Deities of the Bay

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The bay of Otanobee is home to many different ethnic and cultural groups. Though due to the shelter the bay provides there is thriving sea trade and through this the many various local deities have spread to all ports of the bay. This has resulted in the emergence of a pantheon of sorts created from the various local natural deities of the bay. The religion is fairly fluid with no overall structure, typically a particular organised religious structure forms around an individual Deity, although an individual may worship more than one Deity or predominantly worship one but still believe in the other Deities. An individual Deity will have several associated spheres. These are things the Deity is percieved to have influence or be associated with. Deities may also have overlapping spheres.



Native to Groveheart (Nalora), his associated sphere are: trees, growth and shelter.


El yw Iris, a Tyras Haethmar dated Artistic Representation of Elyris

Elyris is the matron diety of the Elyriani Elfs of Elyria (Elyras), thus she is workshipped in some fashion by nearly all those of Elyriani Elven descent. She is implicated in the origin story of the Elyriani coming to settle in Old Elyris in Alathra. This can range from small shrines in homes, prayers to her for protection of Elyriani lands and rivers or simply trying to leave by her teachings of Harmony, Prosperity and Strength. Her divinites are: water, springs, rivers, travel, protector of Elfkind.

''When traveling though the bay should you run across a pond of water that seems to almost stir in response to your approach, take a moment to sit, clear your mind, and ground your emotions. It is said those who can achieve this, may be able to hear words of wisdom in an enchanting elvish tongue.  Not everyone will understand the language spoken, but it is said all who can hear the words will find the meaning regardless. Listen to them deeply, for you have heard divine words from the Deity of Elyria, known as Elyris.''

-Excerpt from the Traveler’s Guide to Elyria

She played a major role in saving the Elyriani and granting them passage from Alathra to the Bay of Otonabee after the armies of the Grand Lichdom destroyed the Elyriani Realm in Alathra.

Her name comes from the Elyriani 'El yw Iris' meaning 'From the Stars'. She was brought from Alathra to Deluvia through bringing soil and water from Old Elyris which was used to meld her into the current Island of Elyris. She is also credited with guiding the Elyriani to their current settlement spot.