelter.


Native to Elyris (Elyras), her associated spheres are: springs (water), travel. Elyris is worshipped in some fashion by all Elyriani and those of Elyriani descent, typically having a small shrine dedicated to her in their homes. Her name comes from the Elyriani 'El yw Iris' meaning 'From the Stars'. She is implicated in the origin story of the Elyriani coming to Alathra (below). She was brought from Alathra to Deluvia through bringing soil and water from Old Elyris which was used to meld her into the current Island of Elyris. She is also credited with guiding the Elyriani to their current settlement spot.

''Passed down by those who fled and now passed onto ink. The great epic of the Elyriani begins.

In our ancestor’s land all of  the elves lived in harmony with themselves and with nature. We became the keepers of the garden and the creatures. We grew wise and knowledgeable. We prospered. The Gods however were not pleased. They had grown conceited and became jealous of the elfs’ achievements; their grand cities, their great libraries and especially their connection to the mortal realm in a way they never could be. Over time so green did their jealous become, they elected it was better to sink them all and the garden too than have to let the elves have it.

Great waves of water from beyond the mortal realm crashed upon the shores, in an instant all of the garden was sunk. However the gods had underestimated the elves. For they knew of the Gods’ plans and had sent 100 ships away before the land was sunk. The great storms which had delivered this unworldly apocalypse had unfortunately split the ships up.

One ship was lucky enough to be swept by the winds and tide into a bay where an ethereal woman met them. She guided them to a safe spot to settle. When the people asked who she was. She said had come down from the heavenly stars above down into the mortal realm and embedded herself becoming the river and lakes, the very life blood of the land. She said she had done this upon witnessing the great cataclysm unloaded onto our ancestors. In her honour we named her ‘Elyris’, from the stars and to her we dedicate ourselves''